Predecessors and Successors

Dash360 allows you to add predecessors and successors to schedule activities. These can be added to the schedule in a couple of different ways. 

Dash360 will automatically adjust the schedule to accommodate the relationship links between activities. 

First, the relationships can be added when creating a task. Adding a predecessor or successor to a task this way requires that there are schedule items that are already created. You cannot add an activity as a predecessor or successor if they have yet to be created within the schedule. On the Add a Milestone or Task modal, when clicking into the predecessor or successor fields, a dropdown will appear allowing you to select an already created schedule item to be added. Select the activity and it will be added as a predecessor/successor.

Second, relationships can be added from the Gantt chart in the schedule builder tab. Note: this does not work in the schedule viewer. 

To modify the relationship that a link uses, ensure that the Predecessor / Successor radio button is selected from the left side flyout menu. 

Select the activity you would like to modify from the Gantt chart. The predecessor/successor information will appear below the Gantt chart. Select the desired relation from the dropdown. Enter lag as necessary. To enter lead time, enter as a negative lag. i.e. 1 day of lead time would be an entry of -1 into the lag data entry field. *Note: any changes will affect start and/or finish dates. 


  • FS - Finish to Start
  • SS - Start to Start
  • FF - Finish to Finish
  • SF - Start to Finish
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