Filling out a Work Package

Select "Cost Estimating Form" from the main navigation panel.

 Select a Project from "Project" dropdown list.

 Select a WBS from the "WBS" dropdown list. You will typically want to select the lowest level WBS displayed within the desired element level as the work package will usually be at the lowest level.

 Select a Work Package from the "Work Package" dropdown list.

  • If you have selected a WBS, the "Work Package" dropdown will only contain Work Packages associated with that WBS.
  • If you have used the paging buttons to leave the Work Packages associated with the chosen WBS, the dropdown will contain all available Work Packages the user has access to in the project.

Select an existing Work Package and the Cost Estimating Form will appear.

The "Details" section of the Cost Estimating Form contains "Notebook" fields that are custom fields that have been created for the project by the Dash360 System Administrator

The Cost Account Manager (CAM) populates the notebook fields and then clicks "Save".

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