Navigating through a Project/WBS/Work Package

There are a few ways to navigate through a project in the Cost Estimating Form. Selecting specific elements of a project (the WBS and Work package) is achieved using the filters at the top of the page.

The order that these filters are selected matter. Select Project, WBS, then Work Package.

*Note: The Work Package filter is derived from the value that is contained in the WBS filter. No WBS selection, No Work Packages in the Work Package Filter. The Work Package filter will contain all Work Packages associated with the chosen WBS element and all of the WBS elements that are children of this WBS.  

Once a Work Package has been selected, paging arrows will appear in the top right corner. These are used to page through Work Packages in the selected project. If the arrows are used to page to a Work Package that is outside of the selected WBS, the Work Package dropdown will display ALL Work Packages in the selected project. Reselecting the WBS will refilter the Work Package dropdown to only show Work Packages in that specific WBS.

You can also navigate using the left side flyout menu by clicking the arrow next to the Cost Estimating Form subsection.

These filters work the same as the filters at the top of the page, with the exception of Cost Class. Using the left side flyout out, you are able to filter by what Cost Class the Work Package belongs to.

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