Release Notes

v3.71 Release Notes

Friday, January 17th, 2025

New Features

DASH-1086: Admin > User Activity Log: Show 100 Rows and Add Project Name Column

We have made this admin report now show 100 lines at once. We also added a new column called Project Name that shows you the name of the project that the user was looking at (if applicable - i.e. not in the Admin).

DASH-1338: Registry Setting to Turn Off History Tracking

We have added a registry setting in Dash360 to turn off history tracking in the product by default. Our history tracking feature will be coming back into the product at a future date in a new and improved format.

DASH-1607: Added Searchable Dropdown Lists to Budget Form > Details and WBS Dictionary Areas

We have added dropdown fields that are now searchable for your Work Package and WBS Dictionary Notebook fields. This makes it easier to quickly find what your looking for by clicking in the search box for the dropdown and typing the option you want to select.

DASH-1645: Locked Projects Should Have Some Functionality

When I lock a project, I should still be able to run Copy Project and Backup Project functions on that locked project. Now, with this release, you can perform those functions.

DASH-1732: Add CAM Field in the Schedule Status Update Report

The Schedule Status Update Report now contains a CAM field that shows you the CAM who is assigned to the Work Package for your update.

DASH-1906: Renamed Schedule View & Status, Moved Schedule Menu Items & Removed Schedule Builder

In this release, we renamed the Schedule View & Status page to Schedule Viewer. We also have removed the Schedule Builder from the product. It will likely make a return later this year. We also reordered a couple of the Schedule menu items.

DASH-1956: Signature Approval Process Now Allows Other CAMs to Signoff on Work Packages

In the past, a CAM user could only signoff on a Work Package if they were the owner of that Work Package. Now, if a different CAM is next up to sign off on a Work Package, then they are allowed to sign off (even if they don’t own that Work Package).

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

DASH-1816: Admin > Export Codes: Code File Filter Not Showing All Active Code Files

The Code File filter by default is supposed to show all active code files by default. Prior to this release, some of the code files were hidden and you had to click the Show All link to see them. Now, you can see all active code files by default and the Show All link is used to show also the inactive code files (code files not assigned to a project).

DASH-1901: Schedule Viewer Performance Boost

The Dash360 Schedule Viewer’s performance has been improved in this release. The Schedule Viewer used to pull in all Tasks and all Resources assigned to those Tasks all at one time. For some customers, this could be many MBs of data. Now, the system only pulls down all of the Tasks when first loading the schedule. Then, if you have the Resource pane open, the Schedule Viewer will go fetch the Resources from the database every time you click on a new Task.

DASH-1958: Cost Class Curves Issue with Date Filters

When you selected a Start or Finish Date, the Cost Class Curves would not correctly filter the data. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1960: Budget Form > Move Resource Assignment Sometimes Losing Resource Assignments

Before this release, if you moved a Resource Assignment from one Work Package to another, it could sometimes get lost. This only occurred if you did not select the exact WBS that this Work Package was located in. If you selected a parent WBS and then selected the Work Package, the system would misplace your Resource Assignment. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1961: Risk Register: Risk ID Showing Incorrectly When Editing a Risk

When editing an existing risk, the system would show the next Risk ID in the sequence instead of the correct ID that was currently saved in the database. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1962: Risk Register: Trigger Date Not Getting Reset When Editing a Risk

If you edited a risk that had a Trigger Date on it (Ex: 12/20/2025) and then you went to edit another risk that did not have a Trigger Date, the Trigger Date field would still say 12/20/2025 instead of being empty. This has been corrected.

DASH-1964: Editing 2 Resource Assignments with Different Resource Codes on the Same Budget Form Causing Issues

In this release, we fixed an issue where sometimes a Resource Assignment would show that the wrong Resource Code was selected. This only occurred if you edited more than one Resource Assignment on the same Budget Form without refreshing. It was a display only issue. No incorrect data was saved. This has been fixed in this release.

DASH-1937: Clean Up Duplicate Cost Class Names in a Project

Some customers had duplicate cost class names on some of their projects. We have corrected that issue with this release by removing the duplicate cost class from the Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Cost Classes area.

DASH-1597: Resolve Errors and Warnings in Dash360 Build Process

We made several modifications in our code to remove some errors and warnings in our build process. This makes our build process faster and gives us more confidence that we don’t have compile errors.

v3.70 Release Notes

Friday, January 3rd, 2025

Small Enhancements & Bug Fixes

DASH-1745: Improve the Dash360 Error Popup

We have improved the Dash360 Error Popup message. In the past, the error popup would show a Notify Dash360 Team button. We have removed this button because now every red box error message like this now comes to the Dash360 team at

DASH-1945: Admin > Import > Import Resources: Resources Import Should Not Require Rate File

If you imported a Resource File without specifying a legitimate Rate File in Dash360 before this release, you would receive a red error stating “Object reference” error. This has been corrected in this release. Now, you can upload new Resource Files via the import without specifying a Rate File. If you specify a Rate File, then that Rate File will be attached the Resource File being uploaded. If you do not specify it, the Rate File assignment will be skipped.

DASH-1947: Budget > Budget Form: CAM Resource Codes Throwing Access Errors to Admin Users

Some customers are using the new CAM Resource Codes security feature that allows you to restrict access to resource codes for CAMs. Some of our users have complained that as an Admin user, they were also getting errors that were only met for CAMs to see. We have corrected that behavior in this release.

DASH-1950: Budget > Budget Form > Import Timephase Partially Loading Data When Error Has Occurred

If you imported in timephase data with multiple new Resource Assignments in it and a later Resource Assignment in your file had an error in it, the system would allow the previous correct Resource Assignments to import instead of rolling the whole import back. This would cause a dirty write to the database in some cases and could actually make the system stop allowing you the ability to add new Resource Assignments to Dash360. This edge case issue has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1951: Reporting > Cost Class Curves: Notebook Filters Not Working

In this release, we fixed an issue with the Cost Class Curves Report where the Notebook Filters did not properly filter the data.

DASH-1952: Risk > Risk Register: Change Depreciated Risk Status to Deprecated

We have updated the Risk Status of “Depreciated” to “Deprecated”. This has been fixed in this release.

DASH-1954: Reporting > Cost Class Curves Report Not Showing with Custom Calendars

We recently released the ability to create custom calendars for reporting in Dash360. The Cost Class Curves was not working with that feature. After this release, it is now working as expected.

DASH-1674: Budget > Budget Reports > WBS / CAM Summary Reports: Add Apply Button for Cost Class Filter

We have added an Apply button to the Cost Class filter in the left-hand menu flyout to make it easier to select multiple cost classes and then click the Apply button to have the report load once when you click Apply. In the past, the report would update every time you added / removed a Cost Class from the filter which was slow for some customer projects.

DASH-1806: Budget > Budget Form > Comments Entry Now a WYSIWYG Editor

We have changed the Comments field in the Budget Form to be a WYSIWYG Editor to make it easier to customize text in that area.

DASH-1837: Risk > Risk Register: Format Monte Carlo to Show Currency Format in Graphed Data

When you generate a Monte Carlo graph and roll over the corresponding data points in the graph, you now will see your value formatted with your currency symbol and appropriate separators in the value.

v3.69 Release Notes

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

New Features & Small Enhancements

DASH-1403: Budget > Budget Reports > RAM: Rebuild Report to work with Budget Data and Support OBS Files 

We have rebuilt the RAM report so that instead of using the cached CPR data, it now uses the timephase data for your project. We also rebuilt this report so that it works with OBS files (if you have that setup in the Control Account Notebook Fields admin area). If not, the system does a pivot based on CAM assignment (default for most customers).

DASH-1608: Add / Edit Resource Assignment > Add Searchable Select Boxes to Form 

In this form, we have added searchable select boxes that make it easier to find what you are looking for.

DASH-1609: Budget > Budget Form: Add / Edit Activity: Added Searchable Dropdowns to Form 

Everywhere we have dropdown boxes on this form, we have changed them to be searchable. This allows you to more easily find what you are looking for by simply typing to filter the dropdown list.

DASH-1888: Reporting > Form 1030 Report: Add Notebooks and Resource Code Codes to Various Versions of this Report 

We added Work Package Notebook fields to the Timephase Grouped by WBS / Work Package and Resource Assignment versions of this report. We added Resource Code Codes to the Resource Assignment and Resource ID versions of this report.

DASH-1762: Reporting > Form 1030: Added BOE Field to Resource Assignment Version 

On the Resource Assignment version of this report, we added the BOE field as an additional column that you can show.

DASH-1882: Budget > Budget Form: Read-Only Users Should Not Have Access to Certain Options 

Before this release, read-only users had access to the Process options Import Timephase Data, Respread Resources Linearly by Activity Dates and Assign All Activities Subtotals as Weights. Now, only CAM and Admin users have access to these options. Second, we did find that Resource Assignments with no edit capability could still have their Start and Finish Dates changed if the user clicked on the calendar icon and then navigated through the calendar popup and chose different dates. We have hidden this feature when a Resource Assignment is in read-only / locked mode.

DASH-1896: Admin > Import > Import Resource Assignments: Improve Error Message When Importing Multiple Projects in One File 

The Resource Assignment import only supports you uploading data for one project at a time. We have improved the error messaging so if you accidentally upload Resource Assignments for multiple projects at one time, the error message is more understandable.

DASH-1905: Add Notebook Category Option Description Field 

In ticket DASH-1885, we removed the ability for you to add commas in the Notebook Category Option Name field. In this ticket, we updated the Notebook Category Option modal so you now have a Name and a Description field. The Name field will be the value that is stored in the database when a user clicks on an option (Checkbox, Radio Button, Dropdown option). The Description field allows you to enter more data that will appear directly next to your Name value on screens like the Budget Form, Work Package Report, Cost Estimate Details Report, etc. The Description field does allow commas. The Name field does not.

Bug Fixes

DASH-1635: Budget > Budget Reports > RAM: Saved User Views Not Working Correctly

Before this release, if you created a new user view in the RAM report, it would save in the database. However, when you refreshed the page, that view would get overridden with the Default System View and your user view would be wiped out. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1787: Admin > Users: Help Button Not Working

The Help button in the Users area was not working. It has been updated in this release so it now works correctly.

DASH-1881: Form 1030 Report Throwing Error When Adding Additional Columns 

There was a bug in the Form 1030 Report that sometimes prevented you from adding new columns. This has been corrected with this release.

DASH-1885: Budget > Budget Form > Details: Checkbox Notebook Fields Not Properly Saving Multiple Values Checked 

When selecting multiple checkboxes for a notebook field, the system would sometimes not remember the values checked. This happened only when your Notebook Category Option > Name field had commas in it. We have removed the ability for you to have commas in the Name field and that will fix the issue going forward.

DASH-1890: Admin > Users > Assign CAM Resource Codes: Projects in drop down are not based on user security 

The projects listed in the Projects drop down inside this modal should be based on the projects the CAM has access to via the User Permissions page and not based on the assigned Cost Estimates for a project. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1892: Admin > Import > Import Actual Resource Assignment: Poor Error Messaging Returned When Importing Actuals 

If your project has the Security by Resource Code feature turned on and you try to import Actual Resource Assignments into the system, you would sometimes get an “Object Reference” error. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1899: Earned Value > CPR / Variance Narrative Report: Issue with Loading Previous Month’s Variance Narrative Entries 

When clicking on the Load link in the Previous Period Variance Narrative Entries modal, the system would always load the first entry in the list instead of the one you clicked Load on. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1904: Admin > Import > Import Resource Assignment Allow Me to Delete a Budget Record with a Corresponding Earned Record 

One of our customers found a loophole where they could delete a Budget Resource Assignment from a project even if it had a corresponding Earned Resource Assignment (something that is not supposed to be allowed). This occurred by simply exporting out the Resource Assignments for a Project, setting the Delete column to “Yes”, changing the Project Name field in the export file to a different, legitimate project name in the system and then reimporting the file. In this case, the system would delete the Budget Resource Assignments. We have added an error check that now will throw an error if this occurs.

DASH-1936: Improved Error Messaging 

We have made general improvements to some of the error messaging shown to users in Dash360. You will continue to see more enhancements in upcoming releases in 2025 and beyond.

v3.68 Release Notes

Friday, November 15th, 2024

DASH-1513: What’s New Popup After a Dash360 Release

We have added a new feature in Dash360 that show a popup modal every time we do a new release in Dash360. Inside this modal, the user will see the most recent release notes. This modal will appear on every page until the user selects the “Mark as Read” checkbox at the bottom of the modal. Then, the modal will no longer appear until the next release of Dash360.

DASH-1728:  Activity Ids Quality Check Report

We have added a new report in the Budget > Budget Reports area. This report allows the user to see all activities assigned to Resource Assignments in their project. If an Activity Id assigned to a Resource Assignment is no longer in the Schedule, then the Valid Activity column will be set to No. If it is valid, then this column will say Yes. This report is useful when your project needs to change the Activity IDs in your Schedule and you have already assigned Activity Ids to Resource Assignments.

DASH-1807: Export > Resource Assignments Calculations / Audit Report

A couple of releases back, we built a new Audit report that shows how Resource Assignments are calculated in Dash360. This special report is useful for the NSF and other auditors who need to see how calculations are done using Excel. In this release, we added many new columns such as the first 4 levels of the WBS, Work Package fields and the CAM. Then, we built a pivot table in the export that you can filter by cost class.

DASH-1834: Work Package Report CAM Filter / Make Export All Filter Aware

We have added a CAM filter to the Work Package Report. Now, when you select a CAM from this filter, the report will show you just the Work Packages assigned to this CAM. We also modified the Export All to Excel / PDF to only print those Work Package Reports that match the filters you select. You could use this feature to export all Work Package Reports for CAMs before a monthly review, for example.

Bug Fixes

DASH-1782: Cost Class Curves / Earned Value Curves Start Date & Finish Date Filters Throwing Errors

We have enhanced the Start and Finish Date filters in these two reports. Now when entering a date, you must click a Go button before the filter is applied. In the past, the filter tried to apply with every new character you entered from your keyboard causing errors.

DASH-1813: Risk Register: Filtering Risk Items Datagrid Should Also Filter Heatmaps

When on the Risk Register, the Heatmaps tables with red, yellow and green colors now update as you change the filters in the datagrid above it.

DASH-1822: Cost Class Curves > CAM Filter Showing Same CAM Multiple Times

On the Cost Class Curves report, the CAM filter is showing the same user multiple times in the dropdown. Each user should only appear once and has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1826: EV Curves Not Filtering BAC, EAC and VAC by CAM Filter

When selecting a CAM in the EV Curves, the BAC, EAC and VAC values do not honor the filter. In this release, that issue has been fixed.

DASH-1830:  Export > Contingency Source Files Not Showing in Source File Filter

When trying to export out Contingency Source data, the export functionality would not allow you to select a file. We have fixed that with this release.

DASH-1832: Inactive Users Appearing in Budget Form > CAM Dropdown

In the Budget Form, there is a CAM field in the Details section. This dropdown used to show all users in it regardless of whether they are Active or Inactive users. With this release, we are now removing all Inactive users from this dropdown.

DASH-1839: Export Risk Register Needs to Treat Work Package Codes as a String

Some customer have Work Package Codes that look like numbers to Excel (Ex: 1.1 or 2.10). When Excel sees a number like that, it automatically converts the column to a number. Unfortunately, when Excel does this conversion, it actually turns codes like 2.10 into 2.100000000000009 or similar under the covers. The way to fix this in your import template is to always add an apostrophe in front of the value (Ex: '2.10). Then, Excel will treat this as a string. Formatting the column as a string and other such methods do NOT work. We have modified Dash360 so that when you export Risk Items, this column automatically has the apostrophe at the front of the cell to help prevent this error from occurring.

v3.67 Release Notes

Friday, October 25th, 2024

DASH-1743: Budget > Budget Form > Schedule: Process Option to Assign Activity Subtotals as Weight

We have added a process option to every activity in the Budget Form > Schedule area called "Assign Activity Subtotals as Weight". When this option is selected, the Subtotal assigned to the activity (from the assigned Resource Assignments) is calculated and then assigned to this activity as its weight. You can also run this process for all activities in a Work Package from the process icon at the top of the Budget Form. We also have added this feature to the Admin > Projects process icon so you can run it against your entire project. This feature helps with simplifying preparing your project for Earned Value calculations.

DASH-1758: Import > Import Schedule: Maintain Weights on Import of New Schedule

We have added a new checkbox on the Schedule import called "When Importing Schedule without Weights, Maintain Existing Weights". When this option is checked, then the Weight column in the import is ignored and instead Dash360 maintains the existing weights already in the database.

DASH-32: Earned Value > CPR / Variance Narrative Report: Save Variance Narratives at WBS Level

We had requests from several customers to be able to write and save Variance Narratives at the WBS Level. Dash360 now supports that in both the CPR and Variance Narrative Report.

DASH-1750 / DASH-1727: Admin > Projects > Copy Cost Class: Copy Historical Data / Truncate Target Cost Class

We have added several new features to the Copy Cost Class feature in Dash360. First, if your Target Cost Class is not Budget, you can truncate your target cost class before copying data over from the source. This is just to save you a step. The second thing we added was being able to copy over historical data to the target cost class if the Do Not Change Historical flag is turned on. Both of these features are new checkboxes in the UI that the user must check to activate. We also fixed a few bugs around this feature and added the project name to the modal title bar.

DASH-1789: Budget > Budget Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignments: Locked Projects Still Allowed Resource Assignments to be Updated

If you were using the Budget Form on a Locked Project, you could view a Resource Assignment and still make changes to the Resource Code, Start Date, Finish Date or data grid. We have corrected this so that locked project's resource assignments can no longer be modified.

DASH-1802: Code Files, Notebooks, Resources and Rates Shared Across Projects Can No Longer be Modified

Prior to this release, you could share code files, notebooks, resources and rates across projects and still make changes to these items. The problem with this is if you changed these items in 1 project, they would not be updated in the other shared projects. This caused confusion and for projects to get out of sync with these admin files. Now, if more than one project shares any of these files, then you no longer can modify, edit or delete this data. This is to ensure that the data stays in sync going forward across all projects. If your project still needs to be able to modify this data, then it is best to not share files across projects.

DASH-478: Budget > Budget Reports > WBS & CAM Summary Report: Hide Contingency Registry Setting

We have added a registry setting called "Hide-Contingency-WBS-Summary-Report" that when turned on will hide the Contingency values from these two reports. The registry setting is turned off by default.

DASH-1675: Admin > Export > Resource Assignments: Add Start / Finish Date Filters

We have added Start and Finish Date filters that allows you to export our Resource Assignments / Timephase data using a date range.

DASH-1804: Earned Value > Performance Index Report: Fixed Error with Exporting

When trying to export the Performance Index Report, a JavaScript error would occur. Now, the report successfully exports to Excel as expected.

DASH-1600: Contingency Percent Now Accepts Decimals

Before this release, the Contingency Percent for a Work Package or Resource Assignment would only accept whole numbers. Now, you can save up to 8 digits. This is really helpful when trying to make contingency from an outside budgeting system match a specific value in Dash360.

DASH-1803: Reporting > Activities by Resource Assignment: Add a Report Type Grouped by Resource Assignment

By default, this report is displayed down at the Resource Result / Timephase level. We now created a type filter in the left hand menu that allows you to group all of the data either by Timephase (the default) or Resource Assignment. When grouping by Resource Assignment, only the Subtotal for each Resource Assignment is returned. This gives you 1 record in the report for every Resource Assignment / Activity match which makes it easier to identify gaps in your Resource & Schedule integration.

DASH-1604: Admin > Projects > Edit Project: Move the Resource Assignment Timephase Unit Settings from the Properties Tab

We have moved the 3 Resource Assignment Timephase Unit Settings from the Properties tab to the General tab. This is because these 3 settings don't often change for a project and are rarely (if ever) changed.

DASH-1780: User Views Should be Allowed to be Shared with Other Admins

In the past, Admins could only share user views with other CAMs. Now, Admins can also share user views with other Admins.

DASH-1788: Admin > CPR Cache > CPR Model Generator

When you run the Calculate EV process in Dash360, the system automatically generates a CPR for your reporting period and stores that CPR data for future use. Dash360 also has a way to import Earned data, but it didn't have a way to trigger the CPR generation from an import. Now, we have a feature in the Admin > CPR Cache area that allows you to generate the CPR for a reporting period. We also enhanced the import of Earned Resource Assignments and allow for better mapping with their Budget counterparts.

DASH-1651: Admin > Import WBS Notebooks: Can't Delete Notebook Entries When Value Field is Empty

When deleting a WBS Notebook Entry, you cam now set the Delete column to Yes and leave the Text field empty. In the past, the Text field must have a value in it. Now, if you are deleting data, you don't need to fill this field in.

DASH-1641: Earned Value > Variance Narrative Report: Make All Option Available to CAMs

The Variance Narrative Report now allows the All version of the report (that shows data for all CAMs) to any user in Dash360. In the past, only the Admins could see the All version. Now, everyone can see it.DASH-1726: Project Explorer > Make Budget the Default Cost Class

We updated the Project Explorer to insure only Budget Resource Assignments load by default.

DASH-1717: Reporting Compare Project / Cost Class > Add New Fields to Report

We added the Resource Assignment Description and Resource Code Description fields to the report.

DASH-1680: Admin > Export > User Security Export Not Filtering Correctly

When I export out the User Security for a specific user, the system would still export all users' security information. The filters did not work. Now, the filters do work.

DASH-1755: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Report: Cost Class with Similar Names Issue

When you select a cost class (Ex: Budget) and there is another cost class with a similar name (Ex: Budget-2), the system would select both cost classes regardless of which cost class you choose. This has been fixed so only the cost class you choose is selected.

DASH-1519: Budget > WP Report: Add Costs from Budget Form Sticky Note to the WP Report

We added the Labor, Non-Labor, Travel, Contingency, Total and Total w/ Contingency columns to the WP Report in the Work Package area of the page. This allows you to see the costs for each work package quickly and easily.

DASH-1756: Admin > Import > Actual Resource Assignments: Comments / BOE Column Missing from Template

The Comments (BOE) column was missing from the Excel import template. We added that to the template.

DASH-1759: Budget > Budget Form > Risk Factors: Save Risk Factors with Override Contingency Not Saving

If your project does contingency at the WP level, then when you saved a Risk Factors, you would get a javascript error. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1610 / DASH-1611: Budget > Budget Form > Add More Searchable Dropdowns

We have added more searchable dropdowns to the Potential Risks and Risk Factors sections of this form.

DASH-1811: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Resources Report: Add Cost Class as a Column

This Cost Summary Report is group by Resource Assignment. However, there was no Cost Class field available. Now with this release, the field exists.

v3.66 Release Notes

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

New Features

  • DASH-1628: Schedule > Schedule Builder / Schedule View & Status: We added a Cost Class / Cost Set filter that now allows you to filter activities by Cost Set.
  • DASH-1690: Admin > Import / Export > Import / Export Resource Calculations > Modify Resource Result Codes via Import: Add / Edit Resource Result Codes via the Resource Calculations import / export was added as a feature in this release.

Bug Fixes

  • DASH-1740: Admin > Projects > Resources > Resource Calculations: Resource Result Codes Missing from Edit Resource Calculation Screen: When the last release went out, we accidentally removed the Resource Result Codes drop downs from the Edit Resource Calculations screen. This has been fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1739: Admin > Import / Export > Resources: Column Headers Messed Up in Export if Resource File Has Resource Code Codes: When you exported the Resources export, the column headers would get misaligned if your project had Resource Code Codes. That has been corrected in this release.
  • DASH-1752: Budget > Budget Form / Cost Summary Resource Report: Cost Class / Cost Set Filter UI Issues: When using these 2 reports, the UI for the Cost Class / Cost Set filter would not always show the appropriate Resource Assignments on the report. This has been corrected in this release.
  • DASH-1733: Budget > Budget Form > Export Timephase Data: WBS / WP Lookups Showing as Undefined: When you exported out your timephase data and chose a different WBS for an existing Resource Assignment in the spreadsheet, the Work Package would show undefined in the dropdown. This has been fixed.
  • DASH-1738: Reporting > Cost Class Curves: Adding Cost Classes via Left Hand Menu is Broken: When adding or removing Cost Classes from this report via the left hand menu, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected in this release.
  • DASH-1718: Budget > Budget Reports > WBS / CAM Summary Report: Show Better Error Message When No Data Returned: Prior to this release, if you selected filters that resulted in no data for the report to show, the report would show data from the previously selected filters and would show a cryptic error message. Now, the system tells you the filters you selected return no data and correctly removes all report data from the screen.

v3.65 Release Notes

Friday, September 13th, 2024

New Features

  • DASH-1673: Reporting > Cost Class Curves: We have added a new report called Cost Class Curves. This report shows a line graph and a table that shows the running total of any Cost Classes that you select from the filter. Now, you can compare Budget vs. Actual even if you haven't begun calculating Earned Value on your project yet. This report also comes with the ability to filter the data by many fields including any Resource Code Codes and Notebook fields that are of type checkbox, radio button or dropdown.
  • DASH-1695: Admin > Import / Export > Export > Resource Assignment Calculations Audit Report: This new Excel export has 1 line in the Excel file for every Resource Assignment in your project. Each line then has columns for every Resource Result in your Resource Calculations. Then, each column contains a formula that will calculate the total value for that Resource Result for that Resource Assignment inside the Excel spreadsheet. This way, you can actually see / understand how Dash360 calculates your Resource Assignment. This spreadsheet also contains a Form 1030 pivot table and all of the source data (Resource Codes, Rates, Resource Calculations, Form 1030 Mappings, MTDC & Longevity Pay) sheets an auditor may need to understand your calculations and your data.
  • DASH-1296: Earned Value > CPR & Variance Narrative Report > Comments: We added the ability for you to add comments to your variance narratives. This allows your team to comment on any variance narrative and give feedback to each other. Threaded comments have been added in both the Cumulative to Date and Current Period areas.
  • DASH-1619: Add Cost Set / Cost Class Filter to Reports: You now can filter by Cost Class or Cost Set on the following pages: Budget Form, Form 1030 Report, Contingency Assignment Report, Staffing Plan Report, Cost Estimate Detail Report, CAM Summary Report, WBS Summary Report, Cost Summary Report, Cost Summary Resources Report, Project Explorer and Work Package Report. DASH-1620, DASH-1621, DASH-1622, DASH-1623, DASH-1624, DASH-1625, DASH-1626, DASH-1627, DASH-1629, DASH-1630, DASH-1631.
  • DASH-1698: Admin > Import / Export > Import Resource Assignments Speed Up:
  • We did some work in this release to speed up the Resource Assignment import. In previous versions of the import process, the system would delete and recreate the CostEstimateTimePhase records during the import process twice. We now do this one time and that should speed this import up for some customers.

Small Enhancements / Bug Fixes

  • DASH-1713: Budget > Budget Form > Import Timephase Data: We had a bug that allowed users to move Budget Resource Assignments from one Work Package to another even when that Budget Resource Assignment had Earned Value attached to it. This is not allowed. The system now correctly throws an error if you try to change the WBS or Work Package for a Budget Resource Assignment that already has Earned Value on it.
  • DASH-1703: Admin > Projects > Resources > Bulk Edit Resource Codes Sometimes Throwing Errors: We found an issue that could cause the Bulk Edit Resource Code screen to throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1719: Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: This report has a CAM field that shows the CAM that is assigned to each Resource Assignment based on the Budget Form > CAM selection. This selection should be the same for every Resource Assignment in a Work Package. In some scenarios, we were seeing this report was incorrectly showing the CAM. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1724 / DASH-1725: Admin > Projects > Shift Project Dates: We made 2 changes to this process. First, we fixed a bug that would occur if a Task was attached to a Resource Assignment that no longer existed. When this occurred, the process would fail. Now, the Task is skipped because it no longer exists. We also changed the order of the steps so that you now choose your project filters first, and then you see the project start date and shifted date. This way, the start date can be based off of the project filters.
  • DASH-1693: Estimating > WBS Dictionary: We fixed a bug where this report was not working for some customers with multiple top-level WBS elements (multiple WBS Level 1 elements - NSO).
  • DASH-1710: Admin > Projects > Resources > Resource Results: Add Resource Result was Broken: This has now been fixed so you can add a new Resource Result without an error occurring.
  • DASH-1699: Admin > Import / Export > Import > Data to Import Box does not Reset Itself correctly after Import: After you imported a file, the Data to Import box would still show the previously selected import type selected even though it was not really selected. If you tried to do another import without reselecting your import type, an error would occur. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1712: Estimating > Budget Form > Rename Work Package When More than 1 Project Shares the Same Work Package Code File: When more than 1 project shares a Work Package Code file and a user would try to rename a work package in 1 project, the system would rename the Cost Estimate's Work Package Number in the first project and the Work Package Code stored in the Admin. When this occurred, the 2nd project would now still be pointing to the old Work Package Number which now no longer exists. Now, the system also renames the Work Package Number in the 2nd project's Cost Estimate's Work Package Number field. This is only in cases where 2 projects share the same Work Package code file.
  • DASH-1720 / DASH-1734: Cost / Schedule Integration: The Budget Form > Schedule section and the Reporting > Activities by Resource Assignment Report now match each other when you look at a specific Activity / Resource Assignment's cost. There were a couple of issues that we fixed in this release. First, neither report handled MTDC or Premium Pay correctly if your Resource Assignment's Resource Calculation had additional results after the MTDC Indirects or Premium Pay Resource Result. In these cases, the cost / schedule Subtotal would not recalculate the Resource Results that came after the MTDC Indirects or Premium Pay correctly. Second, if you only had 1 Activity attached to a Resource Assignment, then the Subtotal was often wrong. This is because the system was not ensuring that the Subtotal was only added to when the Resource Assignment and Activity dates were in alignment. In these cases, it just added the entire total of the Resource Assignment to the Activity cost. Finally, the Schedule Builder & Viewer were fixed so that you can again see the Resource pane and edit a Resource Assignment. Both operations were broken in a previous release. We also corrected the Cost logic that is shown in the Resource Pane so you can see where the Activity / Resource Assignment costs align (in green) and where they don't align (in orange).
  • DASH-1708 / DASH-1711: Reporting > Tableau: We added the new Resource Result Codes to the new version of the Tableau refresh process. We also fixed some bugs that were occurring that made the new refresh process fail in some circumstances.
  • DASH-1704: Admin > Projects > Backup / Restore Project Fixes: We fixed numerous issues in the Backup / Restore Project in this release. First, the Backup Project File had multiple Resource Calculations for the same Resource Code, Resource Result pairing in some cases where customers were using Resource Result Codes. This is not allowed and breaks the Recalculate Project feature. It tries to create 2 Direct, 2 Escalation and 2 Fringe Resource Results (one per Resource Result Code result). This is because the export of Resource Calculations should NOT include the non-Form 1030 Code Result records. There is a stored proc, GetResourceCalculation, that had to be updated. Second, the Backup Project never backs up the code files that are assigned as Resource Result Codes. These codes missing causes none of the Resource Result Codes in the Code Results table to be restored. Finally, the Restore Project also needs to restore the Result Codes Code File and details. Restoring the CodeResults doesn’t properly handle both Form 1030 codes and non-Form1030 codes. All of these were fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1700: Earned Value > CPR: Fixed bug where the word Cumulative was spelled incorrectly. (edited) 

v3.64 Release Notes

Friday, August 1th, 2024

New Features
  • DASH-995: Add Custom Calendars to Dash360: We have created a way for you to create custom calendars in Dash360. There is a new Admin > Projects > Edit Project setting called Custom Calendars. This setting is turned off by default and your projects will use the built-in Dash360 Fiscal / Calendar Year settings. However, if you turn this setting to "On", then all timephase reports will use the Calendar Labels the admin manually sets up. Once this setting is turned on, the Dash360 built-in calendars no longer function and now all reports run off of the custom calendars built by the Admin. The custom calendar can be selected on each timephase report from the new Calendars dropdown in the left hand menu flyout. Other tickets in this release related to calendars: DASH-601, DASH-1522, DASH-1525, DASH-1526, DASH-1527, DASH-1528, DASH-1529, DASH-1530
  • DASH-1501: Add Custom Codes to Resource Results: With this release, you can now attach a Code File to your Resource File via the Resource Results Code File area. After you add a Code File to the Resource Results, another dropdown list shows up in the Admin > Projects > Resources > Resource Results > Add / Edit Resource Result form and in the Resources > Calculations form. This allows you to assign Codes to a Resource Result in bulk (via the Add / Edit Resource Result form) or one-by-one in the Resource Calculations tab. Once this data is assigned, the added Resource Results Codes will appear in the Project Explorer report.
  • DASH-1681: Reporting > Form1030 Report Should Show Fiscal Year Labels for Selected Projects Only: When selecting a project for the Form1030 Report, only the FY columns relevant to that project will be pre-selected. All FY columns remain available in the column chooser to maintain flexibility and user-defined views, but the initial selection is now tailored to the specific project.
  • DASH-1686: Earned Resource Assignments need to copy over RA Notebook Entries from their Budget RA counterparts: When you Calculate Earned Value for the first time in Dash360, we create an Earned Resource Assignment for every Budget Resource Assignment that has cost for the month which you are calculating EV for. When this occurs, the Resource Assignment Notebook Entries from the Budget Resource Assignment were not be copied to the Earned Resource Assignment. This could cause issues when trying to filter Earned Resource Assignments by notebook fields that did not exist. Now, these Resource Assignments will have this data. If you have already been calculating Earned Value for your projects, these notebook entries will not show up on previous Earned Resource Assignments. In that case, you will want to run the new Admin > Projects > Process Icon > Copy Budget Resource Assignment Notebook Entries to Earned Resource Assignments. This new feature will automatically apply your current Budget Resource Assignment Notebook Entries to their Earned Resource Assignment counterparts.
  • DASH-1620: Add Cost Set / Cost Class Filter Toggle to Budget Form: On the Budget Form, we have added a new feature that allows you to filter all of your data by Cost Set or Cost Class. Cost Sets allow you to group 1 or more Cost Classes into each Cost Set. Over time, anywhere we have a Cost Class filter in Dash360, you will see a Cost Set / Cost Class toggle filter. This functionality will slowly roll out to the rest of the Reports in Dash360 over the next couple of releases.
  • DASH-1510: Update Dropdowns to Searchable Dropdowns for Lengthy Lists: We have added the ability for you to be able to search lengthy dropdown lists. As you type in characters in the search field, the dropdown filters down to a smaller list. We have currently added this functionality to the Resource Calculations, Risk Register, Imports / Exports and Edit Project. This functionality will slowly roll out to the rest of Dash360 over the next couple of releases. Other tickets related to this ticket in this release: DASH-1605, DASH-1606, DASH-1614, DASH-1615
  • DASH-1596: Allow Users to Resize All Reports - No More 100% Width Reports: Before this release, when you resized a report in Dash360, the last column in the datagrid would always consume the remainder of the available space. This means the report would not allow you to make the datagrids in the report < 100%. Now, you can make the reports smaller than the available width on your display. You can also make the reports larger than your screen.
  • DASH-1598: Hide Inactive Files from Export Filter Dropdowns: There are several exports in Dash360 that allow you to filter by a Code, Resource or Rate File. Before this release, all active and inactive files appeared in these dropdowns. Now, we have hidden the inactive files by default. If for some reason you need to select an inactive file, you can click the Show All link to show all files in the dropdown (regardless if of their status).
  • DASH-1638: Budget > Budget Form > Import Timephase Data: Add to User Activity Table: When a user imports data via the Import Timephase Data feature, we now track the file in the Admin > User Activity log. This makes it easier for Admins to track down all of the data that is being imported into Dash360.

