Contract Performance Report

The Contract Performance Report provides the user with an in-depth breakdown of the current Earned Value status of the chosen project. Cost and Schedule variance narratives are collected in this portion of Dash360. 


To save any changes made to a data table, the user must be working from an ALREADY created view. Meaning, if you make changes to a data table and create a view after making these changes, the changes WILL NOT be saved when refreshing. 

To create a user view, open the filter menu from the left side of the screen using the orange and white arrow. 

The star icon to the right of the user view can be used to designate a default user view that will be loaded instead of the system view upon opening the section.

Data Table

The default CPR data table provides Work Package level data points grouped by reporting period. This allows you to view project performance across the project's timeline. The data table displays the Current Reporting Period, Cumulative to Date, and At Complete time periods and in depth Earned Value data for each period. 

Columns can be grouped/ungrouped by clicking and dragging them to/from the grouping area. Columns can only be chosen/unchosen when they are NOT grouped.

See Creating Custom Filters for more information about in-depth conditional filtering.

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