Variance Narratives

Whenever a value in the CPR trips a Variance Threshold, determined by the Administrator, the cell the data populates will be highlighted as seen below.

The color of each cell is determined by which threshold has been tripped. In the example above, a cost variance threshold (red shading) and a schedule variance threshold (purple shading) have been tripped. The yellow outline indicates a custom Variance Narrative request from an Administrator. The Administrator has requested a Variance Narrative for this data point even if it is not currently tripping a threshold.

Clicking on a cell will bring up the modal allowing you to create or edit a variance narrative.

Note: To change what reporting period you are collecting the narrative for, you must close the modal and select the new reporting period from the top filters.

After a narrative has been collected for the Work Package, the cell the data populates will be outlined in green as seen below.

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