Bug Fixes

  • DASH-1507: Admin > Projects > Calendar: Bug Saving Rateset / Can't Remove a Holiday: With the new calendar feature implemented, we also fixed a bug that some users were experiencing when generating an Hours or FTE rateset. We have fixed that error. We also now give you the ability to delete Holidays if you accidentally added one to a project.
  • DASH-1685: Budget > Budget Form: Rename Work Package throwing an Object Reference Error: When you chose the Rename Work Package option from the process icon and then selected an existing, unassigned Work Package Code and saved, an Object Reference Error would show up in a red box. Dash360 would still rename the work package, but you would have to refresh the screen to see that the change had been applied. We have fixed this bug with this release so this error doesn't occur in the future.
  • DASH-1688: Reporting > Cost Estimate Detail Report: PDF Export Showing NaN for Schedule Start and Finish Dates: This error only occurred with the PDF export of this report and has been fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1653: Manage Calculations throws a JS Error: We have resolved an issue where clicking the "Manage Calculations" link on a Resource Code with double quotes in its description would trigger a Javascript error, preventing the calculation screen from displaying. Resource Code Descriptions can now include both single and double quotes without causing errors.
  • DASH-1485: Menu doesn't Scroll with Page on Small Screens: If you use Dash360 on a small laptop screen (13-15"), the main menu automatically will collapse. When you would click the arrow to expand the menu, you could see it. However, if you had several main menu items expanded, the current UI would not allow you to scroll down and see all of the options in the left hand menu. We have fixed this so you can now scroll through the entire menu easily.
  • DASH-1669: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Report Issue with Contingency Percent: This column was not always summing up correctly. It has been fixed in this release so that the Contingency Percent = Contigency $ / Total.
  • DASH-1667: Budget > Work Package Report > PDF Export Missing Work Package Number: The PDF export was accidentally showing the WBS Number / Description in the Work Package fields. This has been fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1663: Budget > Work Package Report > JavaScript Error Appears when hiding some Resource Results: If you opened the left hand menu and hid/showed some Resource Results from the report, the system would sometimes throw an error. This has been corrected in this release.
  • DASH-1658: Remove Redis Cache from Dash360: We used to cache some reports in Dash360 back when reports were very slow. We have since fixed the speed of most reports, so we are removing the unused Redis cache in this release.

v3.63.1 Release Notes

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

  • DASH-1660: Extra registration pages allowed for inactive user creation by outside parties: Dash360 had a hidden registration page that you could only get to if you knew the URL to that page. This would allow an outside user to create an inactive user. This user would not be able to login to the product (unless given access). In this fix, we removed those pages so that functionality is no longer available.
  • DASH-1659: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Resources Report: Start and Finish Dates have Links that throw JS Error: On the Cost Summary Resources Report, the Start and Finish Dates had blue links that when clicked would throw a JS error. We have removed these erroneous links in this release.
  • DASH-1656: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Resources Report: Costs are 5x Larger than the Cost Summary Report: A bug was found where this report was showing costs at 5x the Cost Summary Report. This was due to an issue with how the data was returned to the report. We have corrected that issue. Note: this release last night, but I didn't create a release note for it (so here it is).

v3.63 Release Notes

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

New Features:

DASH-1503: Rearrange Menu Items and moved Project Explorer and RAM to Budget Reports: We have Rearranged the menu items on the product to (1) Budget, (2) Schedule, (3) Earned Value, (4) Risk and (5) Reporting. We also moved the Project Explorer and RAM to the Budget Reports area.

DASH-1160: Shift Project by # of Months or New Date: For non-Earned Value project, you can now shift the estimate and schedule based on a new date or # of months. You can also do this by WBS, Work Package and Cost Class.

DASH-212 Budget > WBS Tree > Export to PDF: We have implemented a new feature that allows users to export their WBS tree for a project to PDF.

DASH-1406: Budget > Work Package Report > CAM, EVT & % Complete Fields Added: New fields have been added to enhance the Work Package report. The CAM detail assigned to the Cost Estimate will now be displayed in the Work Package section. This field will only be visible if a CAM has been assigned to the Cost Estimate. The Earned Value Technique (EVT) will also be displayed in the Work Package section. The percentage value will also be shown for Work Packages with Percent Complete as their EVT.

DASH-1512: CAM Notebook Field Now Available Everywhere: A feature went out in the last release which allowed Notebook categories to be setup with a new field type called 'CAM'. Here, we made sure that the feature is accessible in every area where Notebook Categories are displayed across the product.

DASH-1269: Budget > Work Package Report > Export to PDF: We have a new feature for generating the Work Package Report in PDF. This enhancement provides users with richer content when exporting the Work Package report to PDF. The system now intelligently optimizes space by determining the best placement for components such as Attachments, Signatures, Contingency, and Schedules in the generated PDF. You can export the PDF a work package at a time, or download your entire project into a single PDF.

DASH-1644: Admin > Projects > Copy Cost Class: Replace Existing now really Replaces ALL Data in the Target Cost Class: With this release, we now wipe out all data in the Target Cost Class if you select Replace Existing from the Copy Cost Class modal. Before, we just replaced the timephase data in the Target Cost Class for the Resource Assignments that existed in the Source Cost Class. This feature now does a delete in the Target Cost Class first. With this option now selected, your Source Cost Class Resource Assignments will be the same in the Target Cost Class. We also made a change so your Source Resource Assignments Start & Finish Dates are fully preserved when copied to the Target Cost Class. There was a bug where the Target Cost Class Resource Assignments always had the last day of the month as both their Start & Finish Date.

DASH-1498: Schedule > Schedule Viewer: Added Zoom In / Zoom Out Buttons to UI: We added the zoom in & out feature to the Schedule Viewer. This is similar to what is already in the Schedule Builder.

Small Enhancements / Bug Fixes

DASH-1508: Admin > Projects > Codes: Copying a WBS Code File Looses Tree Hierarchy: When you copy a WBS code file, the new WBS code file often does not inherit the structure and hierarchy from the original WBS Code file in the tree view. This issue has now been resolved. The new WBS code file will now retain the structure and hierarchy of the original WBS Code file when copied.

DASH-1602: Admin > Import / Export > Import Cost Estimate Throwing Errors if Change the WP Code and It Already Exists: If you are changing the WP Code in the Cost Estimate import and that WP Code already exists in the system, then Dash360 was throwing an error because it was trying to create another copy of the same code (which is not allowed). This has been fixed in this release so that this part is skipped if the code already exists.

DASH-1640: Budget > Budget Reports > WBS Summary Report Throwing Error for some CAMs: If you have CAM users trying to access the WBS Summary Report and that report has the Cost Type graph, then your CAMs likely were not able to see this report. This has been fixed with this release.

DASH-1367: Schedule > Variance Narrative Report > Variance Narrative Exports need to export ALL of the Report: Previously, when attempting to export the variance narrative of a project where the report data is paginated, the system would only download the data for the current page you were on. This issue has been fixed and now all pages are exported to Excel or PDF.

DASH-1520: Admin > Registry > Startup Page Cleanup: The pages listed in this registry setting’s drop down list were not displayed in the same order as they were in the Dash360 main menu. This has been fixed. This fix has also been applied to the User Profile page as the Startup Page can be specified there, too.

DASH-1514: Budget > Budget Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignment > Apply Contingency to All Resource Assignments of a Specific Resource Type: A Bug prevented the application from applying the contingency percent to all resource assignments for a particular resource type (Labor, Non-Labor or Travel). This is a special checkbox on the Add / Edit RA form and has been fixed in this release.

DASH-1515: Schedule > Schedule Status Report > Update Export Filename: We changed the Schedule Status Update Report Excel export filename from 'Datagrid.xlsx’ to ‘Schedule Status Update Report.xlsx'.

DASH-1518: Schedule > Schedule Builder / Viewer > Format Dates Based on DateFormat Registry Value: On the Schedule Viewer/Builder today, the date format for Activity Start and Finish dates on default is set to YYYY-mm-dd. This has been corrected to always adhere to the Registry DateFormat value instead.

DASH-1517: Admin > Projects > Registry: Setting a Registry Item value to “1” or “0” always displays “On“ or “Off“(Admin > Projects > Registry). This should only work for items whose On/Off fields are set to “1“. This has been corrected.

DASH-1599: Admin > Projects > Codes: Code Files Attached to a Locked Project Should Not Be Modifiable in the Tree Area: A validation has been added to prevent users from adding, editing, or deleting WBS codes in locked projects.

DASH-1493: Budget > Budget Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignment: Checks for Start Date & Finish Date: We have added a check that keeps you from creating a Resource Assignment before the date 1/1/2000 and after the date 12/31/2100. This check was added because some users accidentally entered incorrect years (Ex: 2420 when they meant 2024). This would cause Dash360 to generate 100K+ timephase records that would result in an error. These checks were put in place to prevent that from happening.

DASH-1492: Budget > Budget Form: Changed Browser Title to Read “Budget Form” instead of “Cost Estimating Form”: In the browser title, we changed the name of the page from Cost Estimating Form to Budget Form.

DASH-1488: Admin > Projects > Resources > Add / Edit Resource Code with Premium Pay Should Only Show Hired Date on Labor Resources: If you have the Premium Pay feature on in your Dash360 installation, then you should only see the Hired Date field on Labor Resource Codes. Before this release, the Hired Date was also showing on Non-Labor and Travel Resource Codes. This has been fixed.

v3.62.1 Release Notes

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Bug Fix

DASH-1516: Current Period Actual Data Showing $0: This issue occurred because we had a bug from the release on Friday that did not properly set the Finish Date on new Resource Assignments imported into the system that are 1 month in duration. When RAs of 1 month were imported, the system would not set a Finish Date. Dash360 would then set this date to 1/1/0001 (SQL Server default). We have corrected this issue.

v3.62 Release Notes

Friday, May 31st, 2024

New Features

DASH-1272: Budget > Budget Reports > Cost Summary Resource Report: We have built another version of the Cost Summary Report at the Resource Assignment level. The Cost Summary Report only goes down to the Work Package level. This new report goes down to the Resource Code and Resource Assignment level. With this new version of the report, you can now include Resource Code Codes and Resource Assignment Notebook fields on your report (somethin you cannot see on the Cost Summary Report).

DASH-1409: Admin > Projects > Notebooks: Help Text for Notebook Fields: As an admin user, you can now add help text to all of your notebook fields. If you add help text to a field, then a small info icon will appear next to the field. Then, when your users roll over these icons, the help text you entered in the Admin area will appear.

DASH-1444: Admin > Projects > Notebooks: Add a CAM Notebook Category Field Type: We have added a new notebook category field type called CAM. When you set this notebook category up using this field type, Dash360 will automatically create a dropdown list with all of the Dash360 users in the list. This allows you to attach a CAM field anywhere that a notebook field can be used. Before this feature, you had to maintain your own User code file.

DASH-1407: Admin > Import / Export > Export Contingency Assignments: Add Resource Code Fields to Export: We added 3 read-only fields to the Export: Resource Code, Resource Code Description and Resource Assignment Description to this export. These fields are for Export only (read-only) and cannot be imported back into Dash360. They are used to help you when pivoting this data in MS Excel.

DASH-1491: Admin > User Activities Report: We have added a column to allow you to show / filter by a Project Name field in this report. This can help to make it easier to find activities just on specific projects.

DASH-1496: Budget > Work Package Report > Hide Contingency: We added a registry setting called “WPReport-Hide-Contingency” that allows you to hide the Contingency section from this report. By default, it is turned off and the Contingency will appear on the report.

Bug Fixes / Small Enhancements

DASH-1499: Admin > Import / Export > Resource Assignments: When exporting Resource Assignments from Dash360, the system would automatically set the Start Date field to the first day of the month and the Finish Date to the last day of the month even if your Resource Assignment didn’t start on the first day of the month or end on the last day of the month. This has been corrected both on the Export and the Import Resource Assignment areas.

DASH-1482: Admin > Import / Export > Resource Assignments: If you tried to import a Resource Assignment file with over 100K rows in it, Dash360 would sometimes throw an error. We have made modifications to this import to keep this from happening.

DASH-1391: Admin > Import / Export > Resource Assignments: When importing Resource Assignments, Dash360 would allow you to enter any value you wanted for the Resource Type column. This then caused issues when using the application because Dash360 only really supports 3 Resource Type values: “labor”, “nonlabor” or “travel” in all lowercase. With this ticket, we have added error handling to insure that only these 3 values are used for this field. If you try to use something else, you will now get an error.

DASH-1318: Budget > Budget Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignment: When adding supporting links to a Resource Assignment, sometimes the system would attach links from one Resource Assignment to a sister Resource Assignments when it was not intended. This issue has been fixed in this release.

DASH-1506: Earned Value > Project Explorer: The Unit Cost field in the Project Explorer was not showing the correct values. This has been corrected in this release.

DASH-1352: Admin > Projects > Calculate Earned Value: When Calculating Earned Value, Dash360 shows you your project’s current Reporting Period. The Reporting Period value should only ever go forward (never backwards after EV has been calculated on a project). This new change has added a new No-Rollback-of-Reporting-Period registry setting that prevents you from being able to pick a date in the past. This flag is turned on now for all projects and you will receive an error in Dash360 if you try to set your Reporting Period to a date before the current Reporting Period.

DASH-1490: Login Failure: Some users were having issues logging into Dash360. This was because their default page was set to the Dashboard page which no longer exists in Dash360 for most customers. We also have removed the ability for this to be your startup page. We will be removing the Dashboard from all customer sites at a later date.

DASH-1494: Budget > Staffing Plan Report: Some users experienced a red box error in Dash360 when scrolling through the Staffing Plan Report. This has been fixed in this release.

DASH-1495: Reporting > Form 1030 Report: We have had multiple reports about the Form 1030 not providing the correct values when users are trying to load the Report Type: Group by Resource ID. This typically happens because the user modifies this layout and tries to turn the Resource ID grouped report into a WBS Level report (which we have another Report Type for called Group by WBS / Work Package). To help simplify things, we have made the WBS / Work Package grouping the default Form 1030 report. We also have changed the Resource ID grouped report to return all WBS Levels and Work Package fields as empty. If you want to see the Form 1030 Report with WBS Levels and Work Packages, please select the WBS / Work Package report type.

DASH-1511: Earned Value > Project Explorer: The Unit Cost field should only show a value for the Direct Resource Result (like it used to in a previous version of Project Explorer). This has been corrected in this release. 

v3.61 Release Notes

Friday, May 10th, 2024

New Features
  • DASH-1457: Reduced Row Height in All Reports: Across Dash360, we have reduced the row height for all reports. This now allows you to see more data on the screen at one time.
  • DASH-1462: Budget > Budget Form > Export / Import Timephase Data: This export / import now allows you to modify any Resource Assignment Notebooks attached to your Resource Assignments.
  • DASH-1235: Earned Value > Variance Narrative Report: We have added a bulk edit mode to the Variance Narrative Report so you can now quickly edit all of your variance narratives at one time. We also have added the ability for you to show all Work Package Notebook fields on this report.
  • DASH-1461: Budget > Staffing Plan Report: We have moved the Units and Scale filters into the left hand menu flyout. We also have added a Report Type filter to allow you to group the report by Resource Code (the default option) or by Resource Assignment. If you group the report by Resource Assignment, you can now also include Resource Assignment notebook fields on the report.
  • DASH-1240: Earned Value > CPR / Variance Narrative Report: We added a feature so that if you hide variance narrative records, the groupings for those records are also hidden.
  • DASH-1432: Dashboard: We have removed this area from most client installations because we are phasing out this area of Dash360. We are replacing this with our new Tableau Reporting features located in the Reporting > Tableau Dashboards area.
  • DASH-1470: Budget > Budget Form > Export Timephase Data: We have added a set of Registry settings called "Export-Timephase-Labor-Result-Default", "Export-Timephase-Non-Labor-Result-Default" and "Export-Timephase-Travel-Result-Default" that allow you to choose the default Resource Result for the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel Result Types in the drop down menus. By default, each registry setting is set to "First Result".
  • DASH-1300: Admin > Projects: If a Project is the Default Project, it should always be Active and it should always be at the top of every Project dropdown in Dash360. A default project also should not be allowed to be a Favorite as the Default Project is the #1 favorite already.
  • DASH-1358: New Tableau Refresh Process: We are in the process of rolling out a new Tableau Refresh process to all customers. This release pushes this code out to all client servers. We will then be slowly turning this new refresh process on one client at a time. There is a manual workbook upgrade that needs to occur to use the new refresh process. Once that is complete over the course of May, the new refresh process will have less impact on customer servers, will run faster and will be capable of being run at any time of the day.

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • DASH-1347: Admin > Import / Export > Import (Actual) Resource Assignments: When importing Resource Assignment, we now have a check to ensure that the Resource Assignment's Resource Code that you are importing for has a Resource Calculation attached to it. If not, the import process will throw an error explaining the issue.
  • DASH-1438: Date Format: Sometimes the system does not follow the Date-Format Registry settings of MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD. We have done some work to try to correct that issue.
  • DASH-1483: Premium Pay is not calculating correctly (dividing costs across projects that share same Resource File): For customers using Premium Pay / Longevity Pay, there was a bug where if you had two or more projects using the same Resource File, the system would incorrectly split your Premium Pay across projects. This has been corrected so that Premium Pay is always kept project bound.
  • DASH-1217: Earned Value > CPR: The CPR shows a red outline around the SV or CV columns when a variance is being tripped. When the user fills in the required variance narrative form fields, then this red outline turns green. We found a bug where after you entered your variance narratives, previous green boxes would turn red again. A refresh of the page would fix the issue, but it was confusing. This issue has been corrected.
  • DASH-1460: Budget > Cost Estimating Reports > CAM Summary Report: Some users were experiencing the dreaded red box / JS error when accessing this report. The issue has been corrected.
  • DASH-1428: Admin > Projects > Codes > Add / Edit Codes: When adding children codes, the Code field shows the parent code's number at the beginning of the field. In some browsers, this cut off the text you were entering. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1440: Admin > Projects > Resources: When copying a Resource File, Dash360 did not also copy all of the Form 1030 mappings that you may have done in the Resource Calculation screen. This has been corrected so this data is also copied to the new Resource File.
  • DASH-1319: Admin > Import / Export > Import Rates: When importing a Rate File into Dash360, the system did not automatically recalculate your project if that Rate File was only attached to a project's cost class. Now, the system checks to see if the rates you are importing are attached to a specific cost class. If so, the system will now recalculate those projects, too.
  • DASH-1469: Admin > Projects > Retore Project with Signature Steps: If you use our Signature Steps feature and you restored a past project, then the system incorrectly recreated this data. Now, your data will correctly be restored.
  • DASH-1265 / DASH-1176: Budget > Budget Form > Export Timephase Data was broken for some clients exporting out large amounts of data. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1275: Budget > Budget Form > Upload Files: When uploading files with special characters in the filename (commas, spaces, parenthesis), Dash360 would incorrectly create duplicated files. This would result in the files being broken and not linked properly. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1455: Admin > Import / Export > Export Actual Resource Assignments: When exporting (Actual) Resource Assignments with nothing but the project filter selected, the system would throw in error in the browser. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1471: Duplicate Records in Cost Estimate Time Phase Table: We are attempting to correct an issue that only sometimes occurs with the Cost Estimate Timephase records. Sometimes Dash360 will create a duplicate record for some Resource Assignments in this table. When this occurs, you can get duplicated costs for a Resource Assignment. With this release, we have added an index to the database table so that the system will not be allowed to create these duplicates. If this error occurs again, customers are likely to get an error in Dash360. More work is still needed to fix this issue, but this index should help us to identify where the problem is occurring.
  • DASH-1456: Small UI issue occurs do to the new Budget > Budget Reports submenu where sometimes the vertical line in the menu does not draw correctly. This ticket fixes that issue.
  • DASH-1489: Budget > Budget Form: Copying a Cost Estimate from one Project to a different Project would assign the Resource Code from the original project to the new Resource Assignment in the new project. This would cause an issue because your new Resource Assignment would be pointing to the Resource Code in the old project (instead of the project you were copying the Resource Assignment to). This has been fixed.

v3.60.1 Release Notes

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
  • DASH-1455: Admin > Import / Export > Export (Actual) Resource Assignments: When exporting (Actual) Resource Assignments for a specific project for all WBS and WP, the system throws an error. This point release fixes this issue.

v3.60 Release Notes

Friday, April 19th, 2024
Features & Enhancements
  • DASH-1402: Main Menu Changes: We have changed several things in Dash360 with this release. The most notable is that the Estimating section is now called Budget. We also have changed the Cost Estimating Form to Budget Form and the Cost Estimating Reports to Budget reports. You can learn all about it (and the other UI changes we made) in this short video.
  • DASH-1417: Schedule > Schedule Builder / Schedule View & Status: Vertical Spacing Enhancement: We have made a change to the vertical spacing between tasks in these 2 reports. Now, we have removed a lot of the white space so you can see a lot more tasks on the screen at one time.
  • DASH-1305: Earned Value > Project Explorer: Faster Performance: We worked to make the Project Explorer much faster. This report loads a lot of data at one time. It now will load the Yearly view in seconds and the Monthly view much faster than before. More work will continue in the future to speed this report up even more.
  • DASH-1414: Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: New Cost Class Filter: We add a Cost Class filter to the left-hand menu flyout. We also made Budget the default cost class on this report.
  • DASH-1430: Admin > Projects > Edit Project: Faster Performance: We sped up this form loading so that only the data that is necessary for editing is pulled from the database. Before this form was taking much longer to load. Now, it is much faster.
  • DASH-1284: Estimating > Work Package Report: Real Signature Images in Export: We enhanced the Excel export of the Work Package Report so that if you are using Signatures with images, the actual image of the signature will appear in the Excel file.
  • DASH-1433: Reporting > Report Builder: Removed for Now: We have removed this report from Dash360 for the time being. We are working on a much more improved version of this report which will be coming in a future Dash360 release. Stay tuned.
  • DASH-1434 / DASH-1258: Admin > Import / Export > Export (Actual) Resource Assignments: Download All Projects: If you tried to export all Resource Assignments for All project in Dash360, the system would throw an error. Now, it allows you to export all of this data at one time for all projects. Please note that you can still only import 1 project's resource assignments back into Dash360 at a time. Importing more than 1 project at a time in the same Excel file will still throw an error. This change is just to make it easy to quickly get all Resource Assignments out of Dash360 with one click. Please realize this could be a lot of data that you are downloading depending on your system. It is not unheard of for this to return a file exceeding over 100 MB.

Bug Fixes

  • DASH-1392 / DASH-1425: User Views: We have enhanced the Cost Summary Report, Project Explorer and Form 1030 report user views so that they will not break if you have a column in your user view that does not exist for all projects. If the user created a user view with Column A in it, but Project 2 does not have Column A, then loading Project 2 would throw an error. After this change, Column A will load for Project 2, the column will now just be empty. We will be bringing this change to other reports in the future.
  • DASH-1351: Admin > Projects: More than 3 Project Favorites: We found a bug where more than 3 Tableau Favorites could be set in Dash360 by copying a project that was already a favorite. We have now fixed this issue. When you copy a project, the Favorite setting is not copied.
  • DASH-1362: Estimating > Cost Estimating Form > Import Timephase Data: If you accidentally had a space in the ID column of this imported file, the system would throw an error saying it didn't have an ID with a space. Now, this blank space is trimmed and a new Resource Assignment ID is added instead.
  • DASH-1411: Schedule > Schedule Builder: This bug is specific to Firefox. In the Schedule Builder, the Horizontal Scroll Bar is not appearing at the bottom of the table. This has been fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1395: Schedule > Schedule View & Status: This bug is specific to Firefox. In the Schedule Builder, the Horizontal Scroll Bar is not appearing at the bottom of the table. This has been fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1429: Cost Estimate Form > Export Timephase Data: Excel File Repair Error Fixed: When you opened the Export Timephase Data file, Excel would sometimes complain that it had to repair your Excel file. We have attempted to fix that error from occurring.
  • DASH-1431: Cost Summary Report / Form 1030 Report: If you selected a project that had no Resource Assignments in it, you would get a error that said "Invalid column name WBSLevel". Now, you get No Data back instead. Both of these reports require Resource Assignments to exist for there to be any data to load in the report.
  • DASH-1421: Reporting > Compare Project / Compare Cost Class: These 2 reports both have a Difference column that is calculated by Dash360 in real time. We have had an issue where if the Difference is smaller than +- .000001, the system prints the difference in exponential terms like 1.07e-6 or 1.07e6. We have now fixed this to make these values 0 instead.
  • DASH-1424: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > WBS Summary Report: The Cost Class filter would sometimes not match the cost classes that were selected by the user. This has been fixed.
  • DASH-1285: Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Cost Class: Dash360 used to allow the user to add duplicate Cost Sets and Cost Classes. This has been fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1343: Admin > Projects > Codes: If you have a Code File that has Linked Code Files attached to it, then you can attach Codes to other Codes. However, after you assigned a code to a code, it would not appear in the Code listing in the Admin. Now it does.
  • DASH-1255: Reporting > Compare Cost Class: The download on this report was broken. We have fixed it in this release.
  • DASH-1427: Estimating > WBS Dictionary: Notebook fields that are Code Files show up as drop downs in the WBS Dictionary. When you selected a code from the drop down list, you'd also see a description with that code. However, when the WBS Dictionary then printed that code in View Mode, only the Code would appear. Now, the Code and the Code's Description appear.
  • DASH-1257: Admin > Projects > Codes, Rates, Resources: On these Admin tabs, we show a list of Projects where this Code File, Rate File, Resource File is used. In the past, this Projects list could show the same project multiple times. This was a bug that we have fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1416: Schedule > Schedule Builder: We have made several fixes to this report. First, the WBS column would allow you to group by it, but you couldn't sort it. Now you can. Columns WBS Level 1, 2, 3, etc. did not have any descriptions on the field. Now they do. We also fixed the sorting on the WBS Levels.
  • DASH-1405: Reporting > Cost Estimate Detail Report: If you have notebook fields with bullets or paragraphs, then the PDF version of this report was stripping those out. With this change, we have put that data back in so that your PDF export looks more like what you see on the Dash360 UI.
  • DASH-1442: Reporting > Form 1030 Report: When you first load this report, the Fiscal Year columns in the report sometimes would not properly load data. This has been fixed in this release.
  • DASH-1404: Schedule > Schedule View & Status: Some customers could load their schedule in the Schedule Builder but not in the Schedule View & Status page. This has been corrected in this release.

v3.59 Release Notes

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024
  • DASH-1304: Reporting > Form 1030 Report: Speed Up Form 1030 Report
    • We have made changes to the Form1030 Report to make it a lot faster. The report now loads in < 10 seconds for most projects whereas it sometimes took minutes for this report to load.
  • DASH-1311: Reporting > Activities by Resource Assignment Report
    • Like the Form1030 Report, we have made several changes to make this report faster than before.
  • DASH-1410: Schedule > Quick Status: Rule Changes Not Allowing Some Users to Enter Data
    • We have further corrected some rules on this report to ensure that customers can easily add their schedule status.
  • DASH-1400: Fixed Scrollbars
    • We have modified the scrollbars again so that they are a normal size. A recent change we made to Dash360 caused issues were some reports had giant scrollbars. This has now been corrected.
  • DASH-1396: Reporting > Cost Estimate Detail Report
    • We made several changes to this report including removing the word "Labor" that was appearing on every Resource Result in the Summary of the PDF file. We also changed the FTE label to FTE (Months). Then, we made sure any Notebook field named Description would take up the full width of the view. Next, we changed Results Total label to just Total. Next, we centered and shrunk the Cost Basis column. Finally, we removed the "Cost Estimate" line from the top of the PDF printed version of this report.
  • DASH-1412: Risks > Risk Register: Right Justify All Currency Values and Center Other Values
    • We made some small text alignment changes on the Risk Register.
  • DASH-1399: Estimating > WBS DictionarySome WBS Elements are not Editable
    • If you had multiple top-level WBS elements, then only the first element was editable in the WBS Dictionary. This has been corrected.

