
v3.67 Release Notes

Friday, October 25th, 2024

DASH-1743: Budget > Budget Form > Schedule: Process Option to Assign Activity Subtotals as Weight

We have added a process option to every activity in the Budget Form > Schedule area called "Assign Activity Subtotals as Weight". When this option is selected, the Subtotal assigned to the activity (from the assigned Resource Assignments) is calculated and then assigned to this activity as its weight. You can also run this process for all activities in a Work Package from the process icon at the top of the Budget Form. We also have added this feature to the Admin > Projects process icon so you can run it against your entire project. This feature helps with simplifying preparing your project for Earned Value calculations.

DASH-1758: Import > Import Schedule: Maintain Weights on Import of New Schedule

We have added a new checkbox on the Schedule import called "When Importing Schedule without Weights, Maintain Existing Weights". When this option is checked, then the Weight column in the import is ignored and instead Dash360 maintains the existing weights already in the database.

DASH-32: Earned Value > CPR / Variance Narrative Report: Save Variance Narratives at WBS Level

We had requests from several customers to be able to write and save Variance Narratives at the WBS Level. Dash360 now supports that in both the CPR and Variance Narrative Report.

DASH-1750 / DASH-1727: Admin > Projects > Copy Cost Class: Copy Historical Data / Truncate Target Cost Class

We have added several new features to the Copy Cost Class feature in Dash360. First, if your Target Cost Class is not Budget, you can truncate your target cost class before copying data over from the source. This is just to save you a step. The second thing we added was being able to copy over historical data to the target cost class if the Do Not Change Historical flag is turned on. Both of these features are new checkboxes in the UI that the user must check to activate. We also fixed a few bugs around this feature and added the project name to the modal title bar.

DASH-1789: Budget > Budget Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignments: Locked Projects Still Allowed Resource Assignments to be Updated

If you were using the Budget Form on a Locked Project, you could view a Resource Assignment and still make changes to the Resource Code, Start Date, Finish Date or data grid. We have corrected this so that locked project's resource assignments can no longer be modified.

DASH-1802: Code Files, Notebooks, Resources and Rates Shared Across Projects Can No Longer be Modified

Prior to this release, you could share code files, notebooks, resources and rates across projects and still make changes to these items. The problem with this is if you changed these items in 1 project, they would not be updated in the other shared projects. This caused confusion and for projects to get out of sync with these admin files. Now, if more than one project shares any of these files, then you no longer can modify, edit or delete this data. This is to ensure that the data stays in sync going forward across all projects. If your project still needs to be able to modify this data, then it is best to not share files across projects.

DASH-478: Budget > Budget Reports > WBS & CAM Summary Report: Hide Contingency Registry Setting

We have added a registry setting called "Hide-Contingency-WBS-Summary-Report" that when turned on will hide the Contingency values from these two reports. The registry setting is turned off by default.

DASH-1675: Admin > Export > Resource Assignments: Add Start / Finish Date Filters

We have added Start and Finish Date filters that allows you to export our Resource Assignments / Timephase data using a date range.

DASH-1804: Earned Value > Performance Index Report: Fixed Error with Exporting

When trying to export the Performance Index Report, a JavaScript error would occur. Now, the report successfully exports to Excel as expected.

DASH-1600: Contingency Percent Now Accepts Decimals

Before this release, the Contingency Percent for a Work Package or Resource Assignment would only accept whole numbers. Now, you can save up to 8 digits. This is really helpful when trying to make contingency from an outside budgeting system match a specific value in Dash360.

DASH-1803: Reporting > Activities by Resource Assignment: Add a Report Type Grouped by Resource Assignment

By default, this report is displayed down at the Resource Result / Timephase level. We now created a type filter in the left hand menu that allows you to group all of the data either by Timephase (the default) or Resource Assignment. When grouping by Resource Assignment, only the Subtotal for each Resource Assignment is returned. This gives you 1 record in the report for every Resource Assignment / Activity match which makes it easier to identify gaps in your Resource & Schedule integration.

DASH-1604: Admin > Projects > Edit Project: Move the Resource Assignment Timephase Unit Settings from the Properties Tab

We have moved the 3 Resource Assignment Timephase Unit Settings from the Properties tab to the General tab. This is because these 3 settings don't often change for a project and are rarely (if ever) changed.

DASH-1780: User Views Should be Allowed to be Shared with Other Admins

In the past, Admins could only share user views with other CAMs. Now, Admins can also share user views with other Admins.

DASH-1788: Admin > CPR Cache > CPR Model Generator

When you run the Calculate EV process in Dash360, the system automatically generates a CPR for your reporting period and stores that CPR data for future use. Dash360 also has a way to import Earned data, but it didn't have a way to trigger the CPR generation from an import. Now, we have a feature in the Admin > CPR Cache area that allows you to generate the CPR for a reporting period. We also enhanced the import of Earned Resource Assignments and allow for better mapping with their Budget counterparts.

DASH-1651: Admin > Import WBS Notebooks: Can't Delete Notebook Entries When Value Field is Empty

When deleting a WBS Notebook Entry, you cam now set the Delete column to Yes and leave the Text field empty. In the past, the Text field must have a value in it. Now, if you are deleting data, you don't need to fill this field in.

DASH-1641: Earned Value > Variance Narrative Report: Make All Option Available to CAMs

The Variance Narrative Report now allows the All version of the report (that shows data for all CAMs) to any user in Dash360. In the past, only the Admins could see the All version. Now, everyone can see it.

DASH-1726: Project Explorer > Make Budget the Default Cost Class

We updated the Project Explorer to insure only Budget Resource Assignments load by default.

DASH-1717: Reporting Compare Project / Cost Class > Add New Fields to Report

We added the Resource Assignment Description and Resource Code Description fields to the report.

DASH-1680: Admin > Export > User Security Export Not Filtering Correctly

When I export out the User Security for a specific user, the system would still export all users' security information. The filters did not work. Now, the filters do work.

DASH-1755: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Report: Cost Class with Similar Names Issue

When you select a cost class (Ex: Budget) and there is another cost class with a similar name (Ex: Budget-2), the system would select both cost classes regardless of which cost class you choose. This has been fixed so only the cost class you choose is selected.

DASH-1519: Budget > WP Report: Add Costs from Budget Form Sticky Note to the WP Report

We added the Labor, Non-Labor, Travel, Contingency, Total and Total w/ Contingency columns to the WP Report in the Work Package area of the page. This allows you to see the costs for each work package quickly and easily.

DASH-1756: Admin > Import > Actual Resource Assignments: Comments / BOE Column Missing from Template

The Comments (BOE) column was missing from the Excel import template. We added that to the template.

DASH-1759: Budget > Budget Form > Risk Factors: Save Risk Factors with Override Contingency Not Saving

If your project does contingency at the WP level, then when you saved a Risk Factors, you would get a javascript error. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1610 / DASH-1611: Budget > Budget Form > Add More Searchable Dropdowns

We have added more searchable dropdowns to the Potential Risks and Risk Factors sections of this form.

DASH-1811: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Resources Report: Add Cost Class as a Column

This Cost Summary Report is group by Resource Assignment. However, there was no Cost Class field available. Now with this release, the field exists.

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