Project Configuration

Dash360 supports creating a project from scratch using the Dash360 application. Projects can also be imported using the import tab of the Admin section.

  1. Select "Admin"
  2. Select "Projects"
  3. Select "Add a New Project"
    1. This will bring up the Add a Project pop-up. Not everything is required to be filled in to create a project. Detailed below is what is required to create a "shell" of a Project
  4. Enter a Project Name
  5. Enter a Project Description
  6. Choose Calendar or Fiscal from the dropdown
    1. If choosing Fiscal, you will have to provide the starting month of the fiscal year.
  7. Select a Unit Time Phase for Labor, Non-Labor, and Travel
  8. Select the Status Date and Reporting Period for this project
  9. Select the appropriate Registry Set
    1. If this is the first project created in Dash360, use the default registry set
    2. The Registry Set is where Dash360's customizability is defined
  10. Click Save & Close to create the project.

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