v3.58 Release Notes

Friday, March 15th, 2024
Small Enhancements & Bug Fixes
  • DASH-1388: Risk Register is Always Showing 0 for Risk Rank: In the Risk Register main table, the Risk Rank field was always incorrectly showing a value of 0. This has been fixed.
  • DASH-1387: Automated Project Backups is Failing: This nightly job was taking hours to finish on some client servers because it backs up every active project nightly. We have changed this feature to now only backup active unlocked projects nightly (as locked projects can't be changed). We also modified the nightly job to give us more control on the time when each of our 4 nightly jobs runs so we can more easily configure it per customer.
  • DASH-1369: Cost Estimate Form > Can't Move Resource Assignments if an Activity is Attached to It: If you attach an Activity to a Resource Assignment, you could no longer move the Resource Assignment to a new WBS / Work Package. This has been updated so this can occur.
  • DASH-1367: Can't Browse to All WBS Top Level Codes in WBS Dictionary: If you have a project with multiple top level WBS Codes, then the WBS Dictionary would only allow you to see the first top level WBS. This was happening for one of our customers and has been corrected.
  • DASH-1368: Large Scrollbars and Table Misalignment Fixed: There were several pages in Dash360 that had really large scrollbars and tables that were misaligned. This issue was accidentally introduced in a previous release this month. The issue has been corrected.
  • DASH-1379: Compare Cost Class > Difference Column Showing 1e-7 Number: When calculating the Difference column in this report, sometimes the system would print the difference using scientific notation. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1380: Schedule > Quick Status > Revised % Complete Now Accepts Decimals: This field use to only accept whole numbers. Now, it also accepts a decimal.
  • DASH-1390: Estimating > Staffing Plan Report > Column Headers not showing in Firefox: On the Firefox browser, this report had all fixed column headers hidden. This has been fixed.

v3.57 Release Notes

Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • DASH-1345: Staffing Plan Report Speed Enhancements: We made several changes to the Staffing Plan Report in this release to make it faster.
  • DASH-1361: Restore Project: There was a couple of bugs in Restore Project that kept some old backup project files from completing successfully. This is fixed now.
  • DASH-1361: Schedule Builder: The Task Name field has been renamed to Activity Name. We also fixed a bug where the Activity Names were not appearing.

v3.56 Release Notes

Monday, February 26th, 2024

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • DASH-1346: Schedule > Quick Status: We have added a number of changes to the Quick Status Report. First, there was an issue with creating user views where an error was sometimes thrown. We also fixed an issue where clicking the % Complete value would delete the value in the Actual or Expected Finish Date column (instead of updating the Revised % Complete field). We also fixed the scrollbar in the Send Schedule Status to Admin modal so you can more easily see it. We also changed all Schedule Status Notifications for admins so that they only show up for Active projects. We also added a rule where if the Actual or Expected Finish < the Schedule Status Date and Percent Complete != 100, then throw an error is thrown that says "The Actual / Expected Finish Date is before the Schedule Status Date, so % Complete must be 100%".
  • DASH-1309: Risk Register: We have made several changes to the Risk Register to make it load faster.
  • DASH-1307/DASH-1325: Schedule: We have made several changes to the Schedule Builder and Schedule Viewer to make it load faster.
  • DASH-1344: Reporting > Compare Cost Class: A bug was introduced in v3.55 where if you selected the same project and 2 different cost classes, the system would only return the data for the first cost class. That has been fixed in this release.

v3.55 Release Notes

Thursday, February 15th, 2024

Speed Enhancements

  • DASH-1310: Quick Status: We greatly increased the speed of the Quick Status especially when select the CAM > All filter. Pages that used to take minutes now load in < 10 seconds.
  • DASH-1312: Compare Project: This report was also sped up and returns quite quick for many projects.
  • DASH-1313: Compare Cost Class: This report was also sped up and returns quite quick for many projects.
  • DASH-1322: Earned Value Curves: A number of changes were made to this report to make it faster. Enjoy.
  • DASH-1306: Cost Estimating Reports > Form 1030 Quality Check Report: For some customers, this report was really slow (taking a minute to load). We have drastically sped it up to where it now returns in just a few seconds.
  • DASH-1308: Make Report Builder faster: The Report Builder has been sped up quite a bit. We still have more to do on this report, but we wanted to release some of the speed enhancements we found sooner. This report is still quite slow if you are loading a large project with the Data Type of Timephase Level.
  • DASH-1336: Restore Project: Several changes were made to the Restore Project to try to make it complete faster. It has been improved greatly, but we will continue to look for continued performance improvements in the future.
  • Note: We are continuing to improve the performance of the application every day (it is one of our top priorities). The above report performance improvements are just the start and many of the above reports will continue to be sped up and enhanced in the future. This is just our first pass at fixing some of the slowest reports in Dash360. Stay tuned.

New Features
  • DASH-1222: Quick Status Enhancements: We added several new rules to the Quick Status to make sure users understand what is required to fill in when doing schedule status updates. We also fixed error messaging so that it doesn't get cut off in the UI and we made the boxes with errors have a bright red outline with a pink background to better call out the errors. If you click the Save button and there are errors, an error window pops up telling you that you have errors to correct. Finally, if there are changes you have made when you click Save, then the Quick Status now opens a modal with a version of the Schedule Status Update Report in it. This allows you to easily send your status updates to an Admin for approval. Once the status updates are sent, all Admin users receive a notification in the bell icon. Clicking on it will take the Admin to the Admin > User Status Updates page to Approve (or Delete) the CAM updates.
  • DASH-1323: Work Package Report Enhanced Filters for Download: When you are downloading a WP Report, the system now listens to the Cost Class and Resource Result filters that are selected in the left hand menu flyout.

Small Enhancements & Bug Fixes
  • DASH-1340: Make Automated Project Backups go faster: The automated project backup that runs every night and backs up every project to an Excel file has been limited to now only backup active projects. This is because some clients have dozens of projects and this was taking hours to complete on some customer servers.
  • DASH-1337: Fix Rebuild Index Nightly Job to Exclude Tableau and History Tracking: Modified the rebuild indexes script to not rebuild the indexes on the Tableau and HistoryTracking tables for speed reasons.
  • DASH-1324: Fix Rebuild Cache Nightly Job so that we can clear out the cache nightly before adding more data to it. This is to better optimize the cache we use for the Cost Estimating Reports.
  • DASH-1320: Setup Redirects to fix Browsing Errors: If you clicked on the Dash360 logo or went to some pages without the full URL, Dash360 would sometimes throw an error. We setup several redirects to fix this issue.
  • DASH-1321: Editing Hierarchal WBS Codes via the Admin > Codes > Edit Code dialog would sometimes throw an error when you tried to rename a code. This has been fixed.
  • DASH-1292: Cost Summary Report: If your project is setup with multiple Work Packages under a single WBS, then sometimes the Cost Summary Report would not total the correct total. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1294: Variance Narrative Report: On some client machiens, if you scrolled the Variance Narrative Report too quickly, you would see gray boxes. Sometimes, these gray boxes would not fill in with the appropriate data. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1314: Schedule Builder / Viewer: If you have a user view and you try to load the Schedule Builder or Viewer, Dash360 would sometimes duplicate your columns. This has been corrected in this release.

Other Technical Changes
  • DASH-1286: Reformatted the code of several areas to make it easier to read.

v3.54.4 Release Notes

Wednesday, January 31st, 2024
  • Removed History Tracking creation records that were drastically slowing down the Copy Project function. This function still copies past History Tracking data, it just doesn't create a new record for every record in the new project. You will only see a history tracking record once data in the newly copied project changes. A small change, but a big performance saver.

v3.54.2 Release Notes

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024
  • DASH-1291: Estimating > Cost Summary Report: There was a bug that was introduced with the v3.54 release that broke this report for customers who have projects with multiple Work Packages under one WBS. The system would only take the last Work Package's costs. This could drastically mis-report the totals for a project. If your project uses the same WBS and Work Package numbers and is 1 for 1 the same, then you would not have noticed this issue. This release fixes this issue.

v3.54.1 Release Notes

Sunday, January 21st, 2024
  • DASH-1288: Estimating > WBS Tree: The v3.54 broke the Estimating > WBS Tree page. This is because we added code to the Admin > Projects > Edit Project > WBS and the Admin > Projects > Codes > Tree to allow us to reset the sort order back to alphanumeric if the customer has custom sorted the WBS (TMT feature request), then we now have a feature that allows you to remove that custom sort (as an Admin) and reset it to alphanumeric. All 3 of these pages share the WBS Tree code. When we put this feature in, it broke the Estimating > WBS Tree page. This fixes that issue.

v3.54 Release Notes

Saturday, January 20th, 2024

New Features

  • DASH-1238: Admin > Import > Variance Narrative Entries: We built a new feature in the Admin > Import / Export area that now allows you to export and then back in Variance Narrative Entries. This allows you to bulk modify this information quickly and easily using Excel.
  • DASH-919: Estimating > Work Package Report > Export to Excel: We built a new feature in the Work Package Report that allows you to download either a single work package or your entire project into Excel. This also works for both the Summary and Detailed views.
  • DASH-836: Schedule > Add Cost Class: We added the Cost Class field to the Schedule Builder and Schedule Viewer. You can now see this field as an available column on these pages and group, sort and filter by this field as well. It also now shows up in the Resource Pane when looking at the Resources attached to an Activity in these two reports. This makes it easier to see costs in the Schedule Builder when you have multiple cost classes attached to the same Activity ID.
  • DASH-1198: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report > New Column Chooser: We have added a new column chooser to the Cost Summary Report. This new column chooser now allows you to pick all of the columns you want to see and then you must click an Apply button to make your selections change in the grid. The old column chooser reloaded the data grid every time you clicked on a column which can be painful when you have a lot of changes to make. We want to try this new feature out on this report before implementing it in all reports throughout Dash360.
  • DASH-1283: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report > WBS Custom Sort Order: We have a new feature in Dash360 that allows you to sort your WBS tree in whatever order you prefer. This is done by the Admin in the Codes or Edit Project screen. Simply right click in the tree on a WBS parent and choose Sort Order. A modal will appear on the top of the tree that will allow you to drag and drop your new order. You can also reset the order back to alphanumeric by right clicking and choosing Reset Sort Order from the menu. We then implemented this custom WBS sort order into the Cost Summary Report. If you custom sort your WBS, then the Cost Summary Report will always adhere to that custom sort order.
  • DASH-1167: Estimating > WBS Dictionary > Easier Editing of Data: The WBS Dictionary has had an Edit Mode capability for quite awhile. However, if you tried to use this feature on a large WBS tree, it was very slow (almost unusable on some trees). We have rebuilt this page to make it much more user friendly. First, we sped up the WBS Edit Mode by implementing paging. Now, if you enter Edit Mode at the top level of your tree, you will see 10 WBS at a time per page. You can then use the familiar paging controls at the top of the page to go back and forth. Then, we added an Edit (pencil) icon on every WBS element. Now, in View mode, you can simply click the Edit icon, make your necessary changes and click Save. It's great for small, one off changes.

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • DASH-1191: Schedule WBS Order Improvement: If you grouped your Schedule Builder / Viewer by WBS Level 1, 2 and 3 and you had some of your Activity IDs attached to WBS Level 2 elements, then the system would display those Activity IDs under a folder called "Undefined". This was because we would only show Activity IDs under the last grouped WBS Level (3 in this case). This has been corrected so now Activity IDs appear under the correct WBS Level folder.
  • DASH-1268: Admin > Import / Export > Cost Estimate Import Broken When Creating New Cost Estimates: We added a feature in the last release that allows you to add / update your Notebook entries for a Cost Estimate while doing a Cost Estimate import. Unfortunately, we also created a bug that broke the ability to add new Cost Estimates via the import. This has been corrected with this fix.
  • DASH-1162: Admin > Import / Export > Codes Improvements: We removed the hard to use Parent Code field in the Codes import / export. This field was used for hierarchal files (think WBS code files). Now, as long as you have a separator on each line (usually a period) and you have the Is Hierarchal column set to Yes, then Dash360 will automatically figure out the parent code for you based on the separator. This still requires that you name your WBS elements in a hierarchal nomenclature, but it should make things much simpler. We also sped up the Codes import by only reprocessing children codes of a parent code when you change the parent code's name or description. Before, we always regenerated child code records if you uploaded the parent code record (even if no changes had been made). This drastically speeds up the import process for this file import.
  • DASH-1266: Admin > Projects > Codes: If you viewed the code details of a code file in the admin and then tried to use the filter by name or description search bars, they did not work. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1273: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: We removed the Resource Code Codes from this report. This report is hardcoded to group data at the Work Package level. Because the Resource Code Codes are at the Resource Assignment level, it doesn't make sense to show them on this report. Another version of this report will be coming soon at the Resource Assignment level.
  • DASH-982: History Tracking Speed Improvements: We have added history tracking through most of Dash360. This feature allows us to track changes that you make to certain parts of Dash360. You can see this data (where available) by clicking on the history tracking button. Unfortunately, all of this added data was slowing down certain Admin pages of Dash360. That was corrected with this ticket.
  • DASH-1281: Remove History Tracking buttons from the Cost Estimate Form: For now, we have made only certain parts of our history tracking data available for you to view. This new feature tracks a lot of data, and it can be a bit hard to display well. We are actively working on making all of the Cost Estimate Form history data available to you in a near future release. Stay tuned.
  • DASH-216: History Tracking for Contingency Assignments: We added code so we can begin tracking Contingency Assignment changes that are made by users. This will be visible in the UI in a future release.
  • DASH-210: History Tracking for Resource Assignments: We added code so we can begin tracking Resource Assignment changes that are made by users. This will be visible in the UI in a future release.
  • DASH-201: History Tracking for Cost Estimates: We added code so we can begin tracking Cost Estimate changes that are made by users. Today, you can see history on Comments and Supporting Documents in the new History Tracking section on the Cost Estimate Form. The rest of the Cost Estimate history tracking data will be visible in the UI in a future release.
  • DASH-205: History Tracking for Cost Estimate Notebooks and WBS Dictionary fields: We added code so we can begin tracking Notebook Field and WBS Dictionary changes that are made by users. This will be visible in the UI in a future release.
  • DASH-1280: Estimating > Work Package Report > Download Signatures: In the Work Package Report Excel download above, we initially forgot to also add the Signatures to the Export. This was added with this ticket.
  • DASH-1279 / DASH-1287: Estimating > WBS Dictionary Edit Mode: We had a couple of bugs as we were implementing the new WBS Dictionary Edit Mode. Those were fixed before the release of the feature, so no issues to report.

v3.53 Release Notes

Monday, January 8th, 2023

New Features

  • DASH-1156: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > WBS Summary Report: Added multi-select checkboxes to the Cost Class filter so you can now select multiple cost classes to show in the report (instead of just one).
  • DASH-1172: Admin > Users > Delete Inactive Users: We built a feature so that you can delete an Inactive User from Dash360. When you delete an Active User from Dash360, it makes them an inactive user. In the past, these inactive users could not be deleted. These users could not logged in, but they were still listed in the Admin > Users area. Now, you can click the delete icon on the Inactive User. This will pop up a modal and will show you the data that belongs to that user. It then allows you to map this data to a new user. Once you choose a new user to map the existing data to, then you may delete the user. The system will map the existing data to the new user and then delete the old inactive user.
  • DASH-1164: Admin > Admin Reports > User Last Login Report: This report will show a list of all of the users in Dash360 and the last time they logged in to Dash360.
  • DASH-1089: Admin > Resources > Resource Code Listing > Has Resource Calculations: Added a new column to this listing that now lists whether or not a Resource Code has a Resource Calculation attached to it or not.
  • DASH-1202: Admin > Import / Export > Import / Export Resources: We have modified the Import / Export for Resources so that you can now add, update or delete Linked Resource Code Codes for a Resource Code. The system will create a separate column in the Export Resources for each Linked Resource Code Code. You can then add, edit or delete the codes for each Resource Code and reimport it back into the system. This hopefully saves time for users who are using these custom fields.
  • DASH-1102: Admin > Import / Export > Import / Export Cost Estimate: We have modified the Import / Export for Cost Estimates so that you can now add, update or delete Notebook Entries for a Cost Estimate. The system will create a separate column in the Export Cost Estimates for each Notebook Category. You can then add, edit or delete the notebook entries for each Cost Estimate and reimport it back into the system. This hopefully saves time for users who are using these custom fields.
  • DASH-1105: Admin > Import / Export > All Exports: Any project filters now only show Active Projects in the filter.

Bug Fixes & Other Small Changes
  • DASH-1210: Earned Value > CPR: When I click on an SV or CV value, the Add / Edit Variance Narrative form appears. At the top of this modal, the CPR section that shows the values for that Work Package always says "No Data" when it should show the CPR data for this Work Package. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1211: Earned Value > Variance Narrative Report: There were several changes to this report. The Variance Narrative Report narrative entry fields could sometimes get out of order if they were not created sequentially. The Excel and Word files also did not have the variance narrative entries in them. The report was also missing 2 thresh hold filters that the CPR contained. All of these items have been fixed.
  • DASH-1225: Earned Value > Variance Narrative Report: If there is no data in a particular reporting period, the system throws a bad error that doesn't make sense. We have updated this to say there is no data in this reporting period instead.
  • DASH-1159: Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: Saving a view resets the WBS and Work Package sometimes to where the user has to repick their WBS and / or Work Package. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1236: Reporting > Variance Narrative Report: The link for this menu item was pointing to the wrong report. It has now been updated to work correctly.
  • DASH-1256 & DASH-1169: Respread Resource Assignments by Activity Dates: There was a bug with this new feature where timephase data would get deleted (instead of respread) when a Resource Assignment had a single Activity attached to it and that Activity had the same Start and Finish Date. This would cause the timephase data for the Resource Assignment to be deleted instead of properly respread. We have also greatly sped up this process so that it is faster. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1199 & DASH-1204: Schedule > Quick Status: The Quick Status report has been for a lot of customers. We therefore have added a top line CAM filter where you must select a CAM to show the report. There is an ALL option, so you can still load the whole report if needed (which will be slower than if you select a CAM). Also fixed a number of issues around user views and filters.
  • DASH-1221: Admin > Projects > Restore Project: There was an error where the Schedule Status Date in the project backup file could be set to Undefined in the Excel file. This is because the data for this date is set to 1/1/0001 in the database (due to a previous change in Dash360). This would cause an error when restoring a project. This has been fixed.
  • DASH-1109: Admin > Import / Export > Import Actual Resource Assignments: When importing in Actual Resource Assignments, the Comments for actual resource assignments entered through the UI were deleted. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1260: Admin > Import / Export > Import Resource Calculation: If I have no Form 1030 Code File or Form 1030 Code in my Resource Calculation Import, it sometimes would fail. The feature now has been updated so it works whether you have a 1030 code or not.
  • DASH-1201: Admin > Import / Export > Export: When exporting a file, you are asked to filter your data before you export. These filters have been slow. We have worked in this release to make them much faster.
  • DASH-1194: Admin > Import: All import mapping screens have a field for "Code Order" and should not have this field. It has been removed from all import mapping screens except for the Codes import.
  • DASH-1192: Admin > Projects > Rates: In the Rate History dialog, we have updated the "Boe" label to read "BOE". We also changed "RatesetBoe" to "Rate Set BOE". Finally, we added a way to filter the Rates by the Rate Set Name.
  • DASH-918: Admin > Backup / Restore Project (and other imports): There was an issue where the European format of dates in the DD/MM/YYYY format could cause an issue in Dash360 when importing them. We have corrected this issue. To insure that Dash360 handles your dates correctly, please make sure all Excel files have their date fields formatted and are using your prescribed date format. If you are using Dash360 export files, then you should have no issue. If you are building your Excel files by hand, then you can tell a date is properly formatted in Excel because it will automatically right justify the date. If it is left justified, then Excel is treating it like a string.

v3.52 Release Notes

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023
  • DASH-1158: Fixed an issue where JS and CSS files failed to load after a release. This could cause the user's page not to load. Once all of the JS and CSS files were cached in the user's browser, then this issue would go away. However, on slow internet connections, this could cause numerous pages to fail until all of the files were cached in the user's browser. This release fixes that issue.

v3.51 Release Notes

Saturday, December 2nd, 2023
  • DASH-1197: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: Fixed issues with Notebook fields with special characters in them so they would load correctly in the report. Also made sure that WBS Levels are properly filled in. Corrected an issue where columns would not load if there were more than 16 columns in the report.

v3.50 Release Notes

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
New Features
  • DASH-1136: Custom WBS Code Sort Order: We have added a new feature to Dash360 that allows you to change the sort order on WBS codes (and other code files). Today, Dash360 sorts all codes alphanumerically. With this new feature, you can now have your codes sorted however you see fit. The Sort Order feature now appears in the Admin > Projects > Edit Project > WBS Tree area. Right click on a parent node and choose Sort Order. A modal will then appear that allows you to put the children for that parent in whatever order you choose. You can also change this order from the Import Codes and the Admin > Codes > Add / Edit Codes features.
  • DASH-1101: Share User Views with Multiple Users: In a previous release, we now give admins the ability to share a view with another user. In this release, we expanded that feature so you can now share a view with multiple users at one time.

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements
  • DASH-1074: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: Significant work has been done to speed this report up. We also have removed the caching feature for this report as it now should load in just a few seconds for most customers.
  • DASH-1161: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > WBS Summary Report: Significant work has been done to speed this report up. We also have removed the caching feature for this report as it now should load in just a few seconds for most customers.
  • DASH-1155: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: If you had 2 cost classes with the same words in them (Ex: "Actual" and "Actual Budget"), then selecting either of them would make the other one also load into the report. This has been fixed with this release.
  • DASH-1163: Admin > Projects > Delete Project: Sometimes when you deleted a project and told the system to delete all associated files with the project, then Dash360 would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1166: Admin > Projects > Rates / Admin > Projects > Notebooks: When adding a new rate file or notebook category, that file or category would disappear. Instead, it should show up under the Inactive Projects area. This has been corrected in this release.
  • DASH-1173: Admin > Projects > Rates: If a rate file was not attached to a resource file, then it would not show up in the Rates tab. This has been corrected. Now, the rate file will be listed in the Rates > Inactive Projects area as expected.
  • DASH-1168: Admin > Import/Export > Import Resource Assignments: If you import a resource assignment that would create a value in any single month over 9,999,999,999, then the system would throw an error that didn't make sense to the user. Dash360 now throws an error that explains to the user that something must be wrong with the value they are importing, the timephasing settings on their project or with their resource calculation / rates.
  • DASH-1072: Admin > CPR Cache: We have added a new feature that allows admins to empty out the CPR cache. This feature is only to be used in the rare cases where you need to copy an old project to a new project and you want to clear out the old CPR data in the new project. Note: Clearing out the CPR Cache will delete past Earned Value data from the CPR. While Dash360 will still have the old Earned data in the system, the CPR report will not have this data. To fully clear out old Earned Value data, you will also have to delete all old Earned Resource Assignments using the Import Resource Assignment feature.
  • DASH-1175: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Contingency Assignment Report: There was a bug with the Contingency Assignment Report not grouping the backend data that drives the report by Cost Class correctly. This only occurred if your project calculates contingency only at the Work Package level. This has been corrected in this release.

v3.49.1 Release Notes

Monday, November 13th, 2023
  • Modified Calculate Earned Value so that Milestone % and % Complete Earned Value Techniques now do a recalculate of Earned Value in the Current Period insuring that the % Earned is equal to the Milestone / % Complete values entered by the user. Also fixed a small bug where LOE CTD SV could sometimes cause an error when recalculating the same period more than once.

v3.49 Release Notes

Saturday, November 11th, 2023

New Features

  • DASH-288 / DASH-913: Admin > Projects > Project Folders: We have now added a Project Folders feature that shows your active Projects in an "Active Projects" accordion and all of your inactive Projects are under the "Inactive Projects" accordion. Rippled the Project Active / Inactive Accordion Folders down to the Codes, Notebooks, Resources, Rates and other areas of the Admin.
  • DASH-1035: Estimating > Cost Estimate Reports > WBS Dictionary Quality Check Report: We created this report to show all of the WBS Dictionary fields associated with your project and whether they are filled in or not.
  • DASH-543: Admin > Projects > Project Backups: This is a new page that lists every project backup that an Admin has created. This allows you to go back to Dash360 and find an old backup project file that you may have misplaced on your local machine.
  • DASH-1005: Reporting > Compare Cost Class: This is a new report that allows you to compare up to 2 projects and 2 cost classes to each other.
  • DASH-941: Admin can now Share User Views: We built a feature that allows an Admin to share a System View or User View with another user. The Admin can also set that view as the default view.
  • DASH-880: Modify Resource Assignment Start & Finish Dates and Costs based on attached Activity Dates: This feature is present in the Resource Assignment, Work Package and Project process icon. When selected, the system will find all of the Activities that are assigned to a Resource Assignment. It will then set the Start and Finish Date to the earliest assigned Activity Start Date and the latest assigned Activity Finish Date. Then, the system will linearly spread the total Budgeted cost for the Resource Assignment across those new dates. It is important to understand that this feature linerarly spreads the data (every months value will be the same). Also, if you have the Do-Not-Change-Historical flag turned ON, then this feature will only change the dates and respread the remaining values in the future. If you run this at the Cost Estimate level, then the system loops through every Resource Assignment in that Cost Estimate and respreads each one-by-one. Same for running this at the Proejct level. We highly recommend new users try this feature out at the Resource Assignment level and see how the feature works before running it at the Cost Estimate or Project level. The only way to revert this change is from a project backup restore.
  • DASH-907 / DASH-1106: Admin > Projects > Bulk Assign / Auto-Assign Resource Codes to CAMs: In a previous release of Dash360, we added a Registry setting called CAM-Access-To-Resource-Codes. When this feature is turned on, an Admin can assign Resource Codes to a CAM. This then locks down the ability to see any Resource Code that CAM does not have access to by hiding them in the Cost Estimate Form. In this release, we enhanced that feature. You can now bulk assign resource codes to CAMs. We also have locked down the Cost Estimate Form and imports more so Resource Codes that don't belong to the WP's assigned CAM will be rejected. We also built an auto-assign feature so existing customers could turn this feature on and have the system auto-assign all of the existing Resource Codes to a CAM for every Work Package that they own. Again, this feature is off by default and must explicitly be turned on in both the Default and any project registries if you want to use it.

Bug Fixes / Small Enhancements

  • DASH-834: Schedule > Schedule Status Report / Admin > User Status Update Report: We added the CAM, WBS, Actual or Expected Start, Actual or Expected Finish and Revised % Complete to these 2 reports. This is so we can make these reports look more like the Quick Status report and allows the user to see the before & after on schedule changes more clearly.
  • DASH-552: Risk > Risk Register: We right justified all dollar amounts in the main Risk datagrid.
  • DASH-1009: Admin > Projects > Resources > Resource Calculation: If a Form 1030 Code is assigned for a Resource Result, then the Edit Resource Calculation form will now auto-select that Form 1030 Code for you.
  • DASH-747: Admin > Projects > Import Codes: When importing hierarchal codes with a separate specified, you no longer have to set the Parent Code field. Now, the system will use the separator and automatically figure out the Parent Code field for you on import.
  • DASH-920: Admin > Import / Export > Resource Calculations: We added the Form 1030 File Name and Form 1030 Code Name to the import / export. Now, you can change the Form 1030 codes by Resource Calculation Result (just like in the Admin UI).
  • DASH-1004: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: This report now has a multi-select Cost Class selector. This allows you to select multiple cost classes at one time and have the system sum up all data.
  • DASH-1011: Earned Value > EV Curves: We used to cache all of the EV Curve data for each user by project. This was to try to make the report go faster. Since then, we have implented a change that caches all CPR data when you Calculate Earned Value. This allowed us to remove the EV Curve specific caching in lieu of the CPR cached data instead.
  • DASH-1049: Earned Value > CPR > Variance Thresholds: For customers using complex, multi-OR/AND variance thresholds in the CPR, Dash360 would sometimes not apply all thresholds. This was seen by some of the different colors chosen to highlight a variance not showing up when they should in the CPR. We have reworked this area to ensure the variance colors now appear correctly.
  • DASH-1056: Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: User Views were not remembering some added columns. Now, the system correctly remembers the columns that you want the view to remember.
  • DASH-1055: Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: If you used Microsoft Edge and clicked on a BOE / Document link and that file was an Excel file, Edge would open that file in the browser and open a new untitled browser tab. This only occurred in Edge. We have updated Dash360 so that these documents are always downloaded. They will no longer open in the browser.
  • DASH-1130: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: When a CAM clicked on a Work Package link, Dash360 is supposed to take the user to the Cost Estimate Form for that Work Package. That functionality was working for Administrators but not for CAMs. It has been corrected in this release.
  • DASH-1054: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: If a Work Package had the less than (<) or greater than (>) symbols in it's Work Package Description, then those were getting stripped from the display on this report. This is now fixed.
  • DASH-1123: Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: The Fiscal Year and Resource Result (Direct, Escalation, etc) columns were not taking into account negative values in their calculation. This means the summed values were wrong. These columns are hidden by default on this report. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-991: Schedule > Quick Status: The Quick Status was highlighting all Finish Dates in the future without a Revised % Complete yellow. Now, the Quick Status Finish Date is only highlighted yellow if the Start Date for the task is on or before the Schedule Status Date AND the Finish Date is on or after the Schedule Status Date.
  • DASH-1104: Reporting > Cost Estimate Detail Report: Work Package Summary Labor, Non-Labor, Travel, Total Cost were sometimes showing all $0 even though they had values. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-910: Admin > Projects > Backup / Restore Project: The Backup Project file was missing the DoneDate and Approved columns in the ScheduleStatus tab of the backup file. We have added these columns so data is correctly restored for this part of the application.
  • DASH-946: Admin > Projects > Restore Project: Sometimes when restoring an old project, that old project can be missing new Registry values. This fix will copy any missing values from the Default registry to this project's registry on restore.
  • DASH-1143: Admin > Projects > Calculate Earned Value: If a Cost Estimate is set to LOE EVT and had a budget Resource Assignment in the past with a different Resource Code / Resource Calculation and the Do-Not-Change-Historical-Flag was turned off and Earned Value was already calculated in the past with the old resource code assigned, then the system's Earned and Budget data will not match each other. This can cause a CTD Schedule Variance that should not exist. This fix tries to correct that issue by creating a reversal (variance) in the current period so that CTD SV is always 0.
  • DASH-1119: Admin > Projects > Resources: The Resource Code Tree would sometimes throw an error if you deleted a parent resource code with children. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1033: Admin > Projects > Resources > Bulk Edit Resource Codes: This screen had an error when adding multiple Form 1030 codes. As you clicked to add a new Form 1030 code line, the system would forget what you previously entered in the line above. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-944: Admin > Users: Inserting a user that already exists in Dash360 threw a bad error message. Now, the system throws an error stating that this user already exists.
  • DASH-1111: Admin > Import Codes: When importing some Work Package codes with the Delete flag = Yes, the system would sometimes throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1073: Admin > Import / Export Resource Calculations: If you chose a Resource File and a Resource Code from the Export Resource Calculation filters, then you would get a blank Excel export file. Now, the system will export just that resource code's calculation.
  • DASH-1039: Admin > Import / Export Resource Calculations: If a project has a Rate Set or a Resource ID that Excel sees as a number (743.4), then Excel was automatically converting that column to a number instead of treating it as a string. This would then break the Import Resource Calculations. You can manually fix this by adding an apostrophe in front of the value. However, we also modified the Export Resource Calculation to ensure that the Rate Set and Resource ID columns will always export as a string.
  • DASH-1057: Admin > Import / Export > Notebook Entries: If you want to delete a notebook entry, the system would require that the Project, WBS, Work Package Number and Notebook Category fields were all filled in. Now, only the ID and Delete=Yes columns need to be set and the system will delete that record.
  • DASH-1034: Admin > Import > Resource Assignment Replace Timephase Data: This import was rounding Value data imported into the system down at the 2 digit level. Now, it rounds at 8 digits.
  • DASH-1133: Admin > Import Risks: When importing Risk data, the system would sometimes incorrectly pick the next Risk ID for a prefix. This would cause an odd Primary Key Error to appear in the app. This has been corrected.
  • DASH-1096: Import > Schedule: When trying to delete a task through the import, sometimes the system would throw a bad "Object Null Reference Error". This has been corrected in this release.
  • DASH-195: Rebuild Database Indexes: Dash360 sits on top of Microsoft SQL Server. Sometimes, a system's indexes can get heavily fragmented if an Administrator is import a lot of data into Dash360. This change automatically runs a rebuild index stored procedure nightly to help with speeding up client databases.

