Registry Controls

The Registry is where the project controls are located. The Registry item defines many custom settings in Dash360 that allows you to build your project your way. Projects can share the same Registry. If all of your projects use the same settings in the Registry, only one Registry set will need to be created. If any changes are needed to be made between projects in the Registry, a new Registry set can be created and assigned to the new project. This article will provide a map of what each Registry item controls. (This is a working article. Some items may not be covered.)

To access Registry sets, navigate to Admin - Projects and select the Registry tab

To modify Registry items, select the orange Items link corresponding to the Registry set you would like to modify. To create a Registry Set, select Add a New Registry Set from the bottom of the list. When adding a set, you will be prompted for the set's name and then the set will be created using the Default Registry Set as a framework.

After selecting the items link, the Registry items will appear below the list of Registry sets. 

CAM Cost Estimating Form field where the Dash360 user is assigned from a dropdown 
Contingency-at-Resource-Assignment-Level Determines if contingency is collected at the Resource Assignment level or the Work Package level
Contingency-Label Label used for contingency. Common substitute is "Risk".
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-GeneralComments Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-Labor Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-NonLabor Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-Override-Contingency Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-PotentialRisks Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-Schedule Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-SignatureApprovals Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-SupportingDocs Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Hide-Travel Hides this section on the Cost Estimating Form
CostEstimatingForm-Risk-Factors-Description-Label Column label for entry seen below.

CostEstimatingForm-Risk-Factors-Factor-Label Column label for entry seen above.
CostEstimatingForm-Risk-Factors-Multiplier-Label Column label for entry seen above.
CostEstimatingForm-Risk-Factors-Title Title of entry seen above.
Currency Currency project uses. (enter as symbol)
Date-Format How dates will be shown in the project. MM = 01, 02...11, 12. dd = 01, 02...29,30. yyyy = 2021. (must include all three separated by - or / )
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