Cost Summary Report
The Cost Summary Report can be accessed by navigating to Estimating - Cost Estimating Reports
A data table should appear with data from the last selected Project in Dash360. *Ensure the correct project is selected from the filters at the top of the screen.
- Any where you see the icon pictured below is where a filter is located. The Cost Summary Report contains multiple instances of filters.
The filters at the top of the screen not annotated by the icon above WILL work as well.
* Note: The filters chosen at the top of the screen (pictured below in orange) are not reflected at the bottom of the Cost Summary Report and need to be set/reset separately.
The filters at the top of the Cost Summary Report (pictured below) will allow you to quickly sort and filter each level of the WBS. Collapse/Expand All will roll all elements to the highest WBS level. Show/Hide Work Packages will only collapse the lowest level WBS elements.