Release v3.48.4

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

  • Fixed a bug in the user views. User views were not saving changes. With this release, that functionality has been restored.

Release v3.48.3

Thursday, August 24th, 2023

  • Fixed a bug in the Premium Pay / Longevity Pay where resource results that depend on the Longevity Pay as a source calculation were sometimes processing out of order. If you had more than 1 resource result that depended on Longevity Pay, those results were not being processed in order. This could cause some results to get the wrong value for its result.

Release v3.48.2

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023

  • Fixed a bug in the Cost Estimate Form where a red javascript error box would appear if the project did not have any CPR data.

Release v3.48.1

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023

  • Fix CSS issue that was causing the layout on pages like the Cost Estimate Form and Edit Project to show columns as rows

Release v3.48

Monday, August 21st, 2023

New Features

  • Track Earned Value / CPR Generation & Caching / Rebuild of all Earned Value Reports: When an Administrator chooses to Calculate Earned Value, Dash360 will now keep track of who ran EV, the datetime of the run and what project and reporting period was selected. It also will store all of the Work Package Percent Completes and Task Percent Completes for use in a future / to be released feature upcoming. The system now also calculates the CPR data whenever earned value is calculated and stores this into a table. The main benefit is now the CPR will be able to show you the BAC at the time you ran the Calculate EV method. The second benefit is that this CPR data is now cached and returns much more quickly. The CPR, EV Curves, RAM and Performance Index Report all now load much faster than previous versions of Dash360.
  • Active / Inactive Projects + Project Order: All of the Projects select boxes in the Earned Value, Estimating, Schedule, Risks and Reporting sections can now be controlled better from the Admin > Projects area. We have created a folder icon in the right hand corner of this screen. Clicking this icon will open a modal that allows you to select any projects that you would like to make Inactive (all projects are Active by default). If you Inactivate a project, the project will still show up in the Admin, however, it will be hidden from everyone in all of the other sections of Dash360. You can also sort the Active Projects in the list. If you order the Active Projects, then Dash360 will show that same order to all other users. If you do not select an order, then Dash360 will continue to show the Default Project first followed by all of the other projects in alphabetical order.
  • Assign Resource Codes to CAMs: We have added another new feature to Dash360 that is set to off by default in the Registry. To use this feature, you must turn on the "CAM-Access-To-Resource-Codes" registry setting. If this is turned on in the Default registry, then the Admin will see a CAMs select box in the Admin > Projects > Resources > Add / Edit Resource Codes modal. In this select box, the user can select the CAM(s) that should have access to this resource code. Then, when anyone is using the Cost Estimate Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignment form, only the Resource Codes assigned to the CAM of this Work Package will show up in the Resource Code field. This is basically an advanced security feature designed more for new customers who are just starting out and want to lock down their Dash360 instance even more (allow CAMs to only see specific resource codes).

Small Enhancements / Bug Fixes

  • Schedule > Quick Status: We made several changes to the Quick Status page this release. First, we added the Task Weight column to the column chooser. It is off by default. Second, we now have made the Finish Date yellow if the task is not yet complete but the task has already started. Next, we build a Hide LOE button that hides all tasks that are a part of an LOE work package. This button is also turned ON by default. Finally, we saw that some customers were entering in new Status Dates in MM/DD/YY format. The Quick Status does not support 2 year formats. Now, Dash360 will give you an error to request that you add a full 4 digit year value.
  • Admin > Projects > Import Schedule: When importing the Schedule with records set to Delete = Yes, Dash360 use to remove all Task / Resource Assignment references from the system along with deleting the task. This caused an issue because many of our customers completely wipe out their Schedule every month and then reimport it in from another scheduling tool (i.e. Primavera). This importing would delete the Resource Assignment / Task relationship and then the Admin would have to manually reapply them through a Resource Assignment import (a big undertaking). Now, the Schedule Import does NOT remove these references by default. We added a checkbox called "When Deleting Tasks, Also Delete Resource Assignment References". Checking this checkbox is now the only way to remove those references on import.
  • Admin > Projects > Copy Cost Class: Copying a Cost Class from one cost class to another can have potentially unattended effects if the "Do-Not-Change-Historical-Data" registry setting is turned on. When this setting is on and you copy a cost class, Dash360 will only copy the data from the project's current reporting period forward. It will not copy past historical data. Dash360 now grays out the "Copy all periods in your project" radio button and displays a message that reads "The Do Not Change Historical Flag option is turned on, so you can’t copy all periods unless you turn this registry setting off". If you want to copy all periods (even those in the past), then we recommend you turn this flag off, copy the cost class and then turn this registry setting back on.
  • Tableau > Fiscal Year: We have modified the Fiscal Year column in Tableau. It used to be structure like this: [Fiscal-Year-Start-Month]/1/[Fiscal-Year]. So, you would normally get something like 10/1/2023 for all fields where only the year portion of the date would change when the data flipped to the next fiscal year. Now, however, we have changed this to read like this instead: [Resource-Date-Month]/1/[Fiscal-Year]. Now, dates will be more what users expect where the month is always the resource date's month value.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project: Some of the dropdown boxes on the Edit Project screen were showing up at the top of the page instead of right next to the dropdown / select control. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Projects > Tableau Favorites: We have changed the name of "Tableau Favorites" to just "Favorites". This feature still works the same way, we simply shortened the name.
  • Risk Register Refactoring: We did several code clean ups of the Risk Register section making the code easier to maintain and faster. You should see no issues in this area, but wanted to note it here in the release notes for tracking purposes.

v3.47.1 Release Notes

Thursday, July 17th, 2023

  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Reports > Cache Data: All of the cost estimating reports now use a cache. This cache greatly speeds up all of the cost estimating reports. However, if you change data in Dash360, then you will have to click the Refresh button on your Report / Project to get the new data to load.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Reports > Optional Cache: You can now cache the Cost Summary Reports so they run more quickly. By default, the cache is turned off. To turn it on, go to the Admin > Projects > Registry tab and look for the registry key called "Enable-Reporting-Cache". If this is turned "On" for a project, then that project's Cost Estimating Reports will be cached. To clear the cache and reload the data, click the refresh button. There is also a cache timestamp that will appear when the cache is turned on so that you can see the age of the cached data. There is also a nightly job that now runs that will cache all of your Cost Estimating Reports every night.
  • Recalculate Unit Cost: The unit cost field on resource assignments is now reset when a project is recalculated. This reset sometimes needs to occur when a unit cost field should be emptied out when a non-labor / travel rate is changed from 1 to a real value.
  • Admin > Projects: You can now select up to 3 projects to send to Tableau. Dash360 now sends these 3 favorite projects and your default project to Tableau for reporting.
  • Admin > Projects > Registry: There is a new "Time-Zone" registry setting that allows you to select the time zone that you'd like to see time represented in Dash360. There are only a few places where a time shows up. This is a per project registry setting so you can have a different time zone per project.
  • Admin > Import / Export > Export Resource Assignments: You can now choose the cost class you want to export when exporting Resource Assignments.
  • Bug Fixes: 2 bugs were fixed in this release. One occurred when you recalculated a project and that project had resource assignments with start / finish dates but no cost data. The system would throw an error. Another issue was slowing down Dash360 and accidentally loading User History data on every page of the application. Removing this extra call that was not needed should help to speed up some customer systems.

v3.46 Release Notes

Monday, July 17th, 2023

  • Admin > Imports > Import Resource Assignments: If your Excel file has Resource Assignment Notebook fields in it, then the system will list those fields as "Notebook: Field Name" in your export file. However, if your field name also has a colon in it, then the system will throw an ugly error. This
  • Variance Narrative Report would only show variance narrative entry values if there was more than one per work package. If there was only one, then the report would hide it when you clicked on the orange arrow to expand. This has been fixed.
  • The Earned Value Curves page stopped showing correct data in the graph and table. This has been corrected.
  • The Performance Index Report page stopped showing correct data in the graph and table. This has been corrected.
  • CPR: Showing only rows that have tripped a variance threshold was not working properly. It has been corrected.
  • Quick Status: Added the EVT column to the report. It is hidden by default.

v3.45 Release Notes

Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

  • Admin > Imports > Import Resource Assignments: If your Excel file has Resource Assignment Notebook fields in it, then the system will list those fields as "Notebook: Field Name" in your export file. However, if your field name also has a colon in it, then the system will throw an ugly error. This has been corrected so this error does not occur and the import finishes successfully.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: When Adding / Editing a Resource Assignment, Dash360 is saying my Activity Ids attached to my Resource Assignment don't match my currently selected Work Package. This occurred from a bug from our last release. The work around was to refresh the page. Now, no refresh is required.
  • Admin > Resources / Rates: History Tracking has been added to the Resources and Rates areas of Dash360. Now, all of your changes in these areas are tracked and can be viewed by clicking on the History Tracking button (to the left of the edit icon).

v3.44 Release Notes

Thursday, July 6th, 2023

  • Premium Pay v2: The Premium / Longevity Pay feature now allows the admin to use the Longevity Pay resource result as a source for other results in a resource calculation. This allows you to include the Longevity Pay in indirect and fringe results.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Contingnecy Assignment Report: This report was failing for some customers if Contingency was calculated at the Work Package level instead of the Resource Assignment level. Now, the report works for both levels of contingency.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: When editing a Resource Assignment, the Activities area was not showing new activities that were just created in the Cost Estimate Form > Schedule area. Now, the activities do show up.
  • Earned Value > Variance Narrative Report: Formatted all of the values on the report to follow the currency formats. Also added a threshhold filter to show only those records tripping a work package. Added user / system views to the report. Fixed the exports so they properly export what is on the screen.
  • Default User View: When setting a user view or system view as a default view (or removing the default view), the system now redraws the system and user views so you don't see double stars to signify a default view. Now, there is only ever one star.
  • Schedule > Schedule Status Update / Admin > User Status Update: Both of these reports would grab the oldest schedule status date instead of the most current status date. This has been corrected.
  • Risk > Risk Register: When editing a risk, any notebook fields that are WYSIWYG editors are losing their values when you save. This has now been fixed.

v3.43.1 Release Notes

Thursday, July 6th, 2023

  • Fixed an issue with Tableau and Dash360. When Tableau would go down, Dash360 would also fail when logging in or trying to use the site.

v3.43 Release Notes

Sunday, June 25th, 2023

Bug Fixes / Small Enhancements
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Reports > WBS Summary Report: Enhanced this report to show a stacked bar chart of FTE and Subtotals by a Resource Code > Code File of your choice. Set the Resource Code > Code File from the Admin > Edit Project > Reports tab. You can also customize the colors of each code. If you do not select a Resource Code > Code File, then these 2 new stacked bar charts do not appear on the report.
  • Admin > Projects > Copy Project / Restore Project: When copying or restoring a project, the system would not keep the Budget Resource Assignments and other Resource Assignments from other cost classes like CR in sync. So, if you had a Budget RA 123-Budget and a matching 123-CR, when you went to copy / restore a project, the system would put in 123-Budget and 456-CR. This would break the link between the 2 resource assignments. Then, when you copied your CR back into your Budget, you'd get duplicate costs because these RAs didn't match up anymore. This has all been corrected going forward.
  • Some customers had duplicate Cost Classes / Cost Sets in their project data (2 CR cost classes, 2 Budget cost classes). We have gone through every customers instance and removed the duplicate. This issue didn't cause any real problem in Dash360 except that you would see the same cost class name multiple times in the Cost Class dropdown lists. We have not identified the root cause of the issue, but no customer should see duplicate cost class names.
  • Schedule > Quick Status: If you had a task that had already started and you set the Actual or Expected Start Date to after the current Status Date, then the system would not allow you to enter a 0 in for the % Complete. It would expect you to enter a value > 0. There was also an error to where if you left the Revised % Complete field blank (meaning 0), you would get an error. Finally, if you task's Finish Date was set to the current Status Date and you tried to change the Actual / Expected Finish Date to a date in the future, the system would still expect the task to be 100% complete. All of these items have been corrected so the user can enter their expected status.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > WBS Summary Report: Modified the FTE stacked bar chart to show in monthly units (FTE / 12) instead of total. Also, removed "millions" label and the $ from the tooltip. The graphs also filter based on the WBS and Cost Class selected now, too.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project > WBS Tree: You could get the WBS Tree to fail if you incorrectly imported WBS codes. The system would allow you to use the same name for the "Parent Code" field as the "Code Name" field in the same record. The Import Codes now throws an error message if you make the Code Name / Parent Code Name the same value for a row.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Import Timephase Data: If you had a new monthly column header in your import file and it was not bolded, the system would throw an error and your import would fail. This has now been corrected.

v3.42 Release Notes

Sunday, June 18th, 2023

New Features
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Reports > WBS Summary Report: Enhanced this report to show a stacked bar chart of FTE and Subtotals by a Resource Code > Code File of your choice. Set the Resource Code > Code File from the Admin > Edit Project > Reports tab. You can also customize the colors of each code. If you do not select a Resource Code > Code File, then these 2 new stacked bar charts do not appear on the report.
  • Admin > Projects > Cost Class: Added the ability to assign a unique rate file to a cost class. If you assign a different rate file to a cost class, then Dash360 uses that rate file instead of the default one attached to your project.
  • Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: Added a Units filter at the top of the page that allows you to show FTE, Hours or Subtotal on this report.
  • Tableau: Added Resource Code > Code Files / Codes to Tableau. We also added Signature Signoffs and a separate columns for every Resource Type (Labor, Non-Labor and Travel), Resource Result (Direct, FTE, Hours) and Fiscal Year. These new columns pivot the data and make it easier for our Dashboards and our normal reports to also eventually pull from this table.
Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements
  • Earned Value > Calculate EV: The Calculate EV process was failing in some edge case scenarios. Fixed some calculation issues where we recalculate the CTD CV field for the current period if the EAS work package is not returning 0 for this field. Found a couple of scenarios where a CTD CV could be <> 0 in some edge cases. Fixed those so they should not occur in the future.
  • Admin > Projects > Copy Cost Class: When copying a Cost Class, the system would not copy longevity pay or MTDCs to the new Cost Class. This would cause issues where the target cost class would not equal the source cost class. This has been corrected. We also made "Replace" the default option.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Reports > Cost Summary Report: Worked on speeding up this report. For some of our clients with large datasets, this report was taking 5+ minutes to load. We believe this time will be improved with this release. More speed enhancements will be coming soon.
  • Risk Register: If you edited a risk that did not have a Trigger Date already set, Dash360 was accidentally setting the Trigger Date to 12/31/1969. This has been corrected so the field will remain blank until you fill it in.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: If you were viewing the form using a User View and you made changes to the Schedule or CPR data grids, the system would not save any grid layout changes you made. Now, the system does record those layout changes.

v3.41 Release Notes

Saturday, June 3rd, 2023


  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form: The Import Timephase spreadsheet date columns at the top of the page will now accept Excel formatted Date fields or String values formatted in MMM-YYYY format (Ex: Mar-2024). Also fixed an issue where if you put in the wrong date for a Start or Finish Date, the system would not tell you the line number where the error occurred. The system has been updated to now tell you were the error occurred.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form: The Export Timephase would not show all results in the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel Resource Result drop downs unless you selected a Work Package with Resource Assignments for Labor, Non-Labor and Travel. Now, the system shows all results available for each type in their respective drop downs.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: There was an error where some customers had their Work Package comments changed to the WBS number. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Work Package Report: Changed the FTE Years and Months in the Yearly and Monthly views to make more sense. They now match what you would see in the Staffing Plan Report.


  • Risk > Risk Register: You can now click the process icon next to any risk and choose to Copy a Risk. This will open a modal where you will select the risk prefix and enter the title of the new risk. The system will then copy the current risk into the new risk.


  • Schedule: We removed the header label from the WBS column as this field shows all of the fields selected in the Group By filter. This was sometimes causing confusion. We also now allow you to rearrange columns by clicking on the column header and dragging and dropping the columns to their new location. If you are using a user view, this rearranging is also saved to your view.
  • Schedule > Quick Status: We made serveral changes to the Quick Status area. The Revised Start / Finish Dates were renamed to "Actual or Expected Start" and "Actual or Expected Finish". Also build a Show / Hide 100% Complete tasks button that will hide all tasks that are already 100% complete. The Save button on the data grid has also been updated to prominently have the word "Save" in an orange button. The Quick Status also now remembers the changes you made if you leave and come back to it. The Quick Status now also uses the Schedule Status Date instead of the Reporting Period. Finally, changed the date format to follow the registry.
  • Schedule > Schedule Status Report & Admin > User Status Updates: Changed the date format to follow the registry and to use the Schedule Status Date instead of the Reporting Period.


  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project > MTDC: We changed the word "Contracts" to "Subawards" to make this area more understandable.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project: On the Setting tab, we added a Contingency Cost Classes field. If you select cost classes in this field, then only Resource Assignments in the selected cost classes will have contingency applied to them. If you leave this field blank, then Dash360 will continue to calculate contingency on all Resource Assignments in every cost class except Actual and Earned.
  • Admin > Users > Assign Access: If you tried to add, edit or delete security access on a user, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Projects > Copy Project: If you had Holidays or a Project Calendar setup and you tried to copy a project, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Codes > History Tracking: We added history tracking to all of the Admin > Codes area.
  • Admin > Audit Log: There were several pages that were not being tracked in the Activity Log. This has now been fixed.

v3.40 Release Notes

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023


  • Variance Narrative Report: Created a new variance narrative report that includes all CPR values and an Excel and Word export.
  • Staffing Plan Report: Made the report faster
  • Schedule: If you hide the Baseline, Previous Month or Resource Bars, the task height now shrinks.
  • EV Curves: The Y axis now starts at $0.
  • Cost Estimate Form: Added the WP Number and Description to the end of the browser title.
  • Risk Register: Added the ability to display all fields in the form in the data grid.

Bug Fixes

  • Restore Project was breaking because of the new History Tracking. Fixed it so that does not happen.
  • Risk Register: Filter Risk Status besides Active breaks the export
  • Cost Estimate Form > Export Timephase Data: Duplicate Resource Assignment IDs were detected by some customers. This has been corrected.
  • Automated Backups would break if a Resource Assignment had no Resource Code assigned to it. This has been corrected.
  • When creating a new Code with a code entry, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Tableau: WP & Resource Assignment Notebooks sometimes would not appear in the data source. This has been corrected.

v3.39.1 Release Notes

Monday, May 1st, 2023

  • Schedule Builder / Schedule View & Status: An issue was detected where projects with a lot of schedule changes could encounter a super slow response time due to the history being tracked on tasks. The code has been modified so that history is only grabbed for a task when it's history tracking icon is clicked on. Before all history changes were being pulled for a project when it was first loaded. This greatly slowed down the page when a project had tens of thousands of history tracking changes.

v3.39 Release Notes

Monday, April 24th, 2023


  • Import: If you accidentally clicked outside of the import mapping modal, it would disappear. Now, you can only get rid of the modal by clicking the Cancel button or the X in the upper right hand corner of the modal.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Reports: If you selected custom colors for some of the Cost Estimating Reports (Ex: WBS Summary Report), sometimes the system would not save those colors correctly. That has since been fixed.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Thresholds: Added a Not Between operator to the thresholds area.
  • Admin > Codes > Edit Code File: When assigning code files to other code files (aka Code File Links), the system would correctly work the first time. However, if you came back and edited that same code file and resaved it, the system would lose the Code File Links relationship if there were more than 2 linked code files. This has been corrected.
  • Calculate Earned Value: If you had an Earned as Spent work package and there is a CTD Cost Variance but no record in the current period, then the system would throw an error. This has been corrected so that the system skips this record.


  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > CAM Summary Report: If you selected a Work Package or some other filters, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Details: The CAM label in the Details section was pulling from the Default registry instead of the project registry. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: Added the CAM field to the report.


  • Schedule > Schedule Builder / View & Status: Added the ability to rearrange column order by clicking and dragging on a column's header label.
  • Schedule > Add / Edit Task: In the Resource Assignment section, we added labels and placeholders for the Cost Class filter and Resource Assignment field to make it clear what each dropdown list does in the form.
  • Schedule > Quick Status: The CAM label now uses the Project's Registry setting. Also, if the Finish Date link is clicked on a task but that Finish Date is past the current Reporting Period, then the Reporting Period date is placed in the Revised Finish Date column instead of the Task Finish Date. Also added all Schedule Custom Fields and Work Package Notebooks as columns to this grid.


  • Risks > Risk Register: When editing a risk, the system would sometimes throw an error if you did not have your Risk Thresholds setup. Now, the system throws a meaningful error message to alert the user that these need to be setup by the admin before users begin entering risks.

v3.38 Release Notes

Monday, April 10th, 2023

New Features

  • History Tracking - We have added history tracking to the User and User Permissions area of Dash360. You can now click a history button next to a user to see the history of changes to that user. This new feature tracks the User, User Permissions and User Settings. More history tracking features will be coming soon. We also added history tracking to the Default Registry Set.
  • Risk Register - Updated the Excel download to include the Heat Maps and Monte Carlo simulation (if you have run one) in the download file.
  • Schedule - The Schedule Builder and View will now show a new Circular Reference modal if your schedule has a circular dependency. The Gantt tool in Dash360 will stop functioning if you have a circular depenedency, so please fix these issues as soon as the tool tells you about the issue.
  • Cost Estimate Form - Added a new field to the Add / Edit Resource Assignment form called "Do Not Change Totals When Dates Change". If this checkbox is active and checked, then changing the Start Date or Finish Date will lineraly respread the Total for the Resource Assignment across the newly selected dates. In order to use this feature, you must turn on registry setting "Do-Not-Change-Totals-When-Date-Changes". If you would like to precheck this checkbox, turn on the "Do-Not-Change-Totals-When-Date-Changes-Pre-Checked" registry setting. Both settings are turned off by default.
  • Delete Project & Associated Files - When deleting a project, the system now gives you the option to delete all code files, notebook fields, rate files, resource files and other files associated with this project. This new feature will only delete associated files / notebook fields if they are only attached to this one project. If the files or notebooks are reused, then the system will not delete those files / notebooks because they are shared with another project.

Bug Fixes

  • Tableau - Fixed the Tableau system so that it would always show menu items if the user has access to Tableau. Also fixed all API calls to Tableau so that if there is a failure, the system automatically will retry that call 5x over a 30 second period before it fails. This should solve many issues with Tableau. Finally, when you publish a Tableau Workbook, the system will now automatically refresh the data for that workbook. This is to help with issues where a Tableau draft workbook with old data overwrites the new data that is already on the server. By refreshing just this workbook on Publish, the workbook should always have the newest data.
  • Admin > Restore Project - Restore Project was throwing an error if you had Variance Narrative Entries in your project. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Estimate Form > Schedule - When deleting an activity, the system would sometimes throw an error when it tried to refresh them. This has been corrected.
  • When calculating Earned Value, it was possible for a Milestone % Complete Work Package could get a small fractional percent complete > 100 (Ex: 100.000005). This is because the system uses task weights and percent completes to determine the overall percent complete for the Work Package. This can cause a small fraction over 100 to occur in some rare cases. When this happens, the system would throw an error. The system has been fixed to handle this case and not throw an error.

v3.37 Release Notes

Thursday, March 30th, 2023

  • Admin > Projects > Registry: You can now copy the Default Registry Set.
  • Admin > Projects > Restore Project: This area was recently broken if you had a Variance Threshold in your project. This has now been corrected.
  • Risk Register: If you had 2 copies of the same project (i.e. v3 and v4) and they both had Risks with the same Risk ID, then editing a notebook field on 1 project would accidentally delete the notebook entries from that same risk in the other project. This has been fixed.
  • Admin > Import > Schedule: There was an error with the new Schedule History Tracking that was causing Schedules with custom fields to not import and throw an error. This has been fixed.

v3.36 Release Notes

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

  • History Tracking: We have added history tracking features to the Schedule and Registry area. This means that any changes made to Activities or Registry items will now have the historical changes made to these objects.
  • Schedule: Added a filter to show activities with no predecessors, activities with no successors and / or show activities with no predecessor or successor (open end).
  • Schedule > Quick Status: Fixed several bugs with the Quick Status and added color coding to some of the cells. You can also now click on the Start or Finish dates and have those values entered into the Revised Start / Finish. Adding 100% in the Revised Complete field will automatically fill in the Revised Start & Finish Date fields if they were previously empty.
  • Reporting > Activities by Resource Assignments: Made the Yearly and Monthly views much faster.
  • Admin > Export > Primavera Schedule by Resource Assignment: Added a Leftover tab and additional columns to the Data tab to make this export more useful for exporting Dash360 data to Primavera.
  • Admin > Import / Export Variance Thresholds: You can now import and export variance thresholds in Dash360.
  • Admin > Projects > Registry: You can now copy a registry. Simply click on the process icon and choose Copy Registry.

v3.35.1 Release Notes

Monday, March 13th, 2023

  • Earned Value: When calculating Earned Value on LOE Work Packages, some Work Package would still show a CTD Schedule Variance (SV) if data had been changed in the past in certain scenarios. It also would appears if there was CTD SV on a Resource Assignment and that RA budget's finish date was after the current reporting period. Now, the system creates an adjusting entry in the current reporting period.
  • Admin > Codes: When Editing a Code, the gray parent label was being shown at the bottom left of the screen. Now, it appears directly to the left of the child code name.

v3.35 Release Notes

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

New Features / Small Enhancements

  • Earned Value > CPR Variance Narrative Entries & Report: We have changed the Variance Narrative Report and the CPR Variance Narrative Entries to now be 1 set of entries per Work Package per Project. This means that everyone with access to a Work Package can now see the entries entered by all users. This also means that every user now shares the same Variance Narrative Entries. The Variance Narrative Report also shows all Variance Narrative Entries from all users based on Reporting Period.
  • Dashboard > Schedule: In the Dashboard > Schedule datasource, we have added the Schedule Custom Fields. This allows Dashboards to be built with this data.
  • Admin > Edit Project > Threshholds: We have replaced the table on this page with a new datagrid that allows you to easily sort, filter and view the data easier. Also fixed a bug with the Add / Update Threshhold button so the button and the form reset itself when a threshhold is saved.
  • Schedule > Schedule Status Report: Added the WBS and Work Package as columns to this report.

Bug Fixes

  • Cost Estimating Form > Schedule: When editing a task, sometimes the Resources section would not show all resource assignments that were actually attached. If the user then saved the Tasks, those Resource Assignments would be unlinked from the Task. This error has been corrected.
  • Cost Estimating Form > Schedule: If you are using MTDC or Premium Pay features, then these costs were not reflected correctly in the Subtotal columns in this section. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Projects > Restore Project: When restoring a project, the system was incorrectly adding a blank external link to every Resource Assignment in the new restored project. These blank links would then show up on the Work Package Report with a link of "no" that went nowhere. This bug has been resolved and any "no" external links have been automatically cleaned up from any effected projects.

v3.34 Release Notes

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

  • Admin > User Activity: Added a download to Excel option to the User Activity log.
  • Admin > User Activity: Added the ability to see a Download link for all /File/UploadFile activities. This allows you to see what files people have imported into Dash360.
  • Earned Value > EV Curves: Made the start and finish date flyout a calendar widget. When you click on this field, a calendar now appears.
  • Admin > Import > Import Resource Assignments: When importing Resource Assignments with a different start date than the first day of the month, the system was resetting the start date to the first day of the month. Now, it remembers the date you set.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project: The Edit Project form was taking a long time for some users using the new Premium Pay feature. We have updated this form so that the Premium Pay table does not load until you click on the Premium Pay tab.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Schedule: When looking at the Resource Assignments attached to an activity, the system was showing all Resource Assignments - regardless of the Cost Class filter selected. Now, it only shows those Resource Assignments from the selected Cost Classes. If no Cost Class is selected, Budget is shown by default.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Schedule: The Subtotal column was showing both the Allocated and Unallocated totals for a Resource Assignment per Activity. This caused the Subtotal amount to be incorrect in some cases where multiple Resource Assignments were assigned to a single Activity. Updated the Subtotal to only show the Allocated costs.

v3.33 Release Notes

Friday, February 24th, 2023

  • Dashboards: After the 3.32 release, some Projects that did not have a reporting period set began failing. This is corrected in this release.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: When copying a work package, sometimes the system would fail if you had external links attached to a resource assignment. This has been corrected.
  • Risk > Risk Register: The Trigger Date field sorted by month instead of year and then month. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Work Package Report: A new Registry setting has been created called "WP-Report-Hide-Unit-Cost" that allows you to hide the Unit Cost field from the Work Package Report's Detailed view. This setting is off by default (meaning the unit cost field will show up).

v3.32 Release Notes

Tuesday, February 21st, 2023

  • Calculate EV on LOE: When calculating EV on LOE work packages in the first reporting period, the system would sometimes incorrectly double the EV. This was caused by a new CTD SV adjusting entry that was incorrectly being run on the first period. The system has been corrected so this adjusting entry only runs on every period following the first period.

v3.31 Release Notes

Friday, February 17th, 2023

  • Premium Pay: Added a new feature to Dash360 called Premium Pay / Longevity Pay. This new feature allows you to add a Premium Pay table to Dash360 and then add a Hired Date to your resource codes. The system will then pull the premium pay based on the number of months that resource has worked for your institution. This feature must be turned on from the registry and is turned off by default.
  • Dashboards: Added the current Reporting Period to the Cost Summary data source so we can easily build CPR style reports for the current period.
  • Schedule View & Status: Added zoom in and zoom out buttons to this page.
  • Admin > Codes / Notebooks: The Project list on the Code Files and Notebook Categories listing pages now shows all code / notebook files that belong to a project. WBS Notebook, Resource Assignment Notebook and Risk Register Notebook fields were not included in the project list. Now they are included.
  • Risk Register: On the Excel download, changed the Staffing Plan label to correctly read Risk Register.

v3.30 Release Notes

Saturday, February 11th, 2023

  • Schedule: This page now has a Total Slack and Free Slack columns. We also have added a new filter to the flyout menu that allows you to Show / Hide or Show Only the tasks in the schedule that are on the critical path.
  • Admin > Edit Project > WBS Tree: Fixed a bug where you could not rename a WBS code number from the WBS Tree. If you had a code of 1.01.1 and you wanted to rename it to add a preceding zero 1.01.01, the system would not let you from the WBS Tree. Now it will allow you to do that.
  • Calculate Earned Value: LOE work packages should never have a CTD Schedule Variance (SV). A bug was introduced in a previous release that allowed CTD SV on LOE work packages. That has been fixed. Also fixed EAS work packages so they never have a CTD Cost Variance (CV). Self correcting entries are now entered in the current period to insure these variances don't occur in the CTD fields.

v3.29 Release Notes

Monday, February 6th, 2023

  • Calculate Earned Value: There was an error in the Calculate EV system that did not always insure that LOE Work Packages never have a CTD Schedule Variance. This only occurred if the LOE Resource Assignment had not started yet but already had Earned Value from previously being another EVT type (Ex: % Complete or Milestone % Complete). The system was also updated to handle cases where negative Earned Value data from a previous EVT type will be handled correctly in the LOE EVT going forward.
  • Earned Value > EV Curves: The BAC number that displayed in the bottom data grid did not take the WBS and Work Package filters into account. Therefore, it always showed the total for the entire project. This has been updated.

v3.28 Release Notes

Tuesday, January 31st, 2023

Small Enhancements & Bug Fixes

  • Compare Project was accidentally broken in v3.27. This release corrects that issue.
  • Notifications for Recalculate Project would show "Undefined" in the bell until the page was refreshed. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Work Package Report: If you had really long Resource IDs or Descriptions, the system would hide the Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly data. This has been fixed so these labels now only print the first 50 characters. Also, if you toggled the Resource Results filters in the left menu flyout, sometimes the datagrid data would get messed up.
  • Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: When scrolling the Staffing Plan Report and other datagrids, sometimes a Javascript error would be thrown in a red box. All datagrids have been updated to correct this issue.
  • Schedule: The Gantt labels now show the Activity ID and Description instead of the WBS Code and Description.

v3.27 Release Notes

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

New Features

  • Schedule > Quick Status: We have added a new feature to Dash360 called the Quick Status. This page allows you to easily enter Schedule Status for the current Schedule Status Date set in your Admin > Projects > Edit Project settings. CAMs can now add their status in a more spreadsheet view making it quicker to update Actual / Expected Start & Finish Dates along with the Revised % Complete. CAMs can then submit their Status to their Admin quickly and easily.

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • Admin > User Activities: The User Activities page has been enhanced. We have made the datagrid taller so you can see more activities at one time. We also allow you to now page back through the User Activity log as far back as you'd like. Before, it only showed the last 50 activities.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Edit Resource Assignment: A bug has been corrected where the Start and Finish date on a Resource Assignment would get set back to the first day of the month for the Start Date and the last day of the month for the Finish Date. This bug occurred whenever you changed the dates on the Start and / or Finish Date and then modified the start or finish dollar values in the datagrid below the dates. This only occurred if you had your Start & Finish dates not set to the first and last day of the month AND you changed datagrid values in those same months. It has since been corrected.
  • Admin > Import / Export > Import Resource Assignments / Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Import Timephase Data: A bug existed that allowed Admins to delete Budget Resource Assignments even if that Budget Resource Assignment had a corresponding Earned Resource Assignment attached to it. This would cause issues with the Calculate Earned Value functionality. The system now will not let you delete a Budget Resource Assignment if there is a corresponding Earned Resource Assignment. Instead, the system will show an error and tell the Admin they must first delete the Earned Resource Assignments before trying to delete the Budget Resource Assignment. As a best practice, Budget Resource Assignments with past historical data that have had Earned Value calculated on them should never be deleted from Dash360. Otherwise, you invalidate all of your past historical Earned Value.
  • Admin > Projects > Calculate Earned Value: For Percent Complete work packages, the % Complete entered on the Cost Estimating Form should match the Earned % Complete value on the CPR. In a couple of customers cases, this was not happening. The Dash360 Earned Value system will now create an adjusting entry in the current period to insure that these 2 numbers are always equal to each other. This adjusting entry also will take effect on the Milestone % Complete EVT, too.
  • Admin > Projects > Recalculate Project: To date, Dash360 can only support a value of 9.99 billion units in any 1 month. Customers can easily create a unit this large by accidentally entering a bad rate into their rate table. In the past, Dash360 would just throw a red error box and say an error had occurred. Now, the system will actually tell you that you have a value that is too large. It will then list the Resource Assignment(s) that caused the error. With this information, you can look up the Resource Code for your Resource Assignment and check all of the Rates attached to that Resource Code to fix the issue.
  • Admin > Projects > Registry: A new registry item was created called "Risk-Register-Burndown-Charts-Hide". By default, it is turned off. If you turn this flag on, the Burndown Charts that display on the Risk Register page will be hidden.
  • Reporting > WBS Dictionary: The WBS Dictionary page was also added to the Reporting menu. It also is under the Estimating menu, too.

v3.26.1 Release Notes

Monday, January 9th, 2023

  • A quick patch release was done to fix the Import process. It was broken for all users after the release of the new User Activity feature. The Import process is now fixed in this release.

v3.26 Release Notes

Friday, January 6th, 2023

New Features

Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC)

  • Dash360 now has a new feature that automatically calculates MTDCs for you. Now, anytime you Recalculate Project or change a Resource Assignment with MTDCs applied to it, the system will automatically calculate your Indirects and ensure you don't go over your cap!
  • This feature is turned off by default. However, there is a new Registry setting that allows you to turn this feature on. The registry setting is called "MTDC-Show". Just flip it to "On" for your project's registry to use it.
  • Once activated, a new MTDC tab will appear in the Admin > Edit Project screen. Clicking on this tab will allow you to set your MTDC Cap Amount (typically $25K), MTDC Frequency (how often the MTDC needs to be applied - once or yearly), MTDC Cap Resource Results and the Indirect Resource Results for your project. The MTDC Cap Resource Results (typically Direct + Escalation on most projects) are the resource results the system will use to determine if you have hit your cap. The MTDC Indirect Results area allows you to select those resource results that should be effected by the MTDC setting.
  • Once you have MTDC configured in your project, you will also see a new MTDC section that will appear on the Add / Edit Resource Assignment form that will allow you to add MTDC to a single resource assignment. Simply click the "On" radio button for the "Is MTDC" field. Then, choose your MTDC Frequency and Save. The system will now apply MTDCs for this Resource Assignment based on your project settings.
  • You can also calculate MTDCs across multiple Resource Assignments that are part of a MTDC Contract. This feature allows you to spread your MTDC Cap ($25K) across multiple Resource Assignments as long as all of those Resource Assignments have the same Resource Code. You can create new Contracts in the Admin > Edit Project > MTDC > Contracts section.
  • Finally, there also is a Registry setting called MTDC-Default-Frequency-Is-Yearly that is set to Off by default. If this is set to On, then the system will default check the MTDC Frequency to Yearly instead of Once.

Activity Log

  • Administrators now have access to a new Activity Log that tracks when users login, logout and the pages that each user visits. It even tracks the filters that users apply on the pages they visited! Finally, this feature also tracks any time you import a file or restore a project. This is our first attempt at tracking history in Dash360. We will be adding more history tracking to Dash360 through out 2023, so stay tuned!

Send System Notifications

  • There is now a new feature in Dash360 that allows an administrator to send notifications to users. These notifications can be any message you would like to send. Admins can access this feature by going to Admin > Notifications. Notifications can be sent to 1 user, all users or a group of users. Users will see these notifications appear in the bell in the upper right hand corner of Dash360. Each user can then clear the notification by clicking the "Clear" button.

Bug Fixes

  • Estimating > Work Package Report: When viewing and exporting the Work Package Report in the "Detailed" view, the system would sometimes show an incorrect Resource Result label in the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel data grids. This could cause the label "Escalation" or "Indirect" to appear when the label "FTE" should have appeared. This only happened when individual Resource Calculation lines were in a different order than how they were originally inserted into the Dash360 database. This has been corrected so Dash360 always orders these calculations correctly and thus pulls the correct label.
  • Admin > Rates: When clicking on the View Rates link for a Rate Set, the system would show all Rates in your Rate File instead of just the Rates for this Rate Set. This would occur any time a Rate Set had a trailing space at the end of the Rate Set Name field. This has been corrected so the Rate Set Name field is always trimmed. We also went through all customer databases and made sure that no Rate Set Names had any trailing spaces. If we did find any, we fixed them for you.

v3.25 Release Notes

Wednesday, December 28th, 2022

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • Earned Value: The LOE Earned Value Type (EVT) now will insure that your current reporting period's CTD Schedule Variance is set to $0. The system calculates the CTD SV for the current reporting period's CTD and makes an adjusting entry in the current period if the CTD SV is != 0.
  • Reporting > Tableau Dashboards: There was a bug where Tableau was treating the Fiscal Year field as a date instead of just a year (which is what is stored in the field). To make this error go away, we have converted the Fiscal Year field to the start date of the each fiscal year. For example, if your Fiscal Year starts in October and it is 2022, then the Fiscal Year field will now store 10/1/2022 in the field instead of just the year of 2022.

v3.24 Release Notes

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • A bug was fixed on the Calendar widget would not allow you to click on a date or scroll through it.
  • Actual Resource Assignments: You used to not be allowed to enter the same Resource Code in the same Work Package for the Actual Cost Class. We have removed this stipulation so you can now perform this update.
  • Cost Estimate Form > Notebooks: There was a situation where a notebook field's value could inadvertently wind up in another notebook field instead of the one you saved it in. This was a very low chance this could happen, but it was possible so we corrected the issue.
  • Export Notebook Entries: When exporting notebook entries, the system now saves the Text field as a text data type so Excel knows not to treat the field as a number.
  • Risk Register: When using notebook fields with code files, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Import Resource Assignments: When importing resource assignments with external links, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Schedule: This page now has zoom in / zoom out buttons. We also highlight all task Gantt bars in the critical path as red.

v3.23 Release Notes

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

Bug Fixes and Small Enhancements

  • Estimating > Work Package Report: Added a CPR section that shows the CPR for this Work Package on the report.
  • Risk Register: Clear all filters button was throwing an error. This has been corrected. Also added the ability to filter the datagrid at the top of the page by the risk status filter in the left-hand menu flyout.
  • Earned Value > CPR: You can now right click on a group in the group area of the data grid and choose Collapse or Expand Group Level. This will expand or collapage that level of the CPR automatically.
  • Calendar Widget: Updated the calendar widget so you can now enter 2 digit years and the system will automatically recognize the century that you are in. For example, you can now enter 3/1/24 to mean 3/1/2024. Before the system would treat 3/1/24 as 3/1/1924. This has now been enhanced to be a little smarter.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Schedule: When editing a Task, the system would sometimes select resource assignments that were not associated with that task. This would occur if your task ID fell inside another task ID (Ex: 43 and 430). This has been corrected so only the selected resources appear as pre-selected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Resource Assignments: When editing a Resource Assignment, sometimes the activity I assigned to the Resource Assignment would not show up. Also, any activities assigned to this Resource Assignment that do not belong to this work package now show up to alert to the user that this is not allowed. It then gives them a button to fix the issue.
  • Admin > Projects > Rates: When editing a rateset, the user had to upload a BOE file to put in a BOE comment. Now, the system allows you to add a comment even if you decide not to upload a file with it.
  • Admin > Import / Export: Import Resource Assignments was duplicating external links attached to same resource assignment over each month of the timephase. Now, the system will only insert the link 1 time per Resource Assignment.
  • Admin > Import / Export: When trying to delete WBS hierarchal codes, the system would throw an error if you tried to delete the parent code in your file before the child codes. Now, the system will see that you want to delete the parent code and will automatically delete all of the child codes, too. There was also a bug fix when import WBS and WP codes where an error would occur if you had risk items attached to that WBS / WP code and were trying to delete it. This has also been fixed.

v3.22.1 Release Notes

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

New Features

  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: Added a new CPR section. This collapsible section shows the CPR for this Work Package for the current reporting period. It also has a column chooser and is part of the user view system allowing you to customize this datagrid extensively.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: The sticky note that can be opened on the Cost Estimate Form is now draggable. This allows you to move the sticky note around on the screen so it's not in your way.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Schedule: Added all Resource Results columns (FTE, Hours, Direct, Escalation, etc) to the Activity and Resource Assignment data grids. This allows you to see how all of your costs are associated with your scheduled activities.
  • Estimating > WBS Dictionary: We have built a new Edit Mode that allows you to modify WBS Dictionary items in bulk. To use, just click the Edit Mode toggle and wait for your form to load. Then, change any values you want, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Save All button. We also added a new filter to show hidden WBS elements. You can now handle empty WBS elements by hiding them, showing them or showing only empty WBS elements. This last option is handy along with our edit mode feature to fill in all empty WBS Dictionary items on a project.
  • Schedule > Add Activity: The WBS, Work Package and Existing Cost Estimates drop downs now all have search capabilities so you can find what you are looking for faster. The Work Package dropdown also now only shows those work package that exist in the selected WBS. Also, if you select a task from the Schedule and then click the Add Task button, the WBS and Work Package fields will auto-populate with the WBS and Work Package from the selected task.
  • Schedule > Add Activity: The Resource Assignment area now filter out Actual and Earned Resource Assignments so they don't show up in the selection. A cost class filter was also added so you can select just the cost class that you want to select resource assignments for.
  • Schedule: Added 2 new export options: Primavera and MS Project. These export an XML file that can be pulled into those tools.
  • Admin > User Status Update: Added a "Approve All" button to the top of the page to make it easy for administrators to approve all of the status changes sent in from their users at once.

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • Earned Value > CPR: The Balance field in the CPR was using an incorrect calculation. It used to be CTD Budget - CTD Actuals. Now, it has been corrected to BAC - CTD Actuals.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: CAM users would sometimes see the wrong Resource Assignments for a Work Package if the CAM was only given access to a subset of WBS / Work Packages in a project. This has been corrected
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: When viewing Labor, Non-Labor or Travel Resource Assignments, sometimes the process icon dropdown was cutoff if you only had 1 Resource Assignment in the list. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: When changing a Labor, Non-Labor or Travel Resource Assignment, the system now refreshes the Schedule datagrid, too. This insures that the Schedule costs will match any changes in the Resource Assignment cost.
  • Schedule: When I delete an Activity via the Schedule Builder or the Import Schedule area, any Resource Assignment links to that Activity are also now removed. Before, they would stay attached to the Resource Assignment even though the Activity no longer existed.
  • Schedule > Add / Edit Activity: The Resource Assignment pick list now shows the Resource ID, Resource Description, Resource Assignment ID, Description, Cost, Start and Finish Dates. This is to make it easier to assign Resource Assignments to Activities from this form.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Schedule: If you clicked the Save & Close button in the Edit Activity form, sometimes the system would lose the Resource Assignments you had assigned to that activity. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: When adding / editing a Resource Assignment, the ActivityIds field popup box would appear way up the screen making it hard to select from. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Work Package Report: If you were viewing the Cost Estimate Form and were looking at multiple cost classes, and then you travelled to the Work Package Report, then the system would throw an error. This is because the Work Package Report can only show 1 Cost Class at a time. This has been fixed so that the Work Package Report will default to the Budget Cost Class in this scenario.
  • Add / Edit Tasks & Add Edit Resource Assignments: If you try to attach a Resource Assignment to an Activity via the Add / Edit Task form, the system will now only show you Resource Assignments that exist in the WBS & Work Package you have selected for this task. The same also applies to the Add / Edit Resource Assignment form where the Activity Ids field will only show Activities that are assigned to this WBS and Work Package.
  • Reporting > Report Builder: When creating a user view, the system would throw a error. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Restore Project: Changed the "Save & Close" button to instead read "Restore".
  • Admin > Edit Project > Risk Prefixes: The system was throwing a bad error whenever you'd try to delete a risk prefix that had risks attached to it. Now the system pops up a box and tells you about the risks attached to this risk prefix and gives you the choice on whether to delete the risk prefix and all of it's associated risks.
  • Admin > Export Resource Assignments: If your Activity Ids are all numbers in your schedule, then Excel would mess up the Activity Ids field. It would try to convert the field to a number. This especially messed up when you had multiple activities assigned to 1 Resource Assignment. This has been corrected.

v3.21 Release Notes

Thursday, November 17th, 2022


  • Export to PDF, PNG or Excel: You can now export the Gantt chart and it's tasks to PDF, PNG or Excel.
  • A new feature has been added to the flyout filter that allows you to expand or collapse all grouped nodes in the Gantt chart.
  • If the Work Package or CAM fields are empty, the system now says "No Work Package" or "No CAM" instead of "null".
  • The Tasks now show the minimum Start Date, the maximum Finish Date and the sum for the duration column for each group in the Gantt.
  • You can now group the Schedule Builder and Viewer by WBS Levels.
  • We have moved the Schedule Builder to the first menu item in the Schedule section. We also changed the "Schedule Viewer" to "Schedule View & Status".
  • If a project or the schedule on a project is locked, you will no longer be allowed to use the Schedule Builder. A message now appears telling you to use the Schedule View & Status page instead. This is to prevent changes from occurring to a locked project.
  • Added a currency sign and commas to all resource values that are currency based resource results.

Cost Estimating Form

  • In the Schedule area of the Cost Estimating Form, you now can see a total cost for the value of each task. If you click on the orange triangle recently added to the task, you now will see all resource assignments assigned to that task. You will also see the cost applied of each resource assignment to that task.

Earned Value

  • Project Explorer: Added a Yearly option to the project explorer that shows all of the resource results for a resource assignment by year. You can not edit the data in the grid in the Project Explorer while in Yearly view. However, you can still edit the data in the Monthly view.

Risk Register

  • Risk > Risk Register: Renumber a Risk ID. If you have previously created a Risk ID and need to renumber it, you can now do that from the UI. Just click on the new process icon next to a risk and choose Rename Risk ID option. Select your new Risk Prefix and enter a number and your existing Risk ID will be renumbered.


  • Activities by Resource Assignment: Added a Totals column that sums all of the other columns in the report.


  • Admin > Projects > Notebooks: Create a new Calendar Notebook field. Dash360 now allows you to create Calendar / Date notebook fields to add onto your Cost Estimate Form, Resource Assignments, WBS Dictionary or Risk Register. Just create the new Calendar notebook field and attach it to your project. Clicking on your new Calendar notebook field will show a popup calendar where you can easily select the date and save it.
  • Export > Schedule by Resource Assignment: Added a description column to the export file.

Other Small Enhancements

  • Admin > Import > Rates: If you are importing rates and you change a rateset name to a new value, Dash360 will now go through all of your resource calculations with that old rateset name and update it to the new rateset name. In order for this feature to work, you must update all rates with this old rateset name.

Bug Fixes

  • Risk > Risk Register: On the Add/Edit a Risk form, the Impact > Probability % field would not allow you to enter a decimal in your percent. Entering 12.5% would result in the system storing 13%. This has been corrected so decimal percentage values are now allowed. Also fixed a few grammatical errors on status messages around adding, editing or deleting a risk.
  • Risk > Risk Register: If you renamed a WBS or Work Package number via import or the admin, any risks with that old WBS or Work Package code were not being updated. This would cause the user to have to go into each effected risk and reselect the new WBS or Work Package code that was renamed. The system has been updated so that if you rename a WBS or Work Package code, the system now updates the Risk Items WBS / Work Package, too.
  • Admin > Import > Risk Items: The Risk Item import template has been enhanced to make it more clear how to successfully upload risks into Dash360. Also, added more error handling messages to alert you when you upload improper data into this area of the application.
  • Schedule > Schedule Builder: If you were viewing the Schedule Builder on a system view and then saved an activity, the group by, sort by and columns filters would reset to the default. This has been corrected so that the system will now remember these pre-selected items. However, it is strongly recommended that you always use a user view when changing the schedule. Otherwise, leaving the page and coming back will reset to the default system view.
  • Estimating > WBS Dictionary: When downloading the WBS Dictionary into PDF or Word format, the report would show the WBS code twice for each line. This has been corrected.
  • Reporting > Staffing Plan Report: User views on this page would sometimes cause the fiscal year columns "FY" to get out of order. The only way to fix the issue was to recreate your user view. This has been corrected so date columns are always in order.
  • Earned Value > CPR > Variance Explanations: There was a divide by 0 error showing up for some customers when accessing the variance explanations screen. This has been corrected.
  • Wrong Fiscal Year Possible on Earned Resource Assignment Timephased Data: There was a bug that was corrected where the fiscal year on Earned Resource Assignments was sometimes incorrect. The system also now corrects the Fiscal Year column on Earned Resource Assignment's timephased data if you change your calendar format or when your fiscal year begins in the Admin > Project > Edit Project form.

v3.20.1 Release Notes

Friday, November 4th, 2022

  • Earned Value > EV Curves: There was an error in the EV Curves > Summary table where the wrong information was appearing for the Previous CTD and Current CTD rows. This has been corrected. Also, the Excel export was broken. This has also been corrected.
  • Admin > Resources > Resource Calculations: Anytime you saved a resource calculation with a currency result in your calculation, the system would throw a Javascript error warning about duplicate results which was incorrect. This has been corrected.
  • Risks > Risk Register: Radio notebook fields in the Risk Register did not properly save the value selected nor pre-select the previous saved option when the risk was re-edited. This has been corrected.

v3.20 Release Notes

Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

New Features

  • Earned Value > EV Curves: This report has been rewritten to make it faster and to also with some additional improvements. The EV Curve data now shows all Budget data to completion in 1 line graph for Budget (removed the Budget at Completion series). Also fixed the Graph Data tab so it correctly shows all data that is in the graph. A caching layer has also been added to make filtering faster.
  • Admin > Users: If a CAM is changed to an Administrator, the system now alerts you to tell you that all existing CAM permissions that have been setup will be deleted from the system. Administrators have access to everything in Dash360, so setting a CAM to an Administrator will wipe out their existing privileges and give them access to every module, project, WBS and work package in the system.
  • Schedule > Schedule Builder / Admin > Import Schedule: You can now import activities without selecting a Work Package. This field used to be required. Now, you can create an activity and just assign it to a WBS. This is useful for top-level activities that need to occur but are not necessarily assigned to a Work Package.
  • Estimating > Work Package Report: If the WBS Dictionary is filled out, it will now show directly under the WBS instead of at the bottom of the Work Package Report.
  • Tableau: The main menu now will show Report > Tableau Dashboards and Admin > Tableau Dashboard Editor depending on whether a Dash360 user has a Tableau license or not. If a user does not have a license, then these menu items will be hidden.
  • Admin > Import Resource Assignments > Map Earned Records: Mapping Earned RAs to Budget RAs modal now has a download option that allows you to download the mappings to an Excel file so you can better manage how to map them.

Bug Fixes

  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form > Override Contingency: If you chose to override the contingency on a resource assignment or work package and entered a value <= 0, the system would not correctly update your contingency. This has now been corrected so a value <= 0 is seen as a valid contingency percentage.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Copy Work Package Link: This feature did not correctly copy the work package link. It sometimes was missing the Work Package Number. This kept the shortcut link from working. It has now been corrected so the shortcut link works.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > RA WYSIWYG Notebooks Error: If you had a WYSIWYG Resource Assignment notebook field attached, then the system would not allow you to save the Details section of the Cost Estimate Form. It would throw a javascript error. Also, the Add / Edit Resource Assignment form would not show the RA WYSIWYG field correctly. Both of these issues have been corrected.
  • Earned Value > Project Explorer: There were certain cases where the timephased dates on this page could get out of order. This would happen if you were viewing the Project Explorer using a user view and you were switching between project with different overall start and end dates. A fix has been implemented to keep this from happening in the future.
  • Schedule > Schedule Builder > Add / Edit Activity: When creating a milestone, the system would automatically set the Duration of that activity to 1. However, all milestones should have a Duration of 0. The system has been updated so all new milestones will have a Duration of 0.
  • Admin > Resources > Resource Calculations: When creating a resource calculation, the system used to allow you to use the same Resource Result (FTE, Hours, Direct, Escalation, etc) on multiple lines in the same resource calculation. Dash360 cannot support this kind of configuration. Every Resource Calculation row must have a unique Resource Result. The code has been updated to not allow an admin to perform this error in the UI.

v3.19 Release Notes

Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Admin > Users > Add a User > New User Email: When setting up a new user, an email is sent out with a link for the user to create their account. However, this email expired after 24 hours. Extended the expiration to be 14 days and added a message to the email to let the user know the link will expire in 14 days.
  • Admin > Resources > Add Resource Code: When adding a Resource Code, a section used to appear for you to also add a form 1030 mapping. However, 1030 mappings can only be applied to resource code's with resource calculations. The system has thus been updated to only show this area when editing a resource code that already has resource calculations.
  • Admin > Resources > Edit Resource Code: If you attempted to copy a resource calculation to a resource code that already had a resource calculation with form 1030 mappings, the system would throw an "Inner Exception" unfriendly error. This has been corrected so that previous 1030 mappings from the old resource calculation are discarded and correctly replace with the new calculation and it's 1030 mappings.
  • Admin > Codes > Rename a Code Description: If you changed a code description, the system would say there were no associated records to update even when there were. The system would correctly update all records, but the popup box was incorrect. It has been fixed so it not alerts you correctly of all associations.
  • Notebook Entries Import: A cost estimate check has been put into the notebook entries import. Now, if you import a notebook entry and an existing Cost Estimate record cannot be found, your import will fail and an error message alerting you to the issue will be displayed.
  • Tableau Missing Resource Assignment Notebooks: If you copied, moved or renamed a Cost Estimate from the Cost Estimate Form, then the system would lose your Resource Assignment Notebooks inside of our Tableau table. There was also another error that could cause some RA notebooks to not be included in Tableau. These issues have been corrected.

v3.18.2 Release Notes

Tuesday, October 18th, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that would not allow resource codes to be deleted from the admin UI if that resource code had a resource calculation attached to it.

v3.18.1 Release Notes

Friday, October 7th, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that was effecting the export of some files out of Dash360.

v3.18 Release Notes

Thursday, October 6th, 2022

New Features

  • Activity Steps: A new feature has been built into the Cost Estimating Form > Schedule, Schedule Builder and Schedule Viewer that allows you to add activity steps to any task in Dash360. There is also a new field in the Add/Edit Task form that allows you to set an activity to calculate it's percent complete from it's steps. This means steps can drive your task's percent complete if you'd like. These steps can also be imported / exported out of Dash360. It is also part of our backup and restore of a project and the copy project function.
  • K Value / M Value: A new feature has been added to over a dozen reports in Dash360. This feature is implemented as an individual filter called Currency Format on many reports. Changing the filter to "K Value" will divide all currency values on the report by 1000 and denote that the currency value is in K dollars / euros (or your chosen currency). "M Value" will do the same thing as the K Value, but it divides everything by 1,000,000. This feature is also setup as a User Setting and a Registry value so you can set a default for yourself (user settings) or all of your users in the registry (if you are an admin user).

Small Enhancements / Bug Fixes

  • Admin > Export > Schedule Resource Assignments: Changed this export so that all tasks and resources are exported even if the task and cost data is not in sync (different start / finish dates). In the past, this export only exported those tasks and resources that were in sync (had the same dates). Added an extra column to the export called "Cost Schedule Sync". This field contains a Yes or No value. If Yes, then the Cost & Schedule for this task / resource are in sync. If not, a No value will be in this column. Use this data along with Excel filters to find Cost & Schedule data that needs to be corrected.
  • Admin > Export > Primavera Schedule Resource Assignments: Built a new export that is in the format that Primavera requires for importing data.
  • Admin > Codes > Delete Code: When deleting a code from the admin, an error message appeared and the system did not delete the code. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form: Dash360 allows for dynamic columns names that can be as long as you want them to be. This sometimes caused issues inside the Labor, Non-Labor, Travel and Schedule datagrids on the Cost Estimate Form. This could result in really tall columns in the datagrid. An attempt has been made to expand the columns so that this does not occur.

v3.17 Release Notes

Wednesday, September 28th, 2022

Small Bug Fixes / Enhancements

  • Admin > Imports: All imports now trim any leading / trailing spaces off any columns in your import file. Extra spaces could cause issues with importing and with Dash360 in general. Now, the system insures that you can't enter these spaces accidentally. This caused errors in the Contingency area for some customers where the Cost Summary Report would not show the Contingency for certain WPs. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Import > Actual Resource Assignments: There was a bug in the Actual RA import that did not allow a RA to correctly be deleted. This error occurred after another fix was put in place in v3.16. This release fixes this bug.
  • Admin > Import > Schedule: When importing schedule items, the system would sometimes throw an error if the Delete column did not have a value (was left empty). A fix has been put in place that will ensure this error does not occur if this field is blank.
  • Rewrote the Tableau stored procedure that creates a temporary table in the Dash360 db for Tableau to pull from. This new stored procedure is more efficient on the SQL Server db, should run a little faster and is more fault tolerant.

v3.16 Release Notes

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022


  • Cost Estimate Form: The Calendar widget on the Add / Edit Resource Assignment screen would not properly update the Start or Finish date if a user clicked on a day in the calendar. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Estimate Form: Added the Activity IDs column to the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel datagrids.
  • Work Package Report: Added a Schedule section to the report so you can see the tasks associated with each work package.


  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Added a Schedule section so you can see the tasks associated with each work package.


  • Import Resource Assignments: If you tried to delete the first couple of months off a resource assignment, the system would not update the start date for the RA. Instead, it would leave the start date as-is and put a 0 into that month. Now, the system removes those deleted months and resets the Start and Finish dates accordingly.

v3.15 Release Notes

Monday, September 19th, 2022


  • Cost Estimate Form: If you opened a read-only / Earned Resource Assignment to view it and then closed the Edit Resource Assignment modal, all of the buttons and text fields on the underlying Cost Estimate Form would be disabled. This has been corrected.


  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Modified the PDF export all option to show dates formatted without time. Also, this export now adheres to the date format set in the registry.
  • Tableau: We added the Form 1030 codes and description to the Tableau Dashboards.
  • Form 1030: Added a Resource Assignment version of the report with RA notebook fields as columns.


  • Copy Project: If you had Resource Assignment Notebook fields and you copied a project, those entries were not moved to the new project. Instead, they were kept in the old project. This has been corrected.
  • WBS Tree: The WBS Tree had numerous enhancement. You could not renumber the top node of the tree from 1 to 01 and vice versa. Now, you can do that. You can also modify all of the descriptions. There also was an issue were all child codes would not automatically get update when changing a parent. Also fixed an issue with importing and changing child codes when editing a parent code in the Admin > Codes > Edit Code area. There also were issues where the Edit and Delete icons would not show up on the last child node. All of these have been corrected.
  • Codes Import: When importing WBS or Work Package codes, sometimes the system would not auto update all references to the WBS and WP through out the system. There was also an error in the Cost Estimate import that was also causing issues when changing codes. This has all been corrected.
  • Calculate Earned Value: The Calculate EV dialog now shows a year and month calendar widget instead of a full calendar widget that also includes days.
  • Calculate Earned Value: % Complete and Milestone % Complete would calculate a 0 value for a reporting period if the main rate for a resource assignment's resource code had not started yet. This has been corrected.
  • Calculate Earned Value: The Earned as Spent EVT required that Actuals be entered in the correct resource type (labor, nonlabor or travel) to get Earned Value in the respective resource type. Now, EV doesn't care what resource type the Actuals are in to create the Earned records.
  • Recalculate Project: If a project needs to be recalculated, the process icon turns a light orange color. Now, the Recalculate Project submenu item under that process icon also is a light orange color.
  • Import Form 1030 Results: When importing Form 1030 Results, there was a way to allow you to upload duplicate records. This has now been corrected so dupes are not allowed.
  • Registry: There is now a registry field called Date-Prefix-Heading-For-Reports. This field can be used to change the default "FY" text in some reports to whatever prefix you'd like. In order to work, the Admin > Edit Project > Calendar property must be set to Fiscal.
  • Tableau Dashboard Designer: Added the refresh dashboards button on this screen, too.
  • Tableau Dashboard Designer: When deleting a dashboard, an error was thrown. This has been corrected.

v3.14 Release Notes

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

Earned Value Changes

  • Made changes to the Earned As Spent EVT type so that the system generates earned value regardless of whether a work package has a resource assignment that has started yet. Also updated the % Complete so that EV is calculated when a resource assignment has large negative values. Also fixed LOE so that if a budget value is wiped out on a resource assignment that previously had earned value on it, the system will now reverse that entry in the current period by putting in a negative EV amount in the current period.

Tableau Changes

  • Tableau Dashboards: Added a refresh mechanism that gives status updates and shows progress of the current data refresh process. This allows you to understand how long it will take before your refresh is complete and the updated data will appear in your Tableau Dashboard.
  • Tableau Dashboards: Added an ability to download a Tableau Workbook in Excel, PDF, PowerPoint and CSV format.
  • Tableau Dashboard Designer: Added a Manage Dashboards link that allows you to order and delete Tableau Dashboards.
  • Tableau Dashboard Designer: Fixed a bug where the screen would show white when creating a new dashboard using the Publish As button in the Tableau Dashboard Designer. Now, the system loads your new dashboard into the designer as expected.


  • Admin > Resources: Added the ability to create Resource level hierarchal trees of resource codes.
  • Various Reports: Added Resource Level 1-X columns to reports so you can view and group your data by resource levels.

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements

  • Reporting > Form 1030: Changed the label Format 1030 to Form 1030 throughout Dash360.
  • Login: If a CAM tries to login but has not been given access to any projects, then the system would throw a white page with a bad error message that made no sense to the user. Now, the system will log the CAM out and tell them to contact their site administrator because they do not have access to any projects.
  • Reporting > Compare Projects: When comparing 2 projects, sometimes the Difference column would be a long decimal with 16 digits. Now, this column is always rounded to 2 decimal places.

v3.13 Release Notes

Sunday, August 14th, 2022

  • Schedule Builder / Viewer: All of the totals in the resource pane now show commas to separate thousands.
  • Schedule Builder / Viewer: Fixed a bug where the resource pane would not refresh to show updated resources unless the screen was resized or refreshed multiple times.
  • Project Explorer: Made modifications to the Project Explorer to keep it from timing out on large datasets. This timeout along with multiple users refreshing this page could cause some instances to become unstable and crash. The timeout was increased and database queries were enhanced to make the page faster.
  • Cron Jobs: Created an environment variable to allow the Dash360 team to better control when scheduled jobs run on each client instance. This should help some clients whose systems are not located in the USA (SKA).

v3.12 Release Notes

Thursday, August 11th, 2022


  • CAM Summary Report: Created a new Summary Report by CAM. This report allows you to select a Project and a CAM and see all WBS and WorkPackage costs and breakdowns rolled up by CAM.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: The Total column was removed from the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel datagrids. In it's place we added a "Results Total" column that dynamically adds up all visible, currency result-based columns (Direct, Escalation, Fringe, etc). This allows you to see a running total of just the results you care about and makes the report more useful. We also modified the Contingency column to dynamically recalculate itself based on just the results you have visible. In addition, we removed the Total + Contingency column and changed it to a dynamic "Results Total + Contingency" that works as described above. Next, the Activity Summary and Contingency Summary totals also update themselves to match the new dynamic totals based on the results you have shown. Finally, the download functions were updated to support all of these changes.
  • Format 1030 Report: Two new columns were added to this report "FY Total" and "Results Total". If the FY Total column is visible in your datagrid, then the report will now dynamically sum all other columns starting with "FY". This allows you to hide / show FY columns and have the FY Total column show the correct value. The Results Total column works similarly except it adds up all visible, currency result-based columns (Direct, Escalation, Fringe, etc).
  • Activities Resource Assignment Report: Updated this report so that the sum totals do not include non-currency values. The sums were incorrect because values like FTE, Days, etc were getting included in the totals.
  • Tableau: Fixed the refresh button so that Tableau dashboards now will always properly refresh without error.

Bug Fixes / Small Enhancements

  • Schedule: Added a Total column to the Resource Level pane at the bottom of the Schedule Builder / Viewer. This allows you to see the sum total of the units shown in the resource grid.
  • Admin > Import Resource Assignments: When importing a large number of resource assignments with earned records in the import file, the import would error out trying to show the Earned Resource Assignment mapping screen. Dash360 has been modified to not error out in these scenarios.
  • Changed the column header in the Cost Estimate Form Timephase Export from Snapshot Name to Project Name.
  • Cost Estimate Form: When adding a decimal into the Risk Factors > Contingency Override field, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Fixed a bug where the Cost Estimate Form would fail if you had the same notebook field attached at both the work package and resource assignment level. Fixed this issue so Dash360 allows you to do this configuration.
  • Added a way to toggle HTTPS redirection on/off per client instance. This is needed for some clients who have their own domain. SSL certificates often have to be renewed and verified using the HTTP address of a server. This allows SSL certificates to be renewed more easily going forward.

v3.11 Release Notes

Thursday, July 28th, 2022


  • Cost Estimating Reports > Basis Code Quality Check Report: This report now only shows Budget Resource Assignments as those are the only ones with Basis Codes.
  • Cost Estimate Timephase Import / Export: This process now allows your code files to have " - " in the code portion. Previously, the system would throw an error about the code note existing if you had a " - " in the code. The system now uses "   -   " as it's delimiter (3 spaces, a hyphen and then 3 spaces).


  • Report Builder: Added Total and Total + Contingency columns that sum up all labor, nonlabor and travel resource assignments (+ contingnecy). Also fixed the ItemCost field to only include costs that are from currency fields. Finally, fixed some total values that were incorrect. Also, the Resource Assignment level is now the default level that loads. This one is considerably faster compared to the more detailed timephase level.
  • Compare Projects: The columns chooser was broken on this report. It has now been fixed.


  • Projects: Built a feature so when you click a project name, a panel appears below the project that shows all of the code files and notebook fields attached to that project. There are also Edit and shortcut buttons that will allow you to modify the files, codes and details without having to navigate to the other tabs. This feature was added to save administrators time navigating the admin area.
  • Export Resouce Assignment Notebook Entries: The export was pulling all notebook categories even if you selected only 1 to download. This has been corrected.

v3.10 Release Notes

Monday, July 25th, 2022


  • Cost Estimating Reports > Format 1030 Quality Check Report: This new report allows you to see all of the resource codes for a project. Then, it shows all of the resource results as columns and tells you whether a Format 1030 code is assigned for that resource result or not. A value of "Yes" means the result does have a Format 1030 code. A value of "No" means it does not. An empty value means that resource code does not have that resource result as part of it's calculation.
  • Cost Estimating Reports > Basis Code Quality Check Report: This new report allows you to see all of the resource assignments and whether or not a basis code is filled in for that assignment. A value of "Yes" means a basis code has been filled in. A value of "No" means a basis code is missing.
  • Cost Estimate Form / WP Report: You can now search within a WP from the filter drop down.
  • Cost Estimate Form: The form now remembers what panels you have open / closed and will remember them if you refresh the page, leave and come back to the page or page through results.


  • Cost Estimate Detail Report now includes the popup sticky note that is available on the Cost Estimate Form. This allows you to see the Labor, NonLabor, Travel and Contingency costs in a nice popup panel.
  • Compare Projects: A new report has been built that allows you to compare 2 project's costs to each other so you can see any differences.


  • When Backing up a project, the system now backs up all linked code files for a project.

Bug Fixes

  • A bug was fixed where a CAM assigned to a specific work package would cause an error to appear in the Cost Estimate Form. This has been corrected.
  • Importing Cost Estimates: Changing a WP Number would not change that number in all necessary tables. This has been corrected.
  • The Admin > Export dropdown has been sorted so all options in the dropdown are in alphabetical order.
  • The Admin > Export > Resource Assignment Notebook Entries would not show the correct notebook fields in the Notebook Category filter. Instead of showing RA notebook categories, it was showing work package notebook categories. This has been corrected.
  • Recalculate Project now fills in any missing months between a resource assignments start and end date with 0 records. Not having these 0 records would cause issues with backwards calculating resource assignment units. This has been corrected. Also fixed a bug where contingency data was not properly getting recreated when recalculating a project.
  • Admin > Import > Contingency Assignments: Deleting contingency assignments sometimes failed with an error. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Resource Code: When bulk editing resource codes, if you copied a resource calculation from another resource code, you could not apply the Format 1030 codes. This has been corrected so you can now perform this feature.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: If the quantity field registry setting is turned off, then the quantity field should not be used to calculate totals. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Import Timephase Data: When importing timephase data, the system would not allow you to change the resource code for an existing resource assignment. This has now been corrected.
  • Estimating > WBS Dictionary: When looking at the WBS Dictionary, sometimes the WBS codes were not in order. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Codes > Tree: Sometimes when viewing a hierarchal code file, you could not scroll the tree. This has been corrected.

v3.09 Release Notes

Tuesday, June 25th, 2022


  • Work Package Report: Print all was only printing 1 sheet of paper. Now, it prints the whole project.
  • Cost Estimate Form: Replaced the Schedule table with a new DevExpress datagrid that allows you to load / save views now for the Schedule area of the form. This also fixes an issue Dash360 had were visiting more than 10+ cost estimates without refreshing the browser could cause the browser to lock up on some client machines.

Earned Value

  • CPR: There was a bug that sometimes occurred if you had a user view set as your default view and visited the CPR. This did not always happen, but it has been corrected.


  • Calculate EV: Made several corrections to handle negative values, 0 values and other issues that incorrectly calculated EV for each EVT type. Also added 8 digit precision to the Percent Complete and Milestone % Complete so more precise values could be stored.
  • Import Earned Resource Assignments: Fix the import of Earned Resource Assignments so it does not throw an error when importing.
  • Backup / Restore Project to Another Server: A new feature was added to make it easier for Dash360 staff to backup and restore projects to other servers. This allows our team more tools to easily identify and correct issues you may find on your server.

v3.08 Release Notes

Thursday, June 23rd 2022


  • Build a feature in the Dashboard Designer that allows the admin to set Admin-Only Dashboards that only Admins can view.


  • Cost Estimate Form: When adding / editing Resource Assignments in the Actual or Earned Cost Class, the form no longer shows the Basis Code, Contingency or Schedule areas. This is because these datapoints are not relevant to resource assignments in this cost class.
  • Add / Edit Resource Assignment: This modal now requires you to click the Save or Close button to close the modal. This is because an error was found where changing timephase data for a Resource Assignment (RA) would update the cost for that RA, but would not update the Contingency for that RA unless you clicked Save. You must now click Save when adding or modifying RAs.
  • Work Package Report / Cost Summary Report WP Hyperlinks / Dashboards: When travelling to a page with a parameter in the URL, the system would throw an error. This broke a number of functions in Dash360 and has since been corrected.

Earned Value

  • EV Curves: When filtering by WBS, you would sometimes get data from other incorrect WBS elements. This has been fixed.
  • CPR: When using a user view, if you hid a subcolumn under the Current Period or CTD areas and then refreshed the page, the hidden subcolumn would not get saved to the user view. Instead, the column would reappear. This has been fixed.
  • CPR: System and User view were being shown even before you picked a project. This caused the system to throw an error if you clicked on a user view. This has been fixed.


  • Report Builder: Sped up the Report Builder so that notebook field data is pulled more quickly for the pivot grid.


  • Edit Project > WBS Tree: Sometimes when you dragged a WBS code in the WBS Tree to a new parent, the WBS Code would get changed to the Code File Name + the Code Name. This has been fixed.
  • Codes: A new Format 1030 default code file has been created so that every client will have a default Format 1030 code file on their Dash360 install to utilize.
  • Edit Resource Code: If you had a code attached to your resource codes and that code had a description, then the system would save both the code and description. This caused the import and backup/restore to fail for these resource codes. This issue has been fixed. Only 1 client encountered this issue.
  • Projects > Calculate EV: There was a change in the last release that messed up EV for some customers. This change has been reverted in this release.
  • System Backups: This page was broken because of a missing Javascript file. This has been corrected in this release.
  • Copy Project: When copying a project, Contingency records that were attached to Resource Assignments were not correctly getting copied to the new project. They were correctly being mapped to the new Resource Assignments, but they were still pointed to the old Project. This then would give bad results when you tried to Copy, Backup, Import or Export contingency data. This issue has been corrected.

v3.07 Release Notes

Friday, June 17th 2022


  • On the Cost Estimate Form > Export Time Phase feature, the system would throw an error if you had any Resource Assignments on a Work Package that did not end on the last day of the selected month. This has been corrected.
  • The Cost Estimating Form was incorrectly presenting WBS Codes if the admin selected a hyphen as their WBS seperator (Ex 1-01). This has been corrected.


  • Added every Report currently in Dash360 to the Reporting main menu item. So, many reports are now located in 2 places - their original home and the Reporting area.

Earned Value

  • - Dash360 was incorrectly calculating earned value for Cost Estimates with an EVT type of Percent Complete or Milestone % Complete. It would create Earned Resource Assignments for a Budget Resource Assignment even if the Budget Resource Assignments start date was after the current reporting period. In these cases, no Earned Resource Assignment should be created until the Budget Resource Assignment start date passes the current reporting period.


  • Dash360 would throw an error if you had Format 1030 codes or Resource Assignments attached to a Resource Code and you tried to delete it. This has been corrected so that any Resource Assignments or Format 1030 assignments attached to the Resource Code are also deleted.
  • We have removed the Delete User feature and replaced it with Deactivate User. When you deactivate a user, all comments, Work Packages, Signatures, etc. are retained and shown in Dash360, however, the user can no longer login. There is no way to completely delete a user from Dash360 - just deactivate and hide the user.
  • There was an error with the Admin > Export filters where they sometimes did not show up on some servers. This occurred if you had any project on your Dash360 system without a WBS or WP code file attached to it. This has been corrected.
  • Admin Resource Codes require a description always be entered. We changed the system so this field can now be null / empty. Also fixed this field so that if your description has a hyphen, it does not break the resource calculations.
  • If you imported a file with a very long column name (> 60 characters), the system would show a really long select box in the Import > Field Mapping modal. This has been corrected to only show the first 60 characters of the column name followed by "...".
  • When creating a new Resource Calculation, the Format 1030 select box now shows up as you add each new result. Before, you had to edit the resource calculation to add the Format 1030 codes.

v3.06 Release Notes

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

  • Reporting > Report Builder (beta): The very first version of our new Report Builder has been added to Dash360. This pivot grid report allows you to slice and dice your data using an Excel-like pivot grid through your browser.
  • Admin > Import Resource Assignments: If you used the Import RA feature and only pass in Deletes, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: When choosing a Work Package from this report, the system would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > System Backups: A bug was fixed so that projects without registries attached to them can still be backed up.

v3.05.03 Release Notes

Thursday, May 26th, 2022

  • Hotfixed a bug where the Resource Calculations modal was incorrectly pulling in the new Resource Result Code options as the first option. This was messing up the Resource Calculations modal. Any new or edited resource calculations would then not save their Source Resource Calculations. This would then break the Recalculate Project and erase the timephase records for non-Earned records.
  • Added a new feature that allows you to make changes to a system view and then save it to a user view. The new user view then remembers the changes you have made thus far to the system view and saves those new changes in the user view.

v3.05.02 Release Notes

Friday, May 20th, 2022

  • Hotfixed a bug where the Edit a Project screen would not open for any project.
  • Hotfixed a JS issue that occurred sometimes when you would click the Edit a Resource Assignment pencil icon.
  • Hotfixed an issue with the Dashboard datasource where Codes attached to Resource Codes were not appearing correctly in the Dashboard.

v3.05.01 Release Notes

Friday, May 20th, 2022

  • Hotfixed a bug with the Cost Estimating Form that was due to the new IPMDAR feature. If a control account was not setup, then the CEF would throw an error. A control account should not have to be setup.

v3.05 Release Notes

Thursday, May 19th, 2022


  • Add Codes that are linked to Resource Codes into the Cost Summary Datasource

Cost Estimate Form

  • Share a Work Package: Build a new feature in the process icon that allows the user to copy a url that they can send to another Dash360 user to access a specific Cost Estimate Form.
  • Time Phased Export: Now you can export your data even if your project is locked. The system used to hide the process icon in this case. Now, the icon shows but the only option is Export Timephased Data. Also added the Resource Assignment Description to the export and import process.


  • IPMDAR: Finished the first release of this feature that generates JSON files of all of your project's data for importing into 3rd party reporting solutions that support this special format.
  • System Backups: Built a new feature that will automatically backup every Project on your Dash360 system daily. It then keeps those backups stored so you can go back and download them at a later date. This is a great way to see what data looked like in the past.
  • Smart Export Filters: The export filters are now smart. If you choose a Project, then the WBS filter will only show WBS in that project. If you choose a WBS, then the Work Package filter will only show Work Packages in that start with that WBS. Resource Files / Resource Codes and Rate File / Rate Sets also work the same way. Also added the Cost Class filter to the Cost Estimate Timephase export.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Removing Contingency from Earned and Actual Resource Assignments: Dash360 would sometimes put contingency on actual and earned resource assignments. This is not supposed to happen. A patch went out with this release to remove all contingency from any existing actual and earned resource assignments. Dash360 was also updated so it will never do this again in the future.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: The column chooser would duplicate column names if you had codes attached to codes. This has been corrected so the column only appears one time.
  • Admin > Import Actual Resource Assignments: If you deleted an actual resource assignment and then tried to readd it in the same import file, the system would instead only delete the record. This has been corrected so all deletes are processed first, then any updates / inserts.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports: You can now access the side menu while any of the Cost Estimating reports are loading. This allows you to navigate away easily from the page if you don't want to wait for your results to load.

v3.04 Release Notes

Wednesday, April 27th, 2022

Earned Value

  • EV Curves: Fixed EV Curves Budget to Complete to display the entire budget when this filter is selected. You can also use the date filters to change this curve.
  • CPR: If you are using the Quantity field for a Work Package, all of the Budget and Earned values in this report will now be multiplied by that quantity.


  • Cost Estimate Form: If you show multiple cost classes at one time, then the grand total lines for the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel will be hidden. This is to prevent confusion.
  • Cost Estimate Form > Import / Export Timephase: If the Do Not Change Historical Flag was turned on, the system would not allow you to change the data in the current reporting period. This has been corrected.


  • Fixed a bug with the Edit Task where the selection box to assign Resource Assignments to a task would sometimes not appear.


  • Added the WBS Dictionary data to the Dashboards / Dashboard Designer


  • Import: If you import an Earned Resource Assignment on a Work Package with an EVT type of Planning Package, the system will now throw an error.
  • Import: On the Resource Assignment Import, the mapping of Earned Resource Assignment modal did not allow you to close it. That has been corrected.
  • Import: Fixed the Contingency Assignment import so it doesn't create duplicate records if Contingency is done at the WP level.


  • There was a bug with User Views where notebook fields and resource results that existed in 1 project but didn't exist in another could cause Dash360 to get into an error spiral. This has been corrected so that the view will remove the filter on this field if that scenario occurs. No customer has experienced this error to date.
  • Fixed an issue where Resource Codes that start with numbers were mishandled by Excel. Corrected this issue.
  • Fixed an issue to not allow any code files, rate files or resource files to have the same name. Any customers with files with the same names will automatically have a (1), (2), (3), etc applied to the end of the name. We don't allow duplicate names in Dash360 as this causes issues with importing data.

v3.03 Release Notes

Sunday, April 3rd, 2022


  • Cost Estimate Form: A view icon (magnifying glass) now appears if you can only view a Resource Assignment. This occurs when you don't have edit access, when the Project is locked, when the Work Package is read only or if it is an Earned Resource Assignment.
  • Cost Estimate Form: The process icon for Move / Copy Resource Assignments is now not possible from the UI for Earned or Actual Resource Assignments. You can also not Move Budget Resource Assignments that have Earned Value attached to them. This is to insure that Dash360 and your project's EV does not get messed up.
  • Cost Estimate Form: You can no longer delete a Budget Resource Assignment if it has Earned Value attached to it. You also may not delete Earned Resource Assignments from the UI. You also cannot Edit Earned Resource Assignments from the UI.
  • Cost Estimate Form > Import Timephased Data: You can no longer import Earned Resource Assignments in using the Timephase import. Use the Admin > Import > Resource Assignment Import instead. CAMs also cannot import Actual Resource Assignments using this import.
  • Cost Estimate Form > Edit Resource Assignment: If your project has the Do Not Change Historical flag turned on, you used to be able to modify values in the past from the UI. This is now corrected so you cannot do that anymore (as expected). Also, sometimes the datagrid would collapse and every cell in the grid would be super small. This has also been corrected.
  • Cost Estimate Form: If you copy a work package, the Earned Resource Assignments for that work package are not copied with it. All other resource assignments, however, are copied.
  • Cost Estimate Form: Removed the print button from this page as it did not work. New download options will be coming in a future release.
  • Cost Estimate Form > Schedule: If you showed Earned Resource Assignments on the form, the Edit and Delete icons for the Schedule area would disappear. This has been fixed.
  • Cost Summary Report: The Show / Hide Work Packages feature didn't always reflect correctly on the screen. This has been corrected.

Earned Value

  • Variance Narrative Report: Fixed the Send to Admin button so it now works. Also updated the text to be more readable.


  • Fixed behavior around the contraint date. Also fixed some issues with the Duration field. All added original duration to activities and added a contraint data type to activities, too. The Duration is also calculate based on start/end date changes on the activities modal.


  • The Work Package and Work Package Number fields in the Dashboard returned the same values. Now, the Work Package Number returns just the number. The Work Package field returns the number and it's description.
  • Custom code fields and custom notebook fields pulled all values when there were multiple custom notebook fields or custom code fields.


  • Recalculate Project: When you recalculate a project the system now will recalculate all Resource Assignments except the Earned Cost Class. This is unless you have the Do Not Change Historical Data flag turned on. If that is set and your reporting period for the project is set, then the system will not allow you to change any data prior to the reporting period.
  • Export Resource Assignments: Made enhancements to the RA Export to make it faster. Also fixed the Resource Code filter so it shows the Resource Code and the Description. Before it was only showing the description.
  • Import Resource Assignments: If you imported resource assignments with a finish date before your start date, the system would just skip the record. Now, it throws an error message asking you to fix the issue.
  • Backup / Restore Projects: When backing up and restoring projects, the Format 1030 Code file was not attached to the new restored project. This has been corrected.
  • Edit Code: When editing a code, it would not let you change the code name even if nothing was attached to that code. This has been fixed.
  • New Project: Creating a new project after editing an existing project and then selecting a tab would cause an error. This has been corrected.

v3.02 Release Notes

Sunday, March 27th, 2022


  • When you clear the cache for the dashboard, the dashboard state is also cleared.
  • Fixed a few issues with dashboard loading not operating correctly and red error boxes appearing. These have been fixed.


  • WBS Dictionary: When selecting a WBS Level, the levels were off by one. So, if you selected "2", you actually got WBS Level 3. This has been corrected.
  • WBS Tree: A ugly red box error shows up whenever a project is selected from the WBS Tree page but that project has no WBS file. This has been fixed.
  • Cost Estimate Form: If you checked the "Ready for Approval" checkbox and refreshed the page, there was then no way to uncheck this box. Instead it through a red javascript error message. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Estimate Form: There was a bug with how timephased units were stored in the database that could cause the Existing Profile option on the Edit Resource Assignment form to incorrectly apply new totals against an existing profile. This has been corrected by zeroing out the hidden percentage field when the units value is also 0.
  • Cost Estimate Form: Had a report of notebook entries being accidentally deleted from a couple of work packages for one customer. We rebuilt this section of the code to hopefully insure this can't happen in the future.
  • Cost Estimate Form: In the Signatures area, clicking the "Restart Signoff Process" button would sometimes cause an error. This has been fixed.
  • Cost Estimate Form: A javascript red error box sometimes showed up when loading a work package. This has been fixed.
  • Cost Estimate Form: On the Edit Resource Assignment form, resource assignment notebook fields of checkbox or radio button types would not correctly pre-select their existing values. This would cause checkboxes / radio buttons that should be checked to not be pre-selected. This has been fixed.
  • Cost Estimate Form: When copying a Resource Assignment, the notebook fields attached to that resource assignment were not properly being copied. This has been fixed.


  • Double clicking a task link in the schedule builder is supposed to delete that task link. This was not working and is now fixed.
  • All of the dates in the schedule now use the Registry key "Date-Format" to format all of the dates on the page.


  • Status Updates: When deleting a status update, Dash360 would throw an error. This has been fixed.
  • Import / Export: The Schedule template and export file were missing the Milestone Level column. It has been added to the template for the import and the export file.
  • Edit Project > WBS: When adding a WBS element at the top level, the system was sometimes improperly numbering the elements. This has been fixed. Also, when you added a new WBS element using the tree, sometimes the description would not be saved. This has also been fixed. There also was a scrolling bug that has been corrected, too.
  • Import: When importing Schedule data with missing dates, the system would cause large durations. This has been corrected.
  • Import / Export: The Actual Resource Assignment export file was incorrectly laying out files if a project had multiple resource assignment notebook fields. This has been corrected.
  • Import / Export: The Resource Assignment Notebook Entry import has been fixed so that it no longer allows you to upload the same Notebook Category for the same Resource Assignment multiple times. Instead, it properly replaces the existing value with the new value passed in.


  • Help: The Send a Message button on the top up widget was not working. It is now fixed.
  • Reports > Activities Resource Assignments: The Collapse All / Expand All link used to throw an error when clicked. It has been fixed.

v3.01 Release Notes

Monday, March 14th, 2022

  • Earned Value: On Level of Effort (LOE) and Earned as Spent (EAS) EVT work packages, Dash360 was improperly calculating earned value for successive reporting periods. It was duplicating some months of values across months. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form: If you have Contingency setup in the Registry only at the WP level, then the Labor, Non-Labor or Travel listings no longer have Contingency in their column chooser.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Lock Project: When you lock a project, that project should not be allowed to be changed. There were a couple of areas that still allowed changes including Notebook Categories, Adding a Rateset / Rate or importing data. The system has been updated to not allow anything to be changed if it is attached to a locked project.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: Added the Cost Class field into the column chooser. Also fixed a bug where a bad error message would appear if you selected a cost class that had no resource assignments. Now, the system tells you there are no Resource Assignments in that cost class.
  • Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: The Excel export sometimes would not download all data if the data in the first column was the same in the export. This has been corrected so that all data now downloads properly.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form / Earned Value Reporting Periods: Dates in these two sections were sorting based on the text of the date instead of sorting by the year first. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Codes: When deleting a Format 1030 code that was attached to Resource Calculations, the system would throw an ugly error. Now, it tells the Admin how many places this code is used and makes you confirm if you want to still delete it. If you select yes, then the code is deleted.
  • Admin > Projects > Variance Thresholds: The Add a Threshold button could sometimes get hidden so the user could not add or edit a threshold. This has been fixed.
  • Risk Register: On small screen, the filter box for the Risk Register Table section did not always appear on top of the data grid. This kept the user from being able to properly select data.
  • Dashboard Designer: Added the % Complete field to the Schedule datasource so it can be used in dashboards.
  • Schedule: Changed the default system view for the Schedule to be grouped by WBS and then by Work Package and then sorted ascending by Start Date.
  • Import Schedule: The Uncertainty Classes fields are no longer required in the Schedule import.
  • Admin > Projects: When changing a WBS code, the WBS Dictionary entries were not being updated to the new code. This has been fixed.
  • CMB-S4 / Berkley SAML integration was broken by the .NET 6 upgrade. It has now been corrected.
  • Schedule: When using the Add a Milestone or Task form in the Schedule, it now follows these business rules:
  1. If you enter a % complete, then the Start Date must be on or before the current schedule status update date (i.e. data date). Otherwise, the system needs to throw an error.
  2. If a % complete < 100%, then there must be an Expected Finish Date later than the current schedule status date.
  3. If an activity was scheduled to finish by the data date and did not, a Revised Expected Finish is required.
  4. If an activity was scheduled to start by data date and did not, a Revised Expected Start and Expected Finish is required.
  5. If an activity is 100% Complete, an Actual Start and Actual Finish must be provided. The Actual Start and Finish dates must be on or before the current data date.
  6. If an activity has an Actual Start Date on or before the data date, then the %Complete needs to be greater than 0.

v3.00 Release Notes

Saturday, March 5th, 2022


  • The 3.0 release of Dash360 upgrades the software to the new .NET 6.0. This is the new, supported version of .NET from Microsoft.
  • Bootstrap framework and several dozen other javascript libraries were also updated to their most current version. Users may notice a few small UI differences, but overall, the software should function the same as before.

Bugs Fixed

  • Admin > Import: The Resource Assignment imports now will not allow you to add a Resource Assignment with a start date before 1950 or after the year 2500. This is to insure an improper date is not uploaded in the Resource Assignment file. When this occurred, it drastically slowed down Dash360 as a million+ timephase records would be generated.
  • Estimating > WBS Dictionary: If you had a large WBS Code File, the WBS Dictionary would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Earned Value > CPR: If your CPR had no grouping levels and you tried to export it to Excel, some of the records would not export. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Threshholds: When adding a Between value, sometimes the High Value / Percent field would not appear on the form. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Staffing Plan Report: The Resource Description column would remove some of the text in the description if it encountered a hyphen. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimate Form > Schedule: The Weights number is now formatted to use your user settings for comma and decimal placement.
  • Reporting > Activity Assignments Report: The Export to Excel feature was broken. It now works as expected.
  • Admin > Import / Export Resource Assignments: There was a bug with exporting resource assignments were customers had external links and resource assignment notebook fields. The column headers were correct, but sometimes the values would get put into the wrong columns. If the customer reimported this file, it could cause errors on the re-import. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Codes: Copying a code file did not copy the Hierarchal / Flat toggle or the separator. This has been corrected.

v2.32.1 Release Notes

February 25, 2022

Import Resource Assignments

  • Removed 1 line of code that was accidentally causing all Resource Assignments Timephased Units to get deleted whenever importing RAs. This occurred because of a chance to the v2.32 release. The issue has been corrected.

v2.32 Release Notes

February 23, 2022

Cost Estimate Form

  • When signing off on a work package, the system tracks the total cost of all resource assignments for your work package. With this change, now only resource assignments in the "Budget" cost class are included in the total.
  • If a project is locked or a CAM has read only access, then there was no way for a user to see the details of a resource assignment because all of the icons were hidden. Now, the edit icon still appears. Clicking it will allow you to view the resource assignment in a read-only state (you still cannot modify the data).
  • Export Timephased Data: If you had a Work Package without a resource assignment in one of the resource types (labor, nonlabor or travel), then the system would throw an error whenever trying to export the timephased data for all work packages. This has been corrected.
  • Copy / Move Resource Assignment: If you copy or move an Actual Resource Assignment to another work package, Dash360 was allowing this to occur even if there was already another Actual Resoure Assignment with the same Resource Code. This is not allowed in Dash360 as it breaks the Earned Value system. The code has been updated to instead throw an error to the user that the action is not allowed.
  • If you only had 1 Resource Assignment in the Labor, Non-Labor or Travel sections, then the process icons Copy / Move Resource Assignment dropdown menu was partially cut off. This has been corrected.
  • Built a feature to allow a user to apply the same basis code to all Resource Assignments in a Work Package. It is in the Details tab. Select a Basis code, click Save and all of the Resource Assignments for that Work Package will now have that basis code.
  • Add / Edit Resource Assignment: When modifying the Units of a Resource Assignment, entering a 0 or non-numeric character or space into the field would sometimes return an error. Now, the system assumes the value of zero (0) if you do not enter a valid value. The system also has been corrected to always be able to accept 0 as a valid value.


  • You can now export any dashboard component as an image allowing you to download charts and graphs from the dashboard and put them in other reports.


  • Replaced the schedule sorting arrows with text.
  • Date format on the schedule dropdown was not always in the correct format. This is corrected.
  • Added a tooltip to the undo and redo buttons on the schedule.
  • Fixed the sorting so users can now sort by multiple columns.

Earned Value

  • Performance Index Report used to throw an error in some cases. This has been corrected.


  • All user's can now upload a profile photo. If completed, your profile image will show up in the left-hand menu at the bottom of the screen next to your name.
  • When showing the column chooser on multiple reports through Dash360, the system would show 2 column choosers. One in the correct location and another at the bottom of the page (under the report). This one at the bottom of the page was an error and the object could not be removed from the screen. This has been corrected so it no longer appears.


  • The admin now has the ability to turn any user view they create into a system view. The admin can also set any system view as the default system view for all of their users of Dash360. User views have also been fixed to allow apostrophes in the view name (something that caused an error before).
  • Export Resource Assignments: When exporting Resource Assignments for projects with multiple Resource Assignment Notebook fields, the system would sometimes improperly put the notebook field data in the wrong Excel columns. This could cause a big mapping issue if this same file was used to reimport the data back into Dash360. This error has been corrected.
  • Import New Earned Resource Assignments (RA): If you import new Earned RAs without a RA ID, then the system will now present you with a mapping modal after import. In order for your earned RAs to make it into Dash360, you must now map them to their correct Budget counterpart. The system will do it's best to map them for you, but if you have the same Resource Code in the same Work Package, then you will have to map them manually. This is required to insure Dash360 Earned Value (EV) calculation system can continue to calculate EV for you when you are bringing Earned data in from another system. This only impact Earned resource assignments during import. This also only impacts new Earned RA records without a filled in ID field. If you supply the ID, then the mapping for that record will not appear.
  • WBS Hierarchy: WBS hierarchal state is now preserved whenver you copy or restore a project.
  • Edit Project > WBS Tree: If no WBS code file was associated with a project, the WBS Tree would show weird results. This has been corrected.
  • If you had a WBS code file attached to multiple projects, modifying a WBS code would remove the WBS file from some of the multiple projects. This has been corrected so modifying a WBS code will not remove the WBS File from any of your projects.
  • Edit Resource Code: If you change the resource type (labor, nonlabor or travel) on a resource code, Dash360 will now automatically update all of the Resource Assignments created with that resource code and move them to the new resource type selected.
  • Export Resource Assignment Timephased Replace: Added the Project, WBS, Work Package, Resource Code and Resource Assignment Description to the export file.

v2.31 Release Notes

February 2, 2022


  • Estimating -> Cost Estimating Reports: Fixed misspelling of Work Package Links
  • Estimating -> Cost Estimating Form: Made lookups of resource results faster.
  • Estimating -> Cost Estimating Form: Add Start and Finish dates to the Activities drop down in the Add / Edit Resource Assignment modal.


  • Allow admin to view misaligned tasks and tasks with no resources.

Earned Value

  • Earned Value: Rebuilt Earned as Spent (EAS) calculation. Instead of creating an Earned Resource Assignment from the Actual Resource Assignment (RA), it instead uses the Budget Resource Assignments for the Earned Resource Assignment. If more than 1 Budget RA exists in a Resource Type for a Work Package, the Actual costs are distributed amongst the Earned Resource Assignments using a weighted average approach (Total Budget Cost for this RA / Total Budget for all RA in this Resource Type) * Actual Cost.


  • Admin -> Copy / Restore Project: When copying or restoring a project with Earned Resource Assignments, Dash360 now properly insures that the Earned RA is still attached to it's Budget RA counterpart. Also added schedule activities without links into the copy project. Before these were missing.
  • Admin -> Import Contingency Assignments: Sped up the process of importing Contingency Assignment records by 1000%.
  • Admin -> Import Cost Estimates: This import now allows you to rename WBS or Work Package codes and descriptions. Those codes and description are then updated through out Dash360. Also corrected the import so that if the Cost Estimate record exists but the WBS or WP code does not exist in the code file, the import will still allow you to delete the Cost Estimate record.
  • Admin -> Import / Export Schedule Tasks: Removed the internal Dash360 ID from the Schedule Import and Export.
  • Admin -> Dashboard Designer: Built a way for the admin to delete and reorder dashboards already in the system. You also can modify the dimensions of dashboards.

v2.30 Release Notes

January 13, 2022

  • Dashboards: Fixed an issue where some dashboards were failing sporadically.
  • Admin > Dashboard Designer: Added the Database data source to the Dashboard Designer
  • Admin > Dashboard Designer: Added WBS Title to the WBS Levels on the Schedule Data Source in the Dashboard Designer.
  • Admin > Project > Recalculate Project: If you import contingency assignments at the WP level, the system was not correctly updating the contingency on the Cost Summary Report. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Import / Exports > User Security: Fixed the export all projects. It used to only print the first project as the project for all user security. This is corrected now. Also fixed the imports so that Module is taken into account on imports.
  • Admin > Import / Exports > Resource Code Linked Codes: There is now an import and export for the Resource Code Linked Codes feature.
  • Earned Value: If you had a milestone EVT and your percentage on a task was < 1%, then the system was actually not dividing the percent by 100. This meant .03 percent was actually multiplying the EV by 3. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Projects > Calculate Earned Value: Sped up the calculate EV process by about 1000%.

v2.29 Release Notes

December 21st, 2021

  • Schedule > Schedule Builder: The Edit Activity modal now shows the description in the form.
  • Schedule > Schedule Builder: Schedule Status Date now adheres to the date format set in the Registry for your project.
  • Reporting > Cost Estimate Detail Report: Fixed a bug where spaces in Supporting Document links in PDF files were broken. Corrected this so you can now get to the file.
  • Earned Value > Earned Value Curves: There were a couple of bugs that would cause the EV Curves not to load that has been corrected. The report also throws a descriptive error if your project has no EV Curves data to show.

v2.28.1 Release Notes

December 8th, 2021

Estimating > Cost Summary Report

  • Fixed the Cost Summary Report Quantity field so it prints the real quantity instead of a SUM of all of the quantities.

v2.28 Release Notes

December 8th, 2021

Estimating > Cost Summary Report

  • Added Quantity and EVT fields to the columns to show. These columns are hidden by default.
  • Added a WP Documents column that shows all of the Resource Assignment External Links and all of the Cost Estimate External Links. This column is hidden by default.
  • Added a WBS Documents column that shows all documents attached to the Work Package's WBS or any parent WBS. This column is hidden by default.
  • If you are using the Quantity field, it now correctly is reflected in the Cost Summary Report. The Qunatity field now effects the Labor, Non-Labor, Travel, Total and Total with Contingency fields. If you do not use the Quantity field, then nothing has changed for your report.

Estimating > Cost Estimate Form

  • In some cases, the Save button in the Details section would be disabled. This caused an issue if you were using the Ready for Approval checkbox but not using our Signature Approval Process. In those cases, you could turn on the Ready for Approval checkbox for a WP, but you could never turn it off. This has now been corrected.

Admin > Edit Project > WBS Tree

  • The WBS Tree was throwing a javascript error when you changed the name of a WBS element on some client instances. A javascript error also occurred when the user first opened the tree and no tree would appear. Both of these issues have been corrected.

v2.27 Release Notes

November 24th, 2021


  • Hierarchal Code Files: All Code files in Dash360 now have 2 states: Flat or Hierarchal. The Flat state is the default and is how Dash360 has always worked. You just add new codes and codes are displayed as normal in Dash360. The new Hierarchal option allows you to either assign the Parent/Child relationship via a dropdown or you can use the Tree component to do it. If you choose Tree, then you can build out any code file in the Admin just like you do with the WBS Tree in the product today.
  • Module User Security: You can now give CAMs access to only certain Modules in Dash360. A module consists of the main areas in Dash360: Dashboard, Estimating, Earned Value, Reporting, Risk and Schedule. Now, when you create a new user, you first select the module that the user should have access to followed by the Project, WBS, Work Package and Access Type. The Module default option is All - meaning the CAM will be given access to all modules. If you only give a CAM access to one module, then that is the only menu item that will show up in the left hand menu of Dash360. All existing CAMs already created are setup with All permissions. If a CAM has an All permission anywhere in their security settings, then they automatically will see all modules. The Project dropdowns across the product were also updated to only show CAMs the projects they have access to in the dropdown. Finally, if a CAM somehow is able to go to a URL that they don't have access to then the system will throw an Access Denied error instructing them to talk to their Admin for access.
  • Import / Export > Actual Resource Assignments: Built a new import and export for Actual Resource Assignments. This import / export looks almost identical to the Resource Assignment import / export except that it has a number of fields removed from it. This is to make importing actuals easier. Plus, Dash360 now does not allow you to use the same Resource Code for Actual Resource Assignments more than once per Work Package. This allows you to not need to specify the Resource Assignment ID column when importing Actuals. Instead, Dash360 will use the Project Name, WBS, WP and Resource Code to look the Resource Assignment ID up for you. This greatly reduces issues with loading Actuals every month and ensures that all Actuals loaded for a Resource Code on a Work Package will always be put in the same Resource Assignment.
  • Import / Export > Resource Assignments with Notebook Fields: When Exporting Resource Assignments, the export file now contains any Resource Assignment Notebook fields into the file along with the value set for each field. The Resource Assignment Import was also modified to allow you to add these notebook fields to the import file. Use the new updated template to ensure you have properly formatted these new fields.

Actual Resource Assignments

  • Cost Estimating Form / Project Explorer / Schedule: When adding Actual Resource Assignments to Dash360, the product now only allows you to add a Resource Code once per Work Package for the Actual cost class. If you are adding a new Actual Resource Assignment, you will see that any previous used Resource Codes for that Work Package will not be selectable from the Add Resource Assignment > Resource Code form field. This feature was added to Dash360 to make it easier to import actuals on a monthly basis. By limiting the Resource Code to just 1 per work package (for the Actual cost class only), we can easily lookup the Resource Assignment ID for you so you don't need to do the mapping yourself in Excel.


  • Cost Estimate Form > Export Timephased Data: The Excel file that is generated by this feature now has dropdown lists! The WBS, Work Package, Resource Type, Cost Class, Resource Code and Result fields are now all dropdown lists in Excel populated with the data from Dash360 for your selected project. Selecting a WBS from the dropdown will automatically update the Work Package dropdown. The Resource Type, Resource Code and Resource Result also build off each other. Gone are the days of having to remember your code file data. In 2022, this feature will be coming to all export files.

Earned Value

  • EV Curves: Added Budget in future periods to the EV Curve Report. Before this change, the Budget always stopped at the Current Reporting Period. Now, there is a new series on the chart that allows you to see the Budget to Completion in the line graph.

Smaller Enhancements & Bug Fixes

  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form > Timephase Export: The timephase export would fail if you tried to use it on a Work Package that did not have a Resource Assignment for each resource type: Labor, Non-Labor and Travel. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Backup/Restore & Import/Export: If you tried to export a file and then reimported it back into Dash360 without first opening the file in Excel and saving it, then the Dash360 import / restore process would throw an error. This has been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports: When you load the Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports, the left hand flyout filter menu allowed you to create and import views before selecting a Report from the dropdown list. User views are assigned to the reports themselves, so creating or importing a view without first selecting a report threw an error. This has been fixed by hiding the contents of the left hand flyout menu for this page until after the user has selected a report.
  • Admin > Import / Export > Resource Assignment Replace Timephased Data: When an admin uploaded new values for a Resource Assignment but that RA did not have a Finish Date that was equal to the last day of the month, then the system would skip the last month when respreading the Units value. This has been corrected.
  • Admin > Projects > Copy Cost Class: In the Source Cost Class step, the Actual Cost Class was added as a selectable option. It was missing.
  • Recalculate Project on Some Imports: When importing Resource Assignments, Resource Codes, Rates, Resource Calculations, Actual Resource Assignments, Resource Assignment Timephased Units or Resource Assignment Replace Timephased data, the system will automatically now Recalculate Project for all of the Projects that you included in your import. This is to ensure that any import you do correctly updates the timephase data used throughout Dash360. This will slow down imports for these files, but will also ensure the data is correct across the system after you import.
  • Admin > Projects > Copy Project / Backup & Restore Project: When copying or restoring a project, the system was incorrectly duplicating the Resource Assignment Cost field that is used in the Cost Estimating Reports. A Recalculate Project would fix the issue. However, we have now corrected it so this behavior does not occur when copying or restoring a project.
  • Admin > Projects > Delete Project: Projects with Risk Register Notebook Entries in them could not be deleted. This has been corrected.

v2.26 Release Notes

November 10th, 2021


  • Import / Export Resource Assignments with Timephasing: This release has a new feature that allows you to add, edit and delete Resource Assignments along with it's timephased data all at once from Excel. You can import and export by Work Package or for the whole project. CAMs can use this feature, too. Dash360 will automatically only download the Resource Assignments that CAMs can access via their security credentials. CAMs can only update Resource Assignments that they have "CAM" access to in the Admin > Users > Security area. The Export will allow CAMs to download Work Packages they have Read-Only access to as well, but they cannot reimport those Resource Assignments because they don't have write access to those Work Packages. The Excel file includes all of the pertinent details about each Resource Assignment and then has 1 column for each month in the project. The timephase data for each Resource Assignment is then put into each monthly column. Need to remove a value from a month? Simply delete the value from that month. Need to add a value? Just type that value in the correct monthly column. After you are done making changes, reimport the file to automatically update all of the changed Resource Assignments. You can also add new Resource Assignments by adding a new row to the spreadsheet and leaving the ID field empty. Also, delete existing Resource Assignments by setting the Delete flag to "Yes". A Registry flag was also added to the Admin > Projects > Registry area to allow you to turn off the export or the import for your CAMs if you don't want them to have this feature. By default, this feature is turned on.
  • Cost Estimating Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignment: When editing an existing non-labor or travel Resource Assignment, the Existing Profile and Linear Spread radio buttons sometimes did not work. Instead, the system would always use the existing profile and the linear spread would no longer work. This has been corrected.


  • Risk Register: Sorting by Schedule Impact in the Risk Register was treating numbers as string causing the sort to not work correctly. This has been corrected.
  • Risk Register: Be able to change the labels for the Risk heatmaps for the chart title, axis titles, etc.
  • Risk Register: Removed retired risks from the Monte Carlo and Burndown Charts


  • Added a Direct Link in the question mark dropdown to the Knowledge Base.
  • Setup a way to update release notes from the help widget.
  • Setup a way to create tool tips from the help widget.


  • Import / Export: Added an import and export for Notebook field values attached to Resource Assignments.
  • Import / Export: Build a special Resource Assignment Replace Timephase export and import. This import assumes that all of your Resource Assignments are linearly spread. In the import file, you supply an existing Resource Assignment ID and a new Start Date, Finish Date and Units field. The import first removes all timephase data for each Resource Assignment. Then, if your Admin > Edit Project > Resource Assignment Unit Time Phase fields are set to "Monthly", the system will repeat the Units value once for each month between the Start and Finish date (Most customers use "Monthly" for Labor resources). If the Resource Assignment Unit Time Phase is set to "Full", then the Units will be linearly spread between the Start and End Dates (Most customers use "Full" for Non-Labor and Travel resources). Please be sure to check the Admin > Edit Project > Resource Assignment Unit Time Phase fields before using this import. This import will allow you to Delete existing Resource Assignments by setting the Delete flag to Yes. You cannot add resource assignments by using this import.
  • Projects: Resource Assignment Notebook fields and Links added to WBS Dictionary items are now part of the Copy Project, Backup Project and Restore Project. These items did not used to get copied and now they do.

v2.25 Release Notes

October 27th, 2021


  • Cost Estimating Form > WBS Tree - Added the ability to upload files in the WBS Dictionary
  • Cost Estimating Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignment: In the datagrid, if you clicked in a cell and then used your scroll wheel on your mouse the system would increment / decrement values quickly in the selected cell. This could sometimes cause people to inadvertently change values when they were just trying to scroll through the resource assignment. This functionality has now been removed.
  • Cost Estimating Form: In the resource assignment listings, the Total + Contingency column was improperly calculating the total. It was accidentally applying the Contingency value multiple times. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Summary Report: This report would sometimes not show Contingency values when the data was imported. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Estimating Form > Copy Work Package: When copying a work package, the system would not automatically recalculate the resource assignments for the new work package. This would result in no values showing up for resource results shown on the resource assignment datagrids. A recalculate project would fix the issue. However, this change insures that the new work package is recalculated whenever it is created from a copy.

Earned Value

  • Project Explorer > Add / Edit Resource Assignment: The scoll wheel has been disabled on the datagrid (along with in the Cost Estimating Form).
  • Performance Index Report: For some projects, a divide by 0 error would appear. This has been corrected.


  • Schedule Builder: Added the Schedule Status Date as a red line that shows up in the schedule graph area. If the schedule status date is set and you remove all relationships on a task, your task will automatically snaph back to the status date (if it is set for your project).
  • Schedule Builder: In some cases, relationships would show up multiple times between activities. This has been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: A bug existed where if you sorted by dates and then performed an edit on a task, the builder would forget your sort. This has been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: The Total Cost column was sometimes showing incorrect values. This has been corrected.


  • Risk Register: When zooming in on the datagrid, only a small amount of data showed up. This has been corrected.


  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Added the Signature Approvals to this report (if they are used for your project).


  • Dashboard Designer: Added the Schedule and Risk Register as datasources for the Dashboard. Also added the WBS and CAM fields to the Estimating datasource.
  • Edit Project > WBS: When renaming the top level of a WBS Tree, the system was throwing an error about a value count limit being reached. This has now been fixed.
  • Edit Project > WBS: When editing the WBS Dictionary, you can now upload files.
  • Edit Project: Changed the name of the field Status Date to Schedule Status Date.
  • Edit Project > Reports: If you set the Estimate Type by Basis Code field to Description, and then added custom colors in the Cost by Estimate Type Graph Colors area, the colors would not load correctly AND the WBS Summary Report would no longer load. This has been corrected.
  • Edit Project > Signatures: You can now change the order of your signature signoffs from the Admin. There is a new Order field that allows you to change the order.

v2.24 Release Notes

October 12th, 2021


  • Dashboard Designer: The Admin now has the ability to delete and rename Dashboards from the Designer area.
  • Dashboard: Notebook entries in the dashboard were showing incorrect values. The mapping for notebook fields was incorrect. This has been fixed.
  • Dashboard: Improved performance of the dashboard. We used to loop through all of the timephase data 2 times. Once to create the normal records with costs and again to create the same records with contingency information. Now, the system loops only 1 time and creates both sets of records.


  • WBS Summary Report: If the admin user went to Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Reports and turned on the WBS Summary Report Settings > Estimate Type Basis Code option to say With Description, then the WBS Summary Report would hang and never load. This is because the WBS Summary Report was not properly grouping the graph labels with the description added. This caused 1000s of entries to improperly be fed into the graph and caused the system to hang. This has been corrected.


  • Format 1030 Report: If you selected any project besides the default project on this report, you would get a Javascript error and the report would not load. This has now been corrected.


  • The Import, Export, Backup Project & Restore Project Tasks object now supports Constraint Date.
  • Backing up a project with duplicated Format 1030 codes for the same Resource Code ID but in different projects causes costs to inflate on restore. Fixed the issue by insuring only the project's current resource file is exported. Also, fixed client's data to remove duplicated format 1030 mappings (LCCF). This was due to a bug previously in Format 1030 that was corrected but the data was not.
  • Copy Project: When copying a project with a Format 1030 Code file, the reference to the 1030 code file was lost. This is now corrected.
  • Codes / Resource Codes: When creating or updating a code, the Name and Resource ID fields are now automatically trimmed when you save the code. This insures that you do not have any spaces at the beginning or end of your code name. Some clients had accidentally added a space to some of their codes. Then, they would export those codes and try to reimport them again without the trailing space. Dash360 would then throw an error stating that code did not exist because the space was missing from the import file. This was a tricky bug because it's hard to see that extra space. This has now been fixed and with this update any data already in your database in these 2 fields has been trimmed.

v2.23 Release Notes

October 8th, 2021


  • Staffing Plan Report: For CAMs, this page was throwing an error keeping the page from loading. This has been fixed.
  • Cost Estimate Form: When copying or moving a resource assignment, a red error box would appear. The RA was still copied or moved, but you had to refresh the page to see the change. This has been fixed.
  • ReportingCost Estimate Detail Report: Added a Registry flag called "CostEstimateDetailReport-Hide-Contingency" that allows you to hide all of the contingency fields and sections on this report. The default value is to show all of the contingency. Note: This does not hide the Contingency fields from the data grids, but those are turned off by default and can easily be turned off / turned on by the user in their user view.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: The Format 1030 codes have been added back to the Cost Estimate Detail Report as a separate column per resource result. So, for example, you will now see columns like: Direct 1030 Code, Escalation 1030 Code, etc. Each column shows the Format 1030 code for that resource result for that resource assignment. These fields are turned off by default and will have to be added by the user in their user view.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Added the "Show WP without Costs" filter that allows you to show / hide any WPs from the list that don't have a cost. The default behavior is to show all WPs even if they don't have costs. This filter also works when using the PDF / Excel Export All features.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Added a Cost Class filter that allows you to show multiple cost classes on this report. The default is "Budget". Note: The Cost Class field in the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel datagrids is hidden by default. You will need to make a user view to show that column to see the Cost Class in the datagrid. Also, totals in the Work Package Summary automatically update to new totals based on which cost classes you have selected.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: The notebooks area used to show notebook entries even if that notebook category was unassigned from the current project. This is now fixed so only notebook entries from notebook categories assigned to the current project appear on this report.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: If a datagrid has 0 resource assignments, then that section (Labor, Non-Labor and Travel) are hidden from the exported file for that Work Package.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Fixed a red box javascript error that showed on some WPs for some customers.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Formatted all of the numbers on the exports to show 2 digits after the decimal point and commas for thousands separator on all views and downloads.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: On the Excel exports, made all of the numbers that export from this report into number-formatted columns in Excel.

v2.22 Release Notes

October 5th, 2021

  • EstimatingCost Summary Report - Notebook fields were no longer showing their values in the data grid. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Summary Report - Exporting the Work Package column shows the link to the WP in the Excel export. This has been corrected so only the Work Package Number & Name appear as before in the download.
  • ReportingActivities by Resource Code - We have build a new view that allows you to see all of the activities in your schedule by resource code and resource result in a grid like format.
  • Format 1030 Report: Built a new "Timephase Grouped by WBS / Work Package" report type so that you can see the 1030 report grouped by WBS and WP. Also changed the name of the default Timephase report type to "Timephase Grouped by Resource ID".
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: Changed the field "Estimated By" to read it's label from the CAM field in the Registry. Also, fixed the view so that the CAM is correctly displayed. Before it always displayed 'none'.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: On the Labor grid, the total columns were shifted to the left causing the data to not look right. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: If you create a user view with resource result columns in your view, those resource results will now always show on every WP regardless of whether the Resource Assignments on that WP have those results or not. In the past, user views could accidentally lose some of their selected columns if you went to a WP with Resource Assignments that did not have a specific resource result that you had selected. This is now corrected.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: The "Total with Contingency" column in this report had an incorrect value. It is now corrected and properly shows the sum of the "Total" + "Contingency" columns.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: The PDF and Excel Export All features now only print the columns that you have showing in your view. Now, you can create a user view, add / hide columns and then export all and you will get only the columns you have displayed on the screen for all Work Packages in the report.
  • Risk RegisterFixed a bug where the thresholds were not saving when you inputted a specific impact.
  • ScheduleFixed a bug that now allows filters to build off of each other. When you select one filter, other filters on the screen will change based on previous filter values selected.

v2.21 Release Notes

September 30, 2021

  • ScheduleAdded Activity ID & Name to the bottom views.
  • Fixed the Clear Filters button to clear the Activity IDs and Resources filters
  • Schedule Builder: Added the Pencil icon to the edit activities
  • Made the Resource Results that show up in the bottom pane a drop down list instead of radio buttons.
  • EstimatingCost Estimate Form: Fixed the user views so that all Resource Results are available to every WP regardless of whether that WP has that resource result. This allows you to save a user view that has a Resource Result (Ex: Fringe) and then still view WPs without Fringe. Before your user view would remove Fringe as a selected column anytime you view a WP without it.
  • Staffing Plan Report: Fixed the yearly total column so it correctly totals all columns instead of showing an average.
  • Cost Summary Report: The Work Package column now has a hyperlink in it. Clicking this hyperlink will take you to that Work Package in the Cost Estimate Form.
  • Work Package Report: When choosing the Detailed report type, the Print All functionality would not show the headers for the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel datagrids in the print version. This has been corrected.
  • Work Package Report: Added a toggle to the left hand flyout menu to show / hide work packages with no costs.
  • ReportingFormat 1030 Report - The timephase report was not showing the correct numbers. It now properly pulls in all of the costs for each 1030 code.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report - Fixed the PDF and Excel Print All to not show the Unit Cost field in the Labor resource assignment grid.
  • Cost Estimate Detail Report - Removed the Format 1030 codes from the resource result table column headers.
  • AdminImport / Export - Added the Code Result (Format 1030) option to the import and export. This allows you to import and export 1030 code assignments.
  • Backup, Restore and Copy Project - Also added the Format 1030 codes to the backup, restore and copy project.
  • Dashboard Designer: Fiscal Year Quarter was not properly dividing contingency across the quarters. This has been corrected.
  • Dashboard Designer: Added the Format 1030 codes as fields.

Release Notes v2.20 

September 21, 2021

  • EstimatingCost Estimate Form - Some Work Packages would throw an "Attempted to Divide by 0 error" when loading a work package. This only occurred in rare cases for work packages that had a contingency value but no cost. This has been corrected.
  • Cost Estimate Form - If the user uses and is in the middle of the sign off process, then the Details tab should not show the Save button and the Ready for Approval checkbox should be checked and disabled.
  • Cost Estimate Form - The Labor, Non-Labor and Travel datagrids have set the default view on a Resource Assignment to not allow the Description or Comments column to be larger than 180 pixels. You can create a custom view to make them larger, but by default, these columns were given a max width value so they would not take over the entire datagrid.
  • Cost Estimate Form - The datagrids also had an empty Description field for Resource Assignments even though a value existed. This has been corrected. We also fixed the ID, Resource Code and Resource Assignment Description field to the left pane so you can see those 3 columns as you scroll. You can right click on the columns to Unfix the columns.
  • Cost Estimate Form - For customers with a lot of resource assignments in a single work package, we bring you fixed datagrids that won't scroll past 85% of the total window height. Now, instead, you can scroll inside the datagrid itself vertically. This helps so that you can always see the scrollbars for the datagrid.
  • Cost Estimate Form - The datagrids' process icon would display the Copy & Move Resource Assignment menu to where it was cut off on the last Resource Assignment. This has been corrected so the menu pops up (instead of down) on the last resource assignments.
  • ScheduleSchedule Builder - Fixed tracing logic when you click on a predecessor or successor in the bottom pane.
  • Schedule Builder - The Constraint Date field caused improper behavior when you changed it. This has been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder - Manually entered start and finish dates didn't always update the activity. This has been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder - The CAM selected on a Work Package should be the same CAM that appears for an activity on the Schedule. Now they are the same.
  • Schedule Builder - When grouping by WBS and WP, it appears that there are two different WP ids when there is not. Adding a value to the missing Activity Type corrects this behavior. This issue has been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder - Add an activity id to the filter options.
  • Schedule Builder - The Resource Code filter now filters by resource code instead of resource assignment id.
  • ReportingFormat 1030 Report - Added 2 report types to the Format 1030 Report. Fiscal Year report type groups all Format 1030 data by fiscal year so that each row in the output is by fiscal year. The Timephase report type turns each fiscal year into a column and shows data timephased like other reports in Dash360 (ex: Staffing Plan Report).
  • AdminRestore Project - This process failed on Cost Estimate Timephase Records because a description column had been added to this spreadsheet in the backup process. The Restore is now fixed so this column does not cause the process to fail.
  • Edit Project - If a project did not have a resource file with a rate file attached to it, then the system would throw an error when you went to edit the project. This has been corrected.
  • Backup Project - When backing up a project, the Schedule Tasks incorrectly used the Work Package Name instead of the Activity Type. This has been corrected.
  • Import Risks - When importing risks, the system would error when supplying a risk type. The system has now been updated to take Risk Type into account for import, backup, restore and copy project.

v2.19 Release Notes

  • ScheduleThe Schedule -> Resource area now only shows costs for a resource that are related to the current activity. It used to show costs for all activities in which this resource assignment was assigned.
  • The Schedule sometimes did not show the correct costs in the resource pane. This has been corrected.
  • When grouping by a column, the group column label now takes up the entire row. The label for the group used to only be as wide as the first column in the table. Now, it takes up the full width so you can read the grouping.
  • EstimatingAdd / Edit Resource Assignment: When changing a Total value in the cost datagrid, a modal used to appear asking you if you wanted to linear spread or use your existing profile. This modal has been deleted because it was confusing. You used to have to click Ok to linear spread and Cancel to use your existing profile. Instead, we have added 2 radio buttons directly above the datagrid. Now, you need to preselect the spread option before entering a total value.
  • Add / Edit Resource Assignment: The datagrid on this form has now been changed for the Total column. You now can only change non-currency resource result totals and the Direct column total. Other totals cannot be changed as it will cause a calculation bug to occur giving you incorrect values. All resource results may still be modified at the monthly level.
  • Staffing Plan: For some customers, the Resource ID and Description field was very long and would cause it to be the only column to appear on the page. This is now fixed so that the column is shorter (by default) and the whole report will show.
  • Staffing Plan: Renamed the Resource ID & Descriptions field to Resource ID, Description & RA Description to make it more descriptive.
  • Cost Estimating Form: In v2.18, we added new datagrids to this page. Changed the default template to more properly apply widths to columns so that more of the data will appear on the screen by default. Also fixed the process, edit and delete button to the right of the table so they always will appear on the right hand side in the same place regardless of how many columns you add to your datagrid.
  • AdminExport Schedule Resource Assignments: This allows you to export all of your schedule activities with their corresponding resource assignments in a timephased format.

v2.18 Release Notes

  • EstimatingCost Estimate Form: The Cost Estimate Form Labor, Non-Labor and Travel datagrids now allow you to customize them. You can add / hide columns, group by columns, sort, filter and more. Plus, we added the Save Custom View capability to this page so you can get your grids set just how you like them and then save them for later.
  • Cost Estimate Form: The Signature Steps area now insures that the order of your signatures matches the order setup in the Admin > Projects > Edit Project > Signature Steps area. Before this fix, they could sometimes get out of order.
  • Add / Edit Resource Assignment: When adding or editing a resource assignment, sometimes the last month in a date range could get left off of the date grid. This only occurred when the day of the start date came after the day of the finish date (Ex: Start Date 1/10/2021, Finish Date: 3/5/2021 would only show January and February in the grid. It now also will show March).
  • ScheduleSchedule Builder: Collapse icons now work when grouping
  • Schedule Builder: When saving a custom view, the sort and filter options are now preserved.
  • Schedule Builder: In some cases, duplicate predecessors and successors could appear on an activity. This is now corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: The Resource view on the bottom of the schedule was not showing consistent numbers with the various timescales. This is corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: When changing the WBS or WP in Dash360, the Activities attached to either are now also updated.
  • Schedule Builder: Sorted the WBS and Work Package dropdowns in the Add Activity popup.
  • Schedule Builder: Schedule Builder was showing resource assignments for an activity even when none existed. This is corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: The Schedule area now uses the date format set in the Registry.
  • ReportingCost Estimate Detail report was showing all cost classes in the Excel and PDF export all functions. These functions have been updated to only export the Budget cost class as that is the only cost class this report currently supports. A feature will be coming soon to add all cost classes.
  • AdminCopy Project: When copying a project that was set as a default project, the newly copied project would also be given the default flag causing Dash360 to have 2 default projects for 1 instance. This has been corrected to not copy over this flag. Also, when copying a project with Resource Codes that had additional attached code files and codes, the system would fail. This has been corrected. We also fixed the Copy Project so that it properly copies over timephase data to the new project. It was causing some customers to get double entries which doubled their Budget cost class. Finally, signatures were not properly getting copied. All of these items have been corrected.
  • Admin > Export Schedule by Resource: Build a Schedule export by Resource Code.
  • Admin > Resources > Resource Assignments for Resource Code: This modal now also shows the Resource Assignment ID and the Cost Class for every Resource Assignment attached to the Resource Code.
  • DashboardsAdded the Resource Assignment Notebook Fields and the Cost Estimate Notebook Fields to the Dashboard datasource for use in the Designer.

v2.17 Release Notes

New Features

  • Schedule BuilderYou can now Edit Resource Assignments from the Schedule Builder! In the Schedule Builder, show the Resource pane from the left-hand menu flyout. Then, click on an Activity. Every Resource now has a pencil icon that allows you to edit that resource assignment.
  • We have added a Resource bar to the gantt chart area. You can now see your full resource start and end dates displayed and how they match to your activity start and end dates. The Resource view in the bottom pane also allows you to see any mismatches between your cost estimate start and end dates and your activity start and end dates. In this pane, we show the units or costs and how they are applied. Values in orange are cost estimate values that fall outside your activity date range.
  • We also add every resource result as an option for your Resource activity view. Now, you can choose to see your activity broken down by Hours, FTEs, Direct, Escalation or any other result you use in your calculations.
  • The Gantt chart now also displays the Previous Month Start & End Dates as bars to the view.
  • We also added filters in the left hand menu flyout so you can easily show / hide all of the new bars in the Gantt chart. This way you can see all the bars at once or declutter your view to your liking.
  • Resource Assignment Notebook FieldsYou can now add notebook fields to your Resource Assignments. Add a text field, drop down list from a code file or any other notebook field to your Resources. Just go to Edit Project and add your notebook field to your project. Then, visit the Cost Estimate Form and Add / Edit a Resource Assignment. You will now see your notebook field on the Add / Edit form. So far, we have added the output of this field to the Project Explorer and Cost Estimate Detail Report, but it will be added to the Cost Estimate Form & Work Package Report displays soon.

Bug Fixes & Small Enhancements 

  • Staffing Plan: We fixed the Scale -> Monthly view of the report. It was throwing an error but is now fixed. Also, the Scale -> Yearly view now shows all FTE amounts divided by 12. Several customers had reported strange numbers appearing on this report. This fix should correct that problem.
  • Cost Estimate Form: The Restart Signoff Process button in the Signature Approvals area is now only visible to admins. It used to also be visible to CAMs which caused issues for some customers.
  • Schedule Builder: The schedule builder was not depicting finish dates properly. The bar now extends fully through the finish date of the activity.
  • Schedule Builder: In the daily view, non-workdays (weekends) are shaded gray. However, when using the Month or Yearly scale, entire months or weeks were also shaded. This was a bug that has now been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: On the Add Activity screen, the WBS and Work Package dropdowns are now sorted. The Work Package dropdown also is now filtered to show just the Work Packages that are in the WBS you selected.
  • Schedule Builder: When a blank schedule exists in Dash360 and you add your first task, two tasks appear. The one you created and another task named "New Task". Refreshing the page removed the task. This "New Task" activity has now been removed with this fix.
  • Schedule Builder: We added Help & Notification icons to this page.
  • Schedule Viewer & Builder: Fixed an issue where clicking an Activity in Resource Code view would throw an error. This bug has been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: The Schedule Builder was not starting Finish Start successor activities on the next day. This has been corrected.
  • Schedule Builder: On the Add / Edit Activity form, the Predecessors and Successors were still showing links to activities when those links had been deleted using the Schedule Status Update feature. This has been corrected.
  • Dashboard: We added the Fiscal Year Start Month and the Fiscal Quarter Year to the Dashboard datasource to make it easier to build dashboards with quarters data.
  • Increased timeouts on all queries to 10 minutes. We had a few queries for some customers that were taking more than 1 minute to return. This should help solve the customer from being able to use a feature while we diagnosis the performance issue.
  • Cost Estimate Timephase Export: We added the following fields to this export file: Is Currency flage, Fiscal Year, Resource Result Sort Order, Cost Class and Resource Assignment ID.
  • Cost Estimate Form: In the Add a Milestone or Task modal, the Add Resource Assignment button threw an error. This has now been corrected.
  • Cost Estimating Form: When deleting activities, an error occurred. This error has been fixed.
  • Empty Timephase Records Removed: Dash360 stores generated timephased data to speed up the product. This data is stored per resource assignment. We previously created empty timephase records for the gaps between the cost estimate start date and the resource assignment start date AND the cost estimate finish date and resource assignment finish date. These empty records are no longer created. This should help speed up the product and allow features like Copy Project and Backup Project to work for customers like CMB-S4 and other customers with large datasets.
  • We removed 30 stored procedures that are no longer used by Dash360 as we transition away from stored procedures and more towards Entity Framework for easier code management.

v2.16.2 Release Notes

  • Correct the Signature Approvals area. SKA found a bug that occurs whenever you click the Restart Signature Signoff button. Instead of restarting the signoff for that 1 WP, it restarts it for all of the signoffs for every WP in the project. This is now corrected. Clicking the button now only archives the signatures for the 1 WP where you click the button. Fixed the Cost Estimating Form which was still showing Archive Dates for WP 1 on WP 2. Fixed the archive queries to be specific to the WP.
  • Admin > Exports: You can now export completed signature signoffs from the Exports area.

v2.16 Release Notes

  • AdminProjects > Edit Project > Calendar: A new Calendar tab was added that allows you to set the Project Start Date, Project End Date, Work Days & # of Working Hours per Day. You can also add one-off and yearly holidays. Then, this tab will allow you to generate an Hours or FTE rate set that matches your calendar. This feature creates a rateset with a rate entry for each month in your project and varies the hours or fte rates based on the number of working days in each month.
  • ScheduleSchedule Builder: You can now add resource assignments directly from the Schedule! To add a resource assignment, first double click on an existing activity or click the Add a New Activity (+) button on the Schedule Builder. A new Add Resource Assignment button is located at the bottom of the modal. Clicking this button will bring up the same Add a Resource Assignment form that is used on the Cost Estimate Form and Project Explorer. Add your Resource Assignment, and it will also show up on your Cost Estimate!
  • EstimatingCost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: You can now add Fiscal Year columns to the Cost Summary Report. These columns will show you total values for that year.
  • Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: You can now see linked code files as columns in this report. Linked code files can occur on notebook fields or resource codes. This new feature allows you to select those linked code files as a column and display them on this report. This also can be done on the Contingency Assignment Report, Staffing Plan Report and the Cost Estimate Detail Report.
  • Cost Estimating Form: CMB-S4 requested a feature that would allow an Admin to hide the External Links feature from Dash360. We added a Registry setting called CostEstimatingForm-Hide-External-Links and CostEstimatingForm-Hide-Internal-Links which allows you to hide either internal or external links from the cost estimating form. This feature just hides the form fields that allow you to add these files.
  • Cost Estimating Reports > Cost Summary Report: We made this report even faster! Some customers whose projects had grown over the last year were seeing very slow performance. We worked on speeding it up for you and are happy to report it should be much faster.
  • Bug Fixes & Small EnhancementsAdmin > Projects > Restore Project: When an admin would restore a project with WBS Notebook Entries, the system wrongly created Notebook Categories for every WBS Notebook Entry record in the Backup file. This had the effect of creating 100s of bad notebook category fields in the Admin for some customers. This has been corrected.
  • Schedule > Schedule Viewer & Schedule Builder: We fixed a bug that kept resources from showing up in the Resources view. Now, if the Resources view is turned on for the Schedule and you click on an activity, you will see the resources assigned to that activity in the lower pane.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form: This bug applies to all customers calculating contingency at the Work Package (WP) level. When adding or editing a Resource Assignment to the Cost Estimating Form, the Contingency set for that WP was accidentally being applied at whatever value you set * 100. If you modified a Resource Assignment and then went and looked at the Cost Summary Report, you could see a wrong Contingency %. For example, your WP has a 16% contingency. When looking at it on the Cost Summary Report, you would instead see 1600%. If you went back into your WP, clicked on Risk Factors and then clicked Save, then the contingency for this new record would be fixed. If you went to Admin > Projects > Recalculate Project, this would also be fixed. This bug has been corrected so customers will not see it in the future.

v2.15 Release Notes

  • ScheduleSchedule Builder: You can now update link lags & relationship types from the bottom view pane.
  • Schedule Builder: Moved the Weight field after the Work Package field.
  • Schedule Viewer / Builder: The date format now matches the date format set in the Admin > Registry area for your project.
  • RiskRisk Register: When entering a Risk ID in the Risk Register, the Risk ID that is going to be used now appears on the form. The Risk ID is also editable and can be changed to whatever ID you'd like. The system also auto recommends the next Risk ID based on the Risk Prefix and the next Risk ID number not used in it's sequence.
  • EstimatingCost Estimate Form: When you add an Activity in the Schedule area, the Add / Edit Resource Assignment form will now show you that new activity in the Activity ID(s) field. You used to have to refresh the Cost Estimate Form for these new activities to appear.
  • Bug FixesDashboard used to show errors if a project was not selected for a user. If a project was deleted from the system, this could cause the Dashboard to throw an error. Now, the Dashboard always selects the Default Project if the user has not previously selected a project.
  • Backup Project Excel files sometimes threw an error when you would open the file in Excel. This has been corrected.
  • Work Package Report: Fixed the new Quarterly view so that if you don't start your resource assignments at the beginning of a quarter, their values still show up.
  • Reporting > Cost Estimate Detail Report: Corrected Contingency showing incorrectly for customers who calculate Contingency at the WP level.
  • Reporting > Cost Estimate Detail Report: Added the Resource Assignment Description as a field that can be shown in the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel grids.

v2.14 Release Notes

  • ScheduleSchedule Builder: Added Activity Description to the Activity ID in the predecessors and successors dropdowns.
  • Schedule Builder: Added a delete button in the predecessor / successor view at the bottom of the Schedule Builder.
  • Schedule Builder: When changing the dates for a task that is linked to another task, the schedule now recalculates based on the tasks' relationship.
  • Schedule Builder: Enabled undo and redo buttons for any change you make in the right-hand side of the Schedule Builder. Now you can undo relationships after creating them. Or, if you accidentally drag a task to a new date. Just click the Undo button, and the task will be returned to it's last state.
  • Schedule Viewer / Builder: Fixed a bug where filtering the schedule did not work if it was also grouped.
  • Schedule Viewer: Fixed a bug where when you clicked a task, Dash360 threw an error.
  • Risk RegisterAdd / Edit Risk: The Thresholds dropdowns now also show their descriptions.
  • Add / Edit Risk : Added the Risk Type field next to Risk Category in the General area.
  • Add / Edit Risk: The WBS field now allows you to select multiple WBS records for your risk.
  • All money fields now show decimals and commas instead of just whole numbers.
  • Small Features & Bug FixesEstimating > Work Package Report: Added a Quarterly view of the Cost Summary data.
  • Admin > Import / Export > Contingency Assignments: Updated the Contingency Assignment import so customers can import contingency per Resource Assignment. Removed Contingency from the Resource Assignment import as it breaks Dash360. All Contingency import must now be done via Contingency Assignment importing.

v2.13 Release Notes

Features & Small Enhancements

  • ScheduleSchedule Builder: Added a new feature that allows you to build your own schedule right in Dash360. Add tasks, milestones and plan out your project's schedule easily.
  • Gantt Chart menu item and page has been renamed Schedule > Schedule Viewer. This is to coincide more with what users do on this page - view the Schedule.
  • Schedule Viewer Performance: Rebuilt the Gantt chart to allow the system to support over 10K+ activities in a single view.
  • ReportingCost Estimate Detail Report: Added expand and collapse sections to this report so you can show and hide sections.
  • Format 1030 Report: Added the ability to Save, Load, Import and Export custom views on this report much as it exists today on other Dash360 reports.
  • AdminProjects > Registry: A special request was made by our customer CMB-S4 (Berkley) to allow them to change the word Contingency through out the application and hide the Override Contingency capability. A number of new Registry fields were added to allow this to occur. Also added the ability to hide every section of the Cost Estimating Form.
  • Import / Export > WBS Dictionary: Added the WBS Name to the WBS Dictionary Import & Export file.
  • Import / Export > WBS Dictionary: Added the Project filter allowing you to export a single project's WBS Dictionary.
  • Bug FixesEstimating > Cost Estimating Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignments: LCCF reported a bug where values were not equaling the total amount expected. For example, you would enter a nonlabor resource with 1 unit spread across 12 months with a total amount of 300K. The system before this fix may calculate that to 299,999.70. This occurred because 1/12 = .08333333 into infinity. We then add up those .083333 and you don't get a perfect 1 unit value. Then, we'd use that new unit number to calculate the total and thus the system would be off by a little bit. The bigger the number, the more the miscalculation. The system now handles this by insuring that the total unit that you entered (1 in this case) is actually what it uses. It does this by putting the difference of the .0833333 into the last month of the resource assignment. So, months 1-11 will have .083333 as their unit and month 12 will have .0888343. That is enough to correct the issue in these odd cases.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form > Add / Edit Resource Assignment: There was a bug with the Contingency that would sometimes wipe out the contingency for a Resource Assignment when modifying a record. This caused contingency values (factors and multipliers) to be deleted from a Resource Assignment even when they once existed. This has now been corrected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form: As an administrator, if you selected a WBS that had no Work Packages assigned to it and you clicked the Process Icon, the Request a Work Package menu option was the only option that appeared. This menu option should only show up for CAMs. Instead, an Admin should see the Create a Work Package and Assign an Existing Work Package menu items. The system has been corrected to show the correct options in this use case.
  • Estimating > WBS Dictionary: Fixed a bug for CAM users that was showing duplicate entries per WBS.
  • Admin > Projects > Resource Codes > Resource Assignments for Resource Codes link: When opening this modal, the dates were not correctly following the admin Registry dateFormat value. This has been corrected and now allows the Admin to display the dates in the correct format.

v2.12.1 Release Notes


  • Earned Value > Performance Index Report: Added a new report that shows the CPI and SPI indicators graphed for the life of the project.
  • SAML Integration: Added a new way for clients to do single sign-on using SAML.

Bug Fixes

  • Admin > Projects > Copy Project: Fixed the copy project feature as it was breaking for some projects with code files that had the same code file attached twice.
  • Schedule > Gantt > Schedule Status Update: Could not add new activity in status update.
  • Admin > Projects > Backup Project: Feature was failing for some clients. It has been corrected.

v2.11.2 Release Notes

  • Quick fix on the CPR. A leftover reference to an old file was causing the CPR not to load. This occurred accidentally when we added the Help documentation. It is now corrected.

v2.11.1 Release Notes

  • Changed Help Icon to launch new Dash360 Help System.

v2.11 Release Notes


  • Cost Estimate Detail Report: A new report that allows the user to view, download and print cost estimate reports in Excel or PDF format. This report is another version of the Work Package Report that is closer in format to what is needed by some clients for a printable Cost Book.

Bug Fixes

  • Copying a project with a name that was previously used for another project that has been deleted throws an error. This error has been corrected.
  • We fixed a UI bug where some tables in the Admin > Projects area that were in a modal would extend outside the modal window on smaller screens. This has been corrected.
  • The Estimating > Work Package Report > Print All feature sometimes through an error for some projects. This has now been corrected so that the Print All works correctly.
  • The Estimating > Cost Estimate Form would allow you to print even though no Work Package was displayed. This caused a blank print screen to show up. This has been resolved.
  • In the Schedule > Gantt Chart, the system should show all resources attached to an activity in the lower resource window pane. It was only showing the first resource. Now, it shows all of them.
  • Admin > Import / Export > Cobra Export: An error was fixed with the export that would throw an input string error. This has been fixed.

v2.10  Release Notes 

  • Fixed Resource Calculations Restore
  • Enable editing the WBS Tree from the Estimating > WBS Tree menu item + add permissions to only allow CAMs to edit the WBS dictionary elements they have access to.

v2.09  Release Notes 


  • Staffing Plan - The Staffing Plan now has a Years and Months toggle. When Years is selected, the grid changes to show Years as headers and FTE amounts in FTE years. When the Months version is selected, the grid changes to show Months as headers and FTE amounts in FTE Months. The datagrid has also been setup to allow you to fix (or freeze) columns to the left-hand side to allow for easy horizontal scrolling when in months view.
  • Cost Estimating Reports -> Cost Summary Report: Add Signature Steps columns to the report if they are properly setup for the project in the Admin > Project > Edit Project tab. When the columns are shown, they show the current signoff date in the report. If there is no signoff for that step, the column is left empty.
  • Cost Estimate Form -> Rename Work Package: If a work package was renamed and you used the same WP number in the New Work Package Number field, the system would show an error message saying that work package number was already in use. Now, this same action will just ignore the WP number entry and change the description to whatever you enter in the New Work Package Description field.
  • WBS Tree: Add a WBS Level filter to the WBS Tree in the Estimating section. This allows you to quickly filter the tree down to that level of the WBS.

Risk Register

  • The Risk Register heat maps were not always showing the correct numbers. This has been corrected so the heatmaps correctly pull in the correct risk total per range.


  • WBS Dropdown Search - Whenever you search in the WBS dropdown filter, you can now search within the WBS string. This means you can now search WBS Descriptions. In the past, you could only search by WBS number.
  • Converted the Copy Project stored procedure to a .NET service for easier debugging and maintenance.

v2.07 Release Notes 

Data Grids

  • Added WBS Level deduping to all data grids with WBS Level fields. This feature allows multiple levels of the WBS to be shown in the datagrid and the system now removes any duplicates (or empty) WBS levels. The Export to Excel feature was also updated to remove these duplicates. For customers whose WBS & WP are the same, the system also removes the duplicated WBS level from the Excel file when it matches the WP Number.


  • Admin > Import / Export: Added Work Package Name, WP Start and WP Finish to Cost Estimate Export
  • Admin > Import / Export: Added Risk Register import and export options
  • Admin > Backup / Restore Project: Added Risk Register data
  • Admin > Resources > Bulk Edit - Deleting a Resource Result from a copied Resource Calculation through an error. It now correctly deletes the result.


  • The release number in the lower left-hand portion of the screen now takes the user to the release notes section in the Dash360 Support Center.

v2.08 Release Notes 


  • The Backup and Restore Project process now includes all Dash360 tables. This added some missing tables that were less frequently used.
  • Risk Item Import: There was an error importing risk items. This has now been corrected.


  • Cost Estimate Form > Rename Work Package: This feature would not allow you to just rename the Work Package Number or the Work Package Title. You had to do both at the same time. The system now allows you to use either the New Work Package Number or the New Work Package Title fields to respectively change just that element. The system also was throwing an error about the WP already existing when renaming the WP Title. This has also been corrected.

v2.06 Release Notes 

New Features

  • Estimating > WBS Tree - There is a new WBS Tree page under the estimating section that allows you to see the full WBS Tree for a project. This allows all CAMs to see the tree. The tree is not editable from this page (only from the Admin > Projects > Edit Project > WBS tab).
  • User Settings > Profile > Start Up Page - A new user setting has been created that allows each user to select their default startup page. This setting overrides the Admin > Registry > Start Up Page setting defined by the admin. If no user or registry setting is set, then the Dashboard page is shown by default.
  • Earned Value > RAM - The RAM has been updated to now include saved user views. It also is the first fully functional pivot grid in Dash360.
  • Admin > Import / Export > Import / Export User Security - A new import and export method has been built to allow admins to assign user security to existing users in Dash360. Note that this functionality does not allow you to add, edit or delete user accounts, just set the security for existing users. User accounts can still only be added, edited or deleted from within the UI.

Small Enhancements / Bug Fixes


  • Copy Project now also copies any Risk Register data.
  • Added the Resource Code Description to all exports where the Resource Code ID is exported.
  • Admin > Export > Resource Assignment Linear export - A new export has been added that downloads all resource assignments as a single record instead of in the new time-phased version. The export has a total of all units and the total loaded cost of each resource assignment. It is important to note that nonlinear resource assignments also appear in this list. If this export is used to re-import resource assignments, any non-linear resource assignments will be turned linear.
  • Admin > Export > Resource Assignment - Added a Total Cost field to the export. This field shows the total burdened cost for each resource assignment month in the export. This field is not used for importing, just for informational purposes.
  • Admin > Resource Codes > Bulk Edit Resource Codes - Fixed an issue where bulk editing resource codes was accidentally trying to bulk edit resource codes not in the same resource file. This caused an error message to appear. This has now been fixed.
  • Admin > Users - If a user's email address is changed, the NormalizedEmail field is now also updated.


  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form - Schedule Uncertainty duration fields (Min, Most Likely and Max Duration) now default to the default duration value if left empty.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Form - Users hidden in the Admin > Users section were not being hidden from the Cost Estimating Form > CAM dropdown list.
  • Estimating > WP Report - Fixed a bug that was preventing the Detailed report type from printing when Print All was selected.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports - Added the WBS Number, Description and Number + Description columns to the Cost Summary, Notebook Quality and Contingency Assignment reports.
  • Estimating > Cost Estimating Reports - In some cases, the Contingency % in the Cost Summary Report was not displaying even if a Contingency value was present. This has been corrected.

Multiple Areas

  • Saved User Views - Dash360 now allows you to change a system view and then save it as a user view with all of your changes saved. Before this release, you had to first copy a system view and make a user view. Only then could you change the user view and have your changes saved. This makes the saved views much more intuitive.
  • Admin > Registry > Default Registry > CAM registry value - Changing the CAM registry value to another value (ex: Project Manager) now updates the word CAM across the Earned Value, Estimating, Schedule and other non-Admin areas of the product.
  • Notebook fields that display in the Cost Estimating Reports, WP Report and other reports now have their HTML tags stripped out of the value. This makes for a more visually appealing display of these fields.
  • Notification - When an admin user clicks on a Pending Cost Estimate notification, the system now takes the admin to the Admin > Pending Cost Estimates tab. Before it was taking the admin to the Projects tab.

Release Notes for v2.05

Risk Register

  • Added Filters to Risk Register History modal
  • Added Risk Burn Down charts for both cost and schedule


  • Cost Estimating Form -> Add / Edit Resource Assignment: Setup the form so Save & Add Another creates multiple resource assignments. It was only creating one each time.
  • Cost Estimating Reports: The "Create New User View" link was throwing a JS error. This has been fixed and the feature now works as expected..


  • Fixed a bug with the Bulk Edit of Resource Codes that sometimes accidentally selected the wrong resource codes. This would cause odd behavior in the popup modal which has now been corrected.

v2.04 Release Notes

Risk Register

  • Dash360 now has a Risk Register! Track the risks for your project quickly and easily using our new Risk Register data grid. Add, Edit and Delete risks.
  • View Risk Register Heat Maps that show risk distribution based on cost & schedule impact.
  • Run Monte Carlo simulations against your risk register and see graphs showing you various outcomes for your project based on your risk data.
  • The system also keeps track of every change you make to a risk with a real delta detection system. This allows you to easily track changes to risks throughout the life of your project. Dash360 shows these risk changes as old and new value pairs per field with a date timestamp, which user changed the value and what the old and new value were for that risk.

Uncertainty Class

  • A new Edit Project -> Duration tab has been built that allows the admin to setup Uncertainty Classes for Schedule Durations for a project's schedule. This feature allows you to define a min, max and most likely factor duration groupings that can then be selected by users in the Cost Estimate Form -> Schedule section when adding tasks to the schedule. When the user selects an uncertainty class, the system automatically select the min, most likely and max factor and applies the percentage against the entered duration. The system then saves the corresponding min, most likely and max duration result from the class selection. Schedule imports and exports also have been updated to include these new uncertainty min, most likely and max durations.

Choose a Startup Page

  • Startup Page - There is a new Registry setting that allows the Admin to choose which page should be the startup page for their installation. This setting must be set in the Default registry because it is system-wide (instead of based on project).

Dashboard Speed Improvement with Caching

  • Dashboard - The Dashboard was enhanced to make it load faster (a 300% improvement). Also, the Dashboard data is now cached and updated every 1 hour automatically. This also has improved overall Dashboard performance. The date / time that the data was cached is also shown on the screen. There is also has a refresh button on the Dashboard that allows any user to refresh the cache (in case changes have made the dashboard data stale). There is also a dashboard cache refresh registry setting that allows the admin to choose how long to cache the dashboard data in minutes.

Hide User Account

  • Admin -> Users -> Add / Edit User - We now have a hide user account feature. This allows you to create a user and then hide that user from all dropdown list in the front end of the product. Some customers requested this feature to hide some admins from the frontend of the system while still allowing those users to login.

Other Small Enhancements / Bug Fixes


  • Cost Estimate Form: There was a small bug that allowed CAMs to progress to creating a work package instead of requesting a work package. This would happen if the CAM selected a Project, then a WBS and then clicked the process icon and then the Create a Work Package option. The system has been updated to not allow the CAM to create a work package from the frontend system. They must request a work package and have an Admin approve it.
  • Cost Estimate Form -> View Estimate Total Summaries - The popup cost widget now shows an orange hyperlink over the Labor, Non-Labor and Travel text. When you hover over this text, the system shows you a breakdown of the total costs per resource result (FTEs, Direct, Escalation, etc) for each resource type (labor, nonlabor, travel).
  • Cost Estimate Form -> Add / Edit Resource Assignment - Fixed a weird bug where copying and pasting into the Add / Edit Resource Assignment form would create an image upload with the data that you copied into a file upload. The system no longer performs this odd "feature".
  • Cost Estimate Form -> Labor, Non-Labor and Travel sections - We added unit totals to each summary totals box. So, you now have the unit and total cost for each shown on the Cost Estimating Form.
  • Cost Estimate Form -> General Comments / Date Last Updated - Updated the dates & timestamps so they show the user's timezone. This only applies to the dates and times on the Date Last Updated and General Comments sections.
  • Copy Non-Labor / Travel Resource Assignment Unit Cost Bug Fix - Corrected a bug with copied nonlabor and travel resource assignments. To reproduce this odd bug, the user had to copy a non-labor or travel resource assignments who had a resource code whose Direct rate was set to > 1. Then, after copying the resource assignment, the user would have to change the Resource Code for the copied RA to a new Resource Code also with a Direct Rate > 1. In this case, the system would not update the Unit Cost display field to the new Direct rate.
  • Cost Estimate Form / WP Report: Added a CAM Permissions field that allows admins to select a CAM and see all of their permissions in the system. This is really just a frontend shortcut to see all of the permissions for that CAM from the frontend of the product. Also, changed the CAM filter so that all users can now see it. This allows CAMs to filter the front-end WP Report by themselves or other CAMs.
  • Cost Estimating Reports - Added separate Work Package Number & Description columns to most reports. Also added WBS Levels to most reports.
  • Work Package Report: Added the WBS Dictionary to the WP Report. The Export to Excel feature now also downloads the Resource Assignment details if the user is viewing the Detailed version of the report and chooses to export to Excel.
  • Staffing Plan Report: Added multiple hidden columns to the report for Resource ID and Resource Description.
  • The loading graphic was shrunk down to a small size.
  • The file upload tool used to show NaN for the file size for existing files. The file size has now been removed from the display.
  • The Estimating > Cost Book Report has been removed from the system. It was almost identical to the more robust Work Package Report.
  • FTEs / FTE (Months) - A few labels were changed in the system to signify FTEs vs FTE (Months).

Earned Value

  • CPR -> Load Previous Reporting Periods - this feature was throwing a javascript error when the system did not have a previous period. It is now fixed.
  • Earned Value -> RAM: You can now see the RAM for the Current Budget - making it a useful report even before you have Earned Value data.


  • Format 1030 Report: You can now show non-currency fields (ex: FTEs) on the report. Also added new subtotal lines to the report.


  • Copy Project - Enhanced the Copy Project feature to include more tables in the copy. Also, fixed errors with Signature Steps not getting backed up correctly.
  • Backup Project - Added links to the Cost Estimate and Resource Assignment links spreadsheets in the Backup Project file. This allows the admin to see and download all of the files in a project.
  • Bulk Edit - Fixed the select all functionality so that if you filter the results, only the filtered results are selected when you select all.
  • Copy Resource Calculation - When you copy a resource calculation, now the Format 1030 code is also copied if it exists.
  • A Registry attribute was added to allow you to hide the old Activity ID and Activity Phase columns. These columns have been replaced by the Activity IDs field which allows Cost and Schedule integration. We have left the fields in place for now as existing customers do have some pertinent data in the old Activity ID and Activity Phase fields.
  • Admin -> Rates: There was a javascript error after deleting a rateset. The rateset would get deleted, but the screen would not properly refresh. This has been corrected.
  • Admin -> Edit Project -> Resource File - A bug would occur if the admin had a project with existing resource assignments and changed the projects resource file. The system would not automatically update all of the resource assignments to point to the corresponding resource codes in the new file (it would still have the resource assignments point to the old resource codes in the old file). This would then break the Edit Resource Assignment screen. This has been corrected. Now, when a new Resource File is selected for an existing project with resource assignments, the system correctly updates all resource assignments to point at the new corresponding resource codes. In order for this to work, resource codes in both files must have the exact same resource code name (Resource Id).

v2.03 Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • In the Resource Calculations area, the first result in a calculation no longer shows a Rate Set dropdown field. The Resource Calculations never supported a rate set for the first resource result. However, some users set one accidentally which caused confusion when their calculations did not calculate properly.
  • The Copy Project feature now allows you to copy Permissions from one project to another. There were also 13 more tables added to the Copy Project functionality - most of them new Earned Value tables that existing customers have not started using yet.
  • If you had 2 or more projects with different rate files but the same rate set names, then changing a rate set name in one rate file would accidentally change that name in all rate files. This even occurred with locked projects. This has now been corrected.
  • When an admin changes a rate set name, the system now looks for the old rate set name in any resource calculations for this rate file and updates it to it's new value. This means you can now change rate set names without breaking your existing resource calculations.

New Features

Format 1030 Report

  • There is now a Registry item to turn on Format 1030 Reports. It is turned off by default. If it is turned off, the system does not show the Reporting menu item or the Format 1030 Report menu item. If it is turned on, both show up. In the Admin, you also get the ability to assign a Format 1030 Code File and apply it to Resource Results, Resource Codes or Resource Calculations.

Edit WBS Dictionary from the Cost Estimating Form

  • There is now a new section on the Cost Estimating Form called WBS Dictionary. This section allows any user with write access to a Work Package to edit the WBS Dictionary fields. If a project has no WBS Dictionary Notebook fields set for the project, then this section does not show up on the Cost Estimating Form.

Bulk Edit on Resource Codes

  • The Admin > Resources area now shows checkboxes next to each Resource Code. If you click a series of checkboxes, the Bulk Edit and Bulk Delete options will appear. Clicking Bulk Edit allows you to assign new values to all of the resource codes selected. Important: This does overwrite any values previously entered for these Resource Codes, so please use sparingly. The Bulk Edit Resource Code Form also allows you to bulk assign Resource Calculations to all selected Resource Codes. A great way to quickly update all resource codes of a specific resource type.

v2.02 Release Notes

  • Fixed Copy Snapshot so that it does not error out.
  • Fixed the WBS Summary Report page so it shows empty and null values as [Empty].

v2.01 Release Notes

  • Had an error with the BOE file uploads on the Resource Assignment add / edit form. The system was not properly allowing you to add / edit BOEs for non-labor and travel.
  • In the Admin > Users area, an error message would appear if you tried to assign the same permission (Project, WBS, WP) to the same user. Now, the system replaces the previous permission.
  • When importing Resource Assignments with a Date Range and a Full Duration project setting, the system was not properly dividing the Resource Assignment unit uploaded by the total number of months.
  • For Resource Assignment and Cost Estimate Form uploads, never delete the files from AWS. A JS issue caused files to inadvertenly be deleted off of some client RAs